Chapter 16

3649 Words

Chapter 16Gideon reined Brownie in beside the wagon where he had a clear view of the buckboard’s bed and gave me a fingers-to-the-brim salute. “Headed back home?” I prayed Matthew would remain still. “Need to do a few things in town before setting out for the Mead.” “Still no sign of that Red Star fellow?” “Don’t know any Red Star. If you mean Matthew, he’s a fiddle-foot. Comes and goes. He’ll show up one day. What makes you think he’s Red Star?” “One of the Indians at the Red Cloud Agency claimed this Red Star was from the Fort Yanube area. We don’t know for sure he’s Mr. Brandt. We just need to ask him some questions and clear up a few things.” “So you knew there’s a bunch of Indians living on the Mead, and you came riding out.” “Just—” “I know. Just doing your job. Well, I’ve got

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