1977 Words

That obdurate stupid man! “What do you mean gone?” Ella whispered in a horrified voice as emotion clogged at her throat preventing the words from exploding. “Gone where? Brad, what the hell did you do to him?! Answer me, damn it!” Brad frowned down at her in total incomprehension, but she was too frantic with worry to care about the display of her feelings right now. All she was concerned about was the fact that Sam had gone to confront the Mongrels on his own. “I’m not sure why you’re freaking out. I did nothing to him. Just told him to stay away from you.” Ella’s narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him – she’d been crying the whole day after leaving Sam’s room the other night and had locked herself in her room to deal with the pain. How could Sam still want to reject her after what th

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