Chapter 9

884 Words
“Matt speaking,” he answered. “Hey Mattie, just checking if you were still keen to lend a hand with the fences today? asked Bianca. She didn’t really need the help but any chance to get some quality time in with Matt was worth the incompetence title, especially with competition now hot on her heels. “Uh,” Matt rubbed his hand as he looked over his vista and towards the top paddock where he was hoping to check the fencing, then on a sigh, “Yeah, of course. I’ve just finished up at the school and about to have a quick shower and I’ll head out.” “Awesome, thanks heap Mattie.” They rung off and Matt checked the time on his watch, if he hurried, he’d hopefully get back by 6pm tonight and have enough time to check the paddock on horseback, but not enough time to do anything but flag potential weak zones. With that in mind, he made his way back into the house and towards the bathroom. ******************************************************************* Kadence drove home a little conscious of the sheer size of the truck she was driving because she couldn’t ever describe this beast as a ute. She steered her way into the carport, biting her lip as if that will somehow ensure she didn’t scrap the front along the carport wall. Releasing the breath, she didn’t realise she was holding, she pulled the key out of the ignition, grabbed her backpack and slid out of the drivers’ seat. Not exactly graceful, but I could get used to that, she thought to herself with a smile. She walked into her little cottage and felt the tension in her shoulders melt away, there was just something special about this little place that she couldn’t quite describe. Placing her bag on the counter she walked over and flicked on the kettle while she decided what to do first. “Well, I need to unpack,” she said out loud to no one and pulled out her pad and pen to jot down her To-do list. “Then, there’s bake a casserole for Trev for saving me; on that note, I should probably make one for Matt as well, especially with his generosity,” she said as she looked out towards The Beast, as she’d officially names it. “I also need to prepare for the Meet and Greet tomorrow with the student’s parents, so I should make up some little first day packs for them to take away with them. Oh and of course I need to complete my lesson plans for the first month, so I can show the parents what we will have in store and what to expect.’ She didn’t believe in homework, but she did believe a book was a crucial part of the implementation of what they’d learnt that day. Looking down at her list, she blew a breath between her lips, she had a lot to get through in such a short time, but there was no time like the present. Kicking off her shoes, she poured her coffee and pulled out a bowl to put her phone into since she didn’t have any speakers handy; she set to work on the casseroles so at least while they were baking she could get started on one of the other tasks on her list. **************************************************************** “I really appreciate you help, Mattie,” Bianca grunted as she twisted the last piece of wire. “Mike tells me I have to do it all myself since it’s my silly project, but I just see so much potential in those girls,” she referred to her sheep. “Anytime, Bi,” Matt replied, “I know if anyone can make a real go of it, it’ll be you.” Bianca practically glowed, she knew she would always have his support no matter what, but worried about his heart. “Thanks heaps for the vote of confidence, sometimes I feel he hopes I’ll fail.” “Nah, Mike’s just always been cautious of change, you know that. He likes to do what he’s seen work and not stray too far from that.” They stood back and admired the straight line of posts with it’s wire, wiping the sweat from their brows. “Wish this heat would nick off though.” “Wanna head up to the dam to cool off?” and let me have a perve, Bianca thought to herself. “Sounds nice, but I have work to do back home, so I’ll just shoot off make the most of this light,” Bianca tried to hide her disappointment, but she knew if he took the time to take a second look he’d seen through her façade. “No rest for the wicked, huh?” “Something like that.” They packed the tools back into the rusty old farm ute and made their way back to the shed to put everything away. Bianca wished they could blow a tyre so he had reason to stay even longer, to give her just a little more time and opportunity to say something, anything to him to make him see just how she felt, but knew that wasn’t fair to him and his farm, and the fact she couldn’t afford to buy a new tyre at the moment. “Thanks again,” Bianca said as she tapped against the side of his car and with a nod in her direction, she watched him drive away. The loneliness of the farm creeping in, making her shiver as her heart felt as though it was driving away with him. 
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