Chapter 22

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Alpha Thane's point of view       When Lily asked if we would become the royal pack it took everything in me not to cry. I was so proud of my pack that she wanted to give us this honor, I was actually speechless. Of course I will have to talk to the pack about this and I hope they agree, but if not then we will continue to be a pack that serves the royal family. My son is going to be the king of the fae, I am so proud of him. He deserves this, he is an amazing boy.      I look up and realize that they are all staring at me so I clear my thoughts and concentrate. "I will have to talk with the pack, but I think its a great honor." My wife grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze, I look over and she is smiling. I look back at Lily and Ryker and they are looking lovingly into each others eyes. I always knew they would have been perfect for each other. Lily looked at me and continued, "I was actually talking to Ry about out party. I was thinking at out birthday party in a couple days I will address the pack and let them know who I am. I have also invited some of my loyal allies from the merpeople, vamps, demons, witches, angels, fairies, other ware packs and a few shapeshifters I have found. I want to come out to the world, I am ready to win this war."       Shocked was beyond what I was feeling, I am proud of her. I think she is ready, she has grown so much while she was gone. "That sounds like a great idea, I am so proud of you dear Lily. We have been training as well and I believe we are ready." Lily's (Maliha) point of view     After the discussion in the alphas office Ryker and I go for a walk and discuss more things about the coming out. I go over how this will all happen and how the pack will become the royal pack. We make our way to the woods and I look up at Ry, "How about a run for your new lycan? Oh you never told me what your lycans name is." He smiles down at me and answers me. "A run sounds amazing my love, and Xander is the name." He said with a smile in his voice and kept walking. I stopped in my tracks and when his hand went back cause he was holding mine, he turns to me. "Is everything ok baby?" He had a look of confusion and worry on his face.      Without realizing it I had tears falling from my eyes. Ry put his finger under my chin and made me look at him. "What is it sweetie, did I say something wrong?" I give him a small smile and shake my head no. "Im sorry baby, its just my fathers name is Xander and I miss them so much." Ry pulls me into a comforting hug and I relax into him. "Im sorry baby I wish I could take away your pain." He pulls away and looks me dead in the eye, "We will defeat this guy and make it all right again."     I smile and push all of my grief and sorrow to the pit of my being. Putting my hand on Ry's cheek and kiss him. As I pull away I tell him, "Thank you baby, now about that run." He smiles and begins to get undressed, but I stopped him. "Babe you don't have to do that anymore, you are a lycan now and a royal one at that." I said while laughing a little bit. He looks up and does the oh thing with his mouth.     We both shift and run into the woods, I follow him cause he knows more about this area. We were running for about five mins when I link him and tell him to follow me. "Keep your mind open to me, think about where I am going and run as fast as you can. Trust me you will love where we go." I take off as fast as I can and look back for a quick second and see he is keeping up. As thing start to get blurry I think of where I want to go. When we get where we are going I stop and look around. I love it here. I look back and see Ry looking around also. I didn't notice before but with the sun shinning I can see Ryker so much better now and he is beautiful. He is a little taller then me, still the smoky grey but with silver all through his fur that made him look like he was sparkling. His tail was all silver like the under side of my tail. His eyes were his amazing emerald green and what got me the most was his nose was silver.      I get his attention "you like it Ry, it's amazing isn't it?" He looks at me with his beautiful eyes and says through our link "It is so amazing, where are we?" I put on my best wolf smile and say, "This is where I found my mothers parents, we are at the Bermuda Triangle. Are you ready to see something more amazing, we need to get in the water now." "I will follow you to the end of the world baby, you don't need to ask." He said with so much love in his voice. With that said I ran into the water and instantly turned into my mermaid. I love the water so much, but I also love running. As I look back I saw Ry was right o my tail.      As we are swimming he grabs a hold of my hand. Even in the water I can feel the warm circular motion he is caressing on my hand with his thumb. I look over at him and he is staring at me with a loving smile. "You are so amazingly beautiful Mahila." My heart was butter and my stomach was flying. This gorgeous man has such an effect on my. Me being who I am I wanted to show off a little bit of my skills. I let go of my hand and swam ahead just a little bit and told him to wait a min. I thought about what I wanted and then I swam back toward him. He had a look of amazement and a little scared look as well.      As I got closer he was backing up a bit and I just chuckled a bit and turned back into myself. He let out a breath and laughed himself. "Oh my god Mahila you scared the crap out of me. I thought the shark was gana eat me. I thought it was you but as you got closer I wasn't so sure. That was awesome, how did you do that?" I kissed him on the cheek and simply said, "I'm a shapeshifter remember. I thought about being a shark and then I was one." His eyes grew just a little with aww, "I wonder if I can become a shifter?" Thinking about it, he has already got my mer abilities maybe he could be a shifter. "Think about being something really hard and see what happens?"      I could see in his eyes he was thinking and thinking and nothing. A bit disappointed he didn't have that ability, I grab his hand and look him in the eyes. "It's ok baby I love you just the way you are." He just smiled at me and we continued to swim. "What is it you were trying to be anyway?" I asked just being curious. He glanced at me with a smile and said, "An octopus, I wanted to see what it would be like to have eight arms." I just laughed and he joined in. "Hey Lea I though you could teleport under water to where ever you wanted to go? Why are we swimming so far if you can just get us there instantly?" Ry asked me with a confused look on his face.     "I can, I just like to swim sometimes and I thought it would give us a chance to swim together and you get use to the merman abilities." I looked at him with a smile an we continued to swim, "so now its Lea huh?" I said with a smile in my voice. He chuckled and told me "Well I have to get first choice in shorting your name and if your going to be Maliha now then I need to find something to call you. I thought Lea was nice, but I am still fond of flower." We both laughed and continued our journey. About an hour into our swim we had arrived to our destination. "Baby we are here," I said looking over at a confused Ryker. I chuckled knowing what he was thinking an continued. "We need to go through the barrier before you will be able to see it. Its a protective barrier just like the one we had over the kingdom. come on," I said the last part while tugging on his hand and he followed.      As we got through the barrier Ryker's eyes almost popped out of his head and all I could do is smile with pride knowing I was able to surprise this man again. I love being able to bring him places and show him what I have been up to the last few years. I did miss him so much, but it had to be done. I did an immense amount of training, I learned to use all of my abilities except the ones I don't have yet. I did learn about what to expect with them. I got so many allies and friends, met some family. Right now we are in a good place to take back the throne. The man that calls himself the rogue king is trying to take the throne over and make people call him the king of all fae. So many are refusing and in hiding, I have found them and they are going to fight this evil with me.     I look over at Ry after I get out of my own head and he looks at me with a look of amazement on his face. "What is this place Lea?" I just smiled and said "Welcome to Atlantis baby."
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