Chapter 8

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Rosie pov, There is the famous line "The one thing that never changes is change ".. Last 2 year, I have always believed that I would never see varun again.. But, everything has changed.. I met him again and currently I'm living in his house.. I always dreamed to live with varun in his house.. Now my dream has come true.. Even its for 6 month, Its enough for me.. I will cherish this memories in my heart deeply.. At some point in our life, something unexpected will happen.. That can make our life upside down, but if we trust in ourself then we can move forward in our life with happiness..My thoughts are cut away by aunty voice.. "Rosie.. We are going marriage function, so you don't need to prepare lunch and dinner for us".. Aunty informed me with smile and went to get ready for marriage function.. Two months passed since I came to varun house.. Many things changed.. After that night, aunty didn't comment or insult me, she just tell me to do household works.. If i do something wrongly, she would teach me patiently how to do it.. As usual, I cook and do all the household work, Sometime aunty would help me.. Nowadays aunty talk with me casually, Sometime she would gossip with me about her neighbours.. **Mature content warning** About varun, I only see him at night, morning he will go office and will return before 7.. Most of the day, he will have s*x with me roughly and mark my body with his bite marks.. Some time seeing his bite marks I blush like fool.. But, sometime I cry because I know that he doing it to punish me and show how much he hates me.. He only talk with me while doing sex.. It is better to say that he will order than spoke.. His orders are "hug me tightly, kiss me back, look into my eyes, open your eyes, keep your legs around my waist, lay top on me,".. Sometime I feel like bit*h.. He was like a beast in the bed and I was his prey.. One night, I was taking a shower in the bathroom, usually I won't bath at night, that day while carrying water from outside, i slipped and fell down because of it my dress became dirty.. So after informing aunty, I came to his room to take bath.. After taking dress from my bag, I entered inside the bathroom. After removing my wet dress, I turn on shower and stand below the shower.. Fresh and cold water dropping my body make feel relaxed and refresh.. All of sudden, I heard knock on the bathroom door.. I stopped shower and asked "Who??".. Then I heard varun voice, "Open door, I have to take soap".. I told him to wait and tied towel around me.. After taking soap in my hand, I opened bathroom door.. He caught my wrist and placed it around his neck because of it soap slipped from my hand.. Within second he removed my towel and carried me towards shower keeping my both leg around his waist.. I asked him in shock tone, "What are your doing sir".. He replied me with kiss on my lips fiercely and entered inside me without any foreplay.. I jerked due to pain and the tear slipped from corner of my eyes and mixed with water.. He started to move roughly inside me.. Many thoughts were running in my mind as I was enduring his torture.. When he turned on shower !!.. Is he came naked inside bathroom !!.. Out of the blue, I heard his husky voice.. "Gundu see down".. I looked down and saw the shameless thing we are doing in the bathroom.. Due to his violent action, I bit my lower lip hard in pain and looked at him with tear filled eyes.. Without minding my tears and pain, he moved lips towards my ear and whispered in hateful tone, "See how I'm taking you, for this only you married me forcefully.. Now I am doing it for you.. Then why your crying.. You should feel happy.. Do you think anyone will sleep with you after seeing your ugly face.. No one.. I know thatswhy you married me forcefully.. To get good f**k from me ".. Hearing his words, I felt shame.. My heart broked into uncountable piece and shattering all around me.. "Please varun.. Stop it... Please.. Don't talk like this..., I married you ...because I loved you...not for this....i wish to live with your... wife...thatswhy.. I married you.. not for this...." i replied him in between my sobs.. "Oh.. You want to live as my wife.. Don't you know good wife will fullfill her husband needs??" After saying it, he carried me to his room and laid down me on his bed.. He hovered and entered inside me again and told me in soft tone, "Sleep gundu".. I was confused how can I sleep like this, so i told him shyly "Sir please remove it from my body"... "No.. I wish to sleep like this today.. So, I don't want to hear any word from your mouth.. If you speak a word I will f**k you till morning".. After that, I don't replied him anything.. But, suddenly he left my body and made me lie above him and told me with a warm smile "Now sleep gundu ".. I nodded my head and fell asleep on his chest.. Next day morning, again he had s*x with me.. *Mature content over* After that night, I confirmed that he is a s*x addict.. If I tell anyone varun is beast in bed, no one will believe it, because for others, he is soft spoken and good boy.. Only I know his real face.. One day I hear his conversation with his mother.. "Mom.. Is she having food correctly". After hearing it, I smiled like a fool whole day, even his mom asked me, "Why I am smiling".. "Nothing aunty" I replied and showed all my teeth widely to her.. Sometime I feel like, now I'm living my life as housewife like other married women.. But, Reality is different.. After 4 month, I have to go from here.. Anyway, today I have to go outside to search job.. Already 2 month passed, I have to pay for food and rent for remaining months.. But, problem is aunty not allowing me to go outside.. Many time, I asked her permission to go outside.. Everytime she would deny it and told me to ask varun about it.. After that, I tried to talk with varun many time.. Everytime, he would avoid me by saying some silly excuses.. I know he don't like me but atleast he can try to listen what I am going to tell.. After trying lot of times, I leaved the idea to ask his permission.. After that, I was waiting for a perfect time to go outside without anyone noticing.. But, my bad luck.. Everyday aunty and mama will be in home.. I think, today is perfect day to go outside.. Already aunty and mama went to marriage function, manju went to her friend house for group study, morning itself varun went to office.. So no problem.. No one will came to know that I went out if I reach home before evening 5.. After getting ready, I hired auto and went to the town which is near to varun house.. Already I note down some construction company address using google.. After paying auto, I went inside one construction company with confidence... Everyone gave me same reply.. "Now we are not hiring".. Already lunch time passed, still I don't get any job.. What to do??.. No one is ready to hire me.. After looking for a job even for a while, I decided to go home.. As I was walking endlessly, I noticed poster which is pasted in wall.. Its a job poster for receptionist in some hotel.. After noting down hotel phone number, I called that number on my phone.. A guy picked up the phone and exclaimed me hotel address and asked me to attend interview today itself.. So I hired the auto and went to that address.. After getting down from auto, I saw hotel with five storey building.. Its look like a three star hotel.. After entering it, I saw a guy who is standing near the front office.. I told him about interview.. He told me to wait and went inside some room.. After sometime, he came and told owner is calling me.. I went inside owner cabin and saw a old aged man who is sitting in the car.. He just asked me some basic question and told me to join from next week.. After thanking him happily, I start to go home.. I was so happy.. Finallt, I got job.. Its not high pay job but still with this job, I can pay for food and rent.. Its enough for me.. Working timing also from morning 9 to evening 5.. Today, I have to talk varun about it.. After reaching home, I prepared dinner for varun, manju and me.. After arranging dishes on the dinning table, I called varun and manju.. I knew, varun will not talk to me in the room.. Therefore, I thought to tell him about job during dinner time.. I saw varun and manju are coming from their room to have food. While serving them, I told him about job..he asked me "How I get to know vacancy in company.." May be he will get angry if he came to know that, today I went out... I don't want take risk, therefore I lied him, I saw post in social network.. He just nodded his head and asked "what type job.." If I tell him , I got receptionist job in hotel.. Then, surely he will mock me.. So I lied him again that, its designer job in construction company.. After nodding his head, he told me "We can talk about it in our room".. I just nodded happily with a bright smile.. By hearing our conversation, manju congratulated me for getting job.. While serving food for myself in the plate, I replied her thank you and went the kitchen to have my dinner.. After my first day incident in dinning table, till now I didn't tried to sit in their dinning table or sofa.. Sometime mama (father-in-law) or manju will insist me to sit but everytime I would deny it by saying some lie.. I don't want interfere in their family time.. I always try to be in my limit, so atlast I don't get hurt..
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