Chapter 7

1314 Words
Dearne knocked on the door at 12pm, just as Kadence was sticking up her last poster. The room was brightly decorated with visual aides to engage the children; yet felt like a private sanctuary she never wanted to leave. Kadence turned her brightest smile on Dee, as she wiped the sweat from her forehead on the back of her hand. “Hot one, isn’t she?’ Dee stated about the weather. “Please tell me this is just a freak heat wave and not your every day weather?” Kadence asked already knowing the answer. Dee shrugged her shoulders, “Best I just don’t answer that one then, hey? The boys have brought lunch, I hope you like pizza.” She rubbed her grumbling tummy. “Love it.” Kadence replied, the women laughing as her stomach growled loudly. The women followed the tantalising smell of pizza and Kadence almost crawled the rest of the way to the table where the pizza was laying with the lids open ready. Mike sat on a chair in front of the pizzas, slice almost at his mouth when Dee cleared her throat and raised an eyebrow. “Sorry hun, I’m starving,” he looked guiltily at her and then looked over at Kadence, “Sorry for my bad manners, but she’s worked me like a dog this morning both at the farm and here. But Matt did mention you were up before the rooster was crowing to get started on your room, so I feel you may understand my pain.” He grinned childishly at her and she couldn’t help but laugh. Kadence walked over and grabbed a slice up from the box and popped it in her mouth, groaning as her tastebuds screamed at her for more, “Don’t wait on my account.” She winked at Mike getting him off the hook for being the first to eat. “It’s better when it’s hot.” And sat in the seat opposite him to allow his wife to sit beside him. Matt just grinned and shook his head from where he was pouring everyone’s drinks, she was part of the gang already. Conversation struck up again once Matt had handed out all the drinks and they all consumed what Kadence exaggerated to be their weight in pizza; about all different topics, some already asked by Matt this morning, like how her first night went in the cottage to the snake in her classroom, to learning a little bit about farm life and the different roles they play in the community. “Matt and I focus mainly on heifers, whereas my sister, Bi, is about to start her own mini venture into merino sheep.” Mike explained before popping some more pizza into his mouth. “Dee here is the lifeblood of the station of course, because she keeps us fed and managers the calves whose mother’s have kicked the bucket, for various different reasons.” “So, you mean when they birth and have complications?” Amanda found herself intrigued to find out more; fascinated as they sounded so much like humans. “Yeah, complications during birth, for one. Dingoes and other feral dogs’ farmers have released into the wild who are just looking for an easy meal. Old age as well of course, infection or bloat.” He finished looking down at his hands, then looked up at Matt, “Found Betsy this morning down the back, bloat.” He looked down again. “Sorry, mate.” Matt pat him on the back, “She was one of the good ones.” Dee filled Kadence in and the men discussed doing a walk around of the property to ensure there were no deadly weeds to cause bloat, “Besty was Mike’s favourite, she had quite a character and was always up to mischief when he was in the yard. I once videoed her running off with the bale of hay with him chasing behind her; she didn’t intend to eat it, just to stir him up a bit.” Dee had a little giggle and Kadence smiled as she pictured the big Mike chasing after a rogue cow. “All the tools she’s flicked over the fence while he was mending fences, she makes me smile. I’ll miss bringing the stories to school for the children.” Dee looked down with a sniff but recovered quickly. “So, tell me about Richard?” Dee asked cheekily with a wink, “I imagine him to be tall, dark and handsome.” Matt ears pricked at the mention of Kadence’s partner, trying and failing to keep his focus on his conversation with Mike. Kadence took a moment to think about what to say, fully aware Matt was sitting less than a metre away, “Well, not quite.” She rubbed her lips together. “Richard is British, so definitely not dark but he is tall. He’s an accountant on the climb up the corporate ladder, so under a lot of pressure, but you know,” she shrugged her shoulders pretending not to care, “we all need to make our own path in life.” “And is that what you’re doing? Making your path in life?” Dee asked, eyes searching. “Well, I’ve always wanted to see what it was like working in the country and this opportunity came up for a grabbed it.” Kadence answered a little hesitant where this conversation was heading. “And Richard was happy to support this dream of yours?” Dee pursued, ignoring Kadence’s uncomfortable fidgeting. “Sure, well not totally, but I decided I needed to do this for me.” She finished a little stronger. Dee watched her new friend carefully for a few minutes, flicked a quick glance towards Matt who she was pleased to see had been tuned into the conversation, before deciding to change the subject, “You’re coming to the rodeo next Saturday, aren’t you?” she asked and watched Kadence’s surprise at the sudden change. “Oh, umm, sure. Why not.” She finished weakly. “Goodie, have you been to one before?” Dee asked a little excited. “Not, I haven’t actually. So, I’m not really sure what to expect but it should be exciting to get a taste of country fun.” “You are going to love it. Hot men riding bulls and bronc’s,” Kadence made a mental note to look u what bronc’s are, “plus there’s women showing off their skills in the barrel racing as well. Lots of different events and plenty of food and grog to consume,” she smiled wickedly. “OH wow, sounds like a full-on event, definitely count me in.” Kadence agreed then reconsidered, “Providing my car is ready, anyway. I might give Ray a call and see if I might be better off hiring a car for a little while.” “Not to worry, one of us will collect you if it’s not, I wouldn’t worry about a hire car love.” Dee waved her hand as though expelling all concerns. “Oh, I can’t keep expecting you to come to my beck and call…” Kadence began but Matt cut in. “Actually, one of my stable hands has just gone on leave so I have a spare ute if you can drive a manual?” Matt interjected. “I can, but I couldn’t…” she tried again, but Dee silenced her again. “That’s perfect, good thinking Matt.” Dee clapped, “You could take Kadie back out to the farm with you today to pick it up, how handy!” Matt eyed her suspiciously, but Dee just smiled back sweetly. “Of course,” he looked back at Kadence, “Just let me know whenever you are ready, and we can head off.” “You were actually just hanging up your last poster, weren’t you Kadence?” “Oh, well, yes I guess I was.” Kadence said mildly confused. She felt her life being taken out of her hands again, but this time by a seemingly well-meaning woman. “If you are ready, then yes of course I am too.” “Just have to grab my gear, so I’ll meet you out the front in 5?” Matt asked looking directly at Kadence and she felt heat prickle her skin. Nervously anxious about sitting in the confines of a ute with this intoxicating man and going to his house of all things. “Yep, not a problem.” She said and with a nod he was gone.
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