Frenemies at the Doorstep

1550 Words

Seraphine’s POV “Don’t say that, Seraphine. You’re breaking my heart,” Storm said, his voice tinged with feigned sorrow, while he placed a hand dramatically over his chest. As he uttered those words, a torrent of conflicting emotions washed over me. I knew he couldn’t truly be heartbroken; they had never cared for the monster I had become, nor the terrible deeds I had committed. Deep down, I couldn’t entirely blame Storm for everything; it was my fault. I was the one who had recklessly bitten that innocent human, unleashing my insatiable thirst and taking my first life. The guilt gnawed at my conscience, but I couldn’t escape my own nature. My jaw clenched tightly, and I felt my elongated teeth pierce into my lip. Desperate to keep the fragile peace and spare Lucian from more trouble, I

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