Chapter 12

1294 Words

Chapter Twelve Jo looked around as the door to the medical unit opened. Shavic has been in just a few minutes earlier to check on Jane. Since the young girl in the bed hadn’t awakened yet, they were calling her Jane Doe. Personally, Jo thought she looked a little like a Jane. While the girl hadn’t opened her eyes, Jo suspected that she was aware of what was going on around her. Jo smiled in amusement as Manota stood in the doorway, looking at her as if he was unsure of his welcome. She knew Kev must have told him about her discovery of Annie Cabot in the detention cell and Jade Ryan, who had escaped from where Kev had locked her in his living quarters. Jade had followed Perry as he rode his unicycle around the warship. Perry wanted to set a record to be the first human unicyclist to rid

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