A Shocking Turn of Events

1545 Words

Seraphine’s POV “Vesperus, what on earth are you thinking?” I hissed through clenched teeth, battling my way through the throng of werewolves to confront him. As I drew nearer, Vesperus let out a sigh of relief, clutching the lifeless werewolf’s heart tightly in his hand. My gaze fixated on the gruesome sight he held, and he quickly pivoted, dropping the heart onto the now still body of the werewolf behind him, leaving a gaping hole where its heart once resided. I grasped Vesperus’s hand firmly, my anger simmering beneath the surface as I struggled to contain the turmoil inside me. “Why did you have to kill him?” My voice quivered with a mixture of frustration and desperation. Vesperus met my eyes, his remorseful gaze mirroring the gravity of the situation. “It’s not my fault, Seraphin

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