Chapter 11

3175 Words

Chapter 11I woke up lying beside a passed-out, naked man. Tarnation, I was bare-assed too. Not even my sleeping shift. Bits and pieces of the night slowly returned. More whiskey than I’d ever had before. Andre sucking on my pipe. Me returning the favor. My stomach rolled, but it was probably from alcohol still sitting on it. I watched the sleeping figure while pulling on my clothes. Every part of him was exposed to my sight. Andre Tiller was a handsome man. Fair of feature and well-formed. That such a man would covet me was a novel idea. Billy’s admonition against s*x without deep feelings for your partner and Cut Hand’s declaration that a man/man should not lie with a man/man gnawed at my mind. I sat on a hay bale and took pleasure in looking at him. He was a man. No question about it.

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