Chapter 10-1

1049 Words

Chapter Ten “Kev, what appears to be the problem?” Manota called out in aggravation as he walked back down the loading platform. He was in a foul mood. His warship was open for all to see, practically defenseless at the moment as close to a hundred humans moved equipment, animals, and other items up the loading ramps. He couldn’t keep the cloaking shields up as it drained the crystals they used to power it. He had ordered the Seeker to resettle along the outer banks of the lake near where a series of huge semi-tractor trailers, as he found out they were called, had parked. He had never seen such organized chaos in his life, not even before a battle. The sounds of exotic animals mixed with the shouts of men and women working in unison. They were backing trailers and equipment up the load

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