A Glimpse of the Council

1316 Words

Seraphine’s POV In the midst of Storm, Liz, Vesperus, and the others drawing near, the scent of Liz hung in the air, steadily intensifying, stirring a whirlwind of emotions inside me. It was as if her fragrance reached deep within and tugged at something primal. I could feel Lucian’s heart quickening its rhythm as she continued to approach, her aroma engulfing me, a desire welling up to bury my head between her shoulders and immerse myself further in that enchanting scent. What was happening to me within Lucian’s body? I wondered, oblivious to the fact that I had been gazing at Liz throughout this entire internal struggle. Shaking myself from this unexpected reverie, I blinked rapidly, attempting to contain this unfamiliar sensation. My gaze shifted to Lucian, who was giving me an od

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