Chapter 6

2618 Words

Chapter 6We paid for our excesses the next day when the stage bound for Yanube City came in. The coach windows were crammed with arms and elbows. Talk of a railroad strike back east apparently set some folks to trying to get where they wanted to go in front of that kind of bobble. Stagecoach day was always a busy one. The womenfolk saw to the passengers and coachmen while I harnessed a fresh team of big horses to the coach. Pa lent me a hand since Matthew was gone. Curtis and Alex kept on working the farm. Even when the carriage lumbered out of the Mead and headed west toward Yanube City, we still had things to do. Cleaning up and caring for the incoming horses made for a long day. The eats were pretty good because Ma always cooked more than the passengers ate. Ordinarily that would have

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