Hello, Past, Present, and Future

1513 Words
Seraphine’s POV In the midst of the classroom’s buzzing activity, Lucian’s every move and word held a magnetic power over me. It was as if an invisible force locked my gaze onto him, rendering me unable to look away. There was an inexplicable allure emanating from him, drawing my attention like a moth to a flame. Occasionally, our eyes would meet, and in those fleeting moments, he would subtly narrow his gaze at me, his intentions concealed from prying eyes. Only a select few, fellow werewolves from his pack who happened to be in the same class, could sense their watchful eyes upon me. Undoubtedly, it was Lucian’s command, a futile attempt to keep tabs on me. But their surveillance was in vain. I had entered this educational realm to unravel the mysteries of my human mother, to comprehend her essence and connect with her on a profound level. Her presence had always been an enigma to me, as her life was cut short during childbirth, leaving behind mere fragments of stories conveyed by her closest confidant, James, who happened to be my father’s dearest friend as well. The circumstances surrounding my birth were shrouded in secrecy, and my father’s powerful stature had silenced any questions directed his way. Many harbored a bitter resentment towards me, believing I didn’t deserve the gift of immortality, claiming I should have perished alongside my mother. These individuals, aware of my true nature as a vampire, treated me with disdain, casting me aside as if I were a worthless outcast, forever unworthy of the supernatural existence I possessed. As the final bell chimed, signaling the end of class, my eyes remained fixated on Lucian, incapable of tearing away from his magnetic presence. Lost in my thoughts, I was oblivious to the world around me, unaware of the approaching trio of girls until they stood right in front of me. Raising my gaze, I beheld the middle girl, her delicate hand extending towards me. Nestled between her slender fingers, she held a card adorned with a mesmerizing array of symbols. Each one was meticulously etched into her fingertips, embodying the essence of witchcraft in all its intricate beauty. The index finger bore a miniature crescent moon, an emblem of intuition and the enigmatic secrets concealed within the night. Gracefully displayed on her middle finger, a pentacle boasted its five points, representing the elemental forces of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Delicate as a spider’s web, a spiral graced her ring finger, symbolizing transformation and the eternal cycle of growth. On her dainty pinky finger, a tightly woven knot guarded against malevolent energies, acting as a shield of protection. And nestled in the palm of her hand, an all-seeing eye gazed back at me, signifying clairvoyance and a profound connection to realms of higher knowledge. These symbols transcended mere marks on flesh; they were conduits for energy and intention. With a touch, a flick, or a subtle gesture, their magic could be summoned, allowing the wielder to shape reality according to their will. Each symbol served as a profound testament to the witch’s strength and wisdom, an eternal reminder of the potent power that lay dormant within them. To my astonishment, I realized that the two other girls by her side bore the same symbols, adorning their fingertips with a captivating tapestry of arcane significance. However, my attention soon shifted to the pendant that hung delicately from neck. Its captivating allure bewitched my senses, drawing me into a world of ancient power and mystique. It was no ordinary piece of jewelry; it was a witch’s pendant, an embodiment of potent enchantments and untold secrets. Fashioned from aged silver, its surface shimmered with a labyrinth of symbols and glyphs that seemed to dance and intertwine, their profound meanings only known to those initiated in their arcane language. Bathed in the dim light, the pendant exuded an aura of timeless elegance, whispering promises of hidden knowledge and untapped potential. In that pivotal moment, a rush of understanding swept through me, unveiling the genuine essence of the individual standing right in front of me. Without thinking, my fingers stretched out, gently embracing the corners of the card that cradled the secrets of bygone days, the unfolding now, and the mysteries that lay ahead. Amid a blend of excitement and unease, I drew in a slow, steadying breath and softly spoke, “Hello, Past, Present and Future.” As if choreographed by destiny itself, a harmonious chorus of voices echoed in perfect synchrony, resonating with the rich tapestry of emotions that swirled in the air. “Hello, Seraphine,” they greeted me, their words enveloping my senses like a gentle caress. It was as if the very essence of time had materialized, and I found myself embraced by its ethereal presence. A smile, warm and genuine, graced my lips as I exchanged a wordless dance of recognition with these ethereal beings. Their presence filled the classroom, their otherworldly grace apparent in the way they moved. With a subtle nod, they acknowledged me before gracefully departing, leaving behind an intriguing card in my hand. As I examined it, I discovered an invitation to a mesmerizing tarot reading party they were hosting later tonight. The address on the card hinted at its association with the Lucian’s Pack. My mind buzzed with curiosity, for I never fathomed that the embodiment of Past, Present, and Future would come to this school. Why had these guardians of time chosen this place? Could there be an underlying current of events unfolding, unbeknownst to me? The beings known as Past, Present, and Future were unlike any mortal creatures. They were the children of Time and Death, possessing an intimate knowledge of individuals they encountered. However, each had their unique way of unveiling the secrets of existence. Past, with a delicate touch of her hands, had the power to unveil an individual’s entire past, unraveling the intricacies and experiences that shaped them. Present, with a penetrating gaze into one’s heart, had the ability to discern the unfolding of the present moment, peering into the currents of fate and possibility. And Future, in order to unveil the tapestry of what lay ahead, held the peculiar requirement of kissing someone, though not necessarily on their lips, as any part of their body would suffice. Through this intimate act, she could divine the path that awaited them. I eagerly scanned the room, my eyes searching for any sign of Lucian’s presence. However, to my disappointment, he had vanished without a trace. Disappointment washed over me, momentarily dimming my excitement for the evening. Tonight held the promise of a potential encounter with Lucian, and the anticipation had fueled a radiant smile on my face. As I made my way towards my lockers, lost in my thoughts, my gaze inadvertently wandered and fixated on a particular scene unfolding before me. Suddenly, a vivid tableau materialized in my mind, as if projected onto the canvas of my imagination. Two individuals stood locked in an intense, passionate embrace, their lips melding together in a fervent display of desire. The male’s left shoulder bore a distinctive mark, unmistakably the telltale sign of a vampire’s bite. In the depths of the moment, I could almost taste the bittersweet sensation of their connection, as the girl’s lips gently grazed the mark, a gesture filled with a profound depth of emotion that resonated within me. A gasp escaped my lips, breaking the hold of the vivid vision, and I returned to the present, my eyes readjusting to reality. Standing before me, a vision in his own right, was Vesperus with a captivating smile gracing his face. In his hand, he held a card, a invitation to the same tarot reading party I was invited to tonight. “Why would they invite you?” I couldn’t help but blurt out, unable to conceal my incredulity. Vesperus simply smirked, his self-assured demeanor shining through. “Why wouldn’t they? Look at me,” he replied, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes in response, unwilling to indulge his conceit any further. I continued on my path towards the lockers, my footsteps resonating with a sense of determination. Vesperus, ever persistent, trailed closely behind, his voice trailing after me like an echo. “Let’s go together, after all, I am living with you,” he proposed, attempting to sway my decision. My body tensed, and I abruptly turned away, my gaze narrowing as I fixed an unwavering stare at him. With a firmness that brooked no argument, I muttered a resolute “No.” His smile widened, as if he relished the challenge of my resistance. “Yes, it will be fun,” he insisted, his words hanging in the air. And with that, he departed, leaving me fuming next to my locker, a tempest of emotions swirling within me. In that moment, I silently yearned for the power to erase him from my existence, to extinguish the spark of annoyance that he ignited with every interaction.
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