The Necklace of Sunfire

1442 Words

Seraphine’s POV I gazed at my own body, watching as the lines of time slowly etched their presence upon it, tracing the undeniable marks of aging. Lucian lay on the ground, struggling within my form, and the once vibrant spark in my eyes had now faded, replaced by a subtle hint of old age. From within my borrowed vessel, Lucian’s voice emerged, tinged with panic and confusion. “I feel weaker, as if my strength is slipping away.” A sinister laughter echoed through the air, originating from none other than Liz. “Oh, ain’t this a hoot! This body swap, it’s got more twists than a pretzel, don’t it? A gift that just keeps on givin’,” she remarked, her amusement palpable and adding to the disarray of the already bewildering situation. Despite inhabiting Lucian’s body, I couldn’t help but nar

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