Ancient Secrets and Unveiled Identities

1509 Words

Third Perspective “Don’t make me laugh, the sleepers,” Vesperus scoffed, his voice dripping with skepticism. “They’re just a fanciful tale parents use to hush their children to sleep.” His laughter waned as he noticed the stony silence that had fallen over the assembled council. Not a single soul joined in. “Who exactly are these ‘sleepers’?” Seraphine inquired, her gaze flickering briefly to Vesperus. A nagging curiosity tugged at her, hinting that he held knowledge she did not. Though she had parents, their presence in her life had been scant at best. Her mother’s memory was but a fleeting wisp, vanishing before she could grasp it, and her father’s indifference left a profound void. They were hardly the kind to spin bedtime tales about mysterious sleepers during her formative years. S

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