Chapter 1

1411 Words
Rosie pov, As the sun set, the darkness began to obscure the brightness of the sky.. I got new project to work as a designer due to my constant effort and hardwork for the past one and a half years.. Suddenly today afternoon MD informed me to present my work infront of investors...After presenting the project, i left office quite lately.. As I was walking, I pulled my sweater over my chest and hugged myself to avoid shivering which is caused due to heavy cold..Even cold make me freeze still i love it..thatswhy i choose to come ooty..Actually its my dream to stay ooty with varun..I always dreamed to have family with varun..We all know that our dreams are not going to come true yet we don't stop dreaming..Because it give us happiness and hope to live our life.. Even it is fake, still its give reason for us to live.. After 15 minutes of walking, I reached near my hostel..Thatswhere I am staying now, leaving my family and friends.. I don't want see anyone from my past life especially my friends, it only remind him..I don't want him to know about my whereabouts..I wish not see him upto my last breath..My presence only make him to lose his happiness..I only gave him pain..Not only for him, No one lived happily because of me.. I made everyone suffer..Maybe God has made me live alone for the sin I have committed.. I deserve to be alone.. I only deserve pain.. "It means your not going to see him again, then why your stalking his i********: and Facebook.." My mind asked me.. Yes..I can't even pass single minute without thinking or seeing him thatswhy I stalked his i********: and f*******: account to know about his life..My phone gallery is filled with his picture..My day start and end after viewing his picture..I love him madly, thatswhy I did everything..Even after knowing, it will hurt my family.. "Are you regretting now" My mind asked me again.. No, I don't regret it.. I did it for my love.. For my love, I forcibly married him .. On the way to my hostel room, I heard priya voice who is calling me by my name.. "Rose..Rose.." By hearing her voice, I turned and saw her who is running towards me..She came near me and extend her hand with our room key and told me, "Here keep this key..I am going out with my friends.." I nodded and took the key from her hand.. I heard her voice again when I turned to go to my room.. "Are you coming with me ??" I looked at her in amazement that no matter how hard I talk to her, still she was talking friendly with me..She is my roomate..we both are sharing same room..Actually she is good and friendly type girl..Always try to talk with me friendly..but I only reply her with one word..because I don't want to mingle with anyone..I was born to live alone because of my selfishness.. "Oyee..Again gone to dreamworld ".. Priya asked me in a teasing tone... "No..I am not coming".. I replied her in plain tone and gone to my hostel room without waiting for her reply.. After cleaning my face, I planned to take little nap before dinner.. Ring..Ring.. Hearing the ringtone of my mobile, I got up from the bed and attented the phone call while thinking who it is.. Call coming from private number..No one from my past life know this number.. "Hello..who is this??" I spoke "Come outside, i want to talk you"..I heard reply from other side of phone.. No..It can't be him..How he got my number ??..What he want to talk now??..Already I signed divorce paper then what he want to discuss now ??..Without waiting for my reply, he cut the call.. May be his marriage is fixed so he came to invite me for his wedding.. "Idiot..He hate you then why he have to invite you for his wedding..Did you forget that how much he hate you ??" mind mocked me Yes..thats correct, he hate me.. then why he came here.. After closing my room door.. I start to go outside to see him..As I walking on the corridor, Bhami akka called me by my name.. "Rosie..Rosie".. "Yeah..why you called me" I asked her little rudely because I don't like her.. "Today I went to hospital, again they told me to reduce my weight..You know, Already i am looking slim, still doctor advising me to reduce some more weight to conceive child..Even for me this situation means think about you??.. You looking very fat, try to reduce your weight then only you will get chance to marry" she said and went inside her room without waiting my reply.. Whats her problem if I'm looking fat means..yeah..what your thinking is correct.. I'm a fat girl.. Overweight girl with 80kg weight and fair skin tone..May be thatswhy, Varun don't like me..Here i am looking like ugly duckling but he look like an model who came out from magazine...When compare to him, i am zero.. Ring..Ring.. Again that same private number..It means him.. Let go and see why he came here.. After reaching near hostel gate, I searched for him.. Where is he??.. Except watchman no one is here..May be its some frank call.. I misunderstood it as him..Why should he want to meet me !!..Again I start to dream like a fool..Anyway, lets go back to the room .. With these thoughts, I turned to go back hostel, Suddenly someone held my hand and pulled me towards to them..Due to sudden impact, my back landed on that person chest..I was taken aback and shuddered by sensing his fragrance..Its him..My varun..My love..He made me to face him and asked in a harsh tone.. "Where are you going??" Due to our closeness, I can feel his hot breath on my face..Why he was standing too closely ??..I know he hate my presence .. I heard his voice again as I was thinking that Is I'm dreaming or what.. " Where are you going ??".. "ho..ho..hostel" I replied him with Stutter.. "Oh!!..but..Who told you to back to hostel ??.. Didn't I ask you to come outside ?? ..Anyway, Come.. Lets go.." After saying it, he start to walk while dragging me with him.. I tried to remove my hand from his grip..but no use..He held my hand tightly in his grip.. Where he was taking me??.. This time, i did nothing..After 2 year, now only I'm seeing him directly then what did i do now ??.. I have to ask him..Yeah, Ask rosie.. "".. I called him with hesitation .. But he keeps walking regardless of my calling..What he is doing??.. Can't he hear that i am calling him !!.. "VARUN"..this time I called him little loudly.. He stopped walking and turned my side and asked with irritation, "What..??" "Where are you taking me.??" I asked him in a low tone "My home"...he answered in a hard tone.. His home ah ??..but why ??..Already his family hate me then why he is taking me there ??.. "Hello madam..Don't start to dream..First tell me what's your name"..he asked in formal tone.. I was shocked why he was asking my name..Does he don't even remember my name ??.. I was consfused..what's happening here!! "Hello.. I am asking you..what's your name?"he again asked without patience.. "Ro..Rosie".. I answered with hesitation "You mean Mrs.Rosie Varun"..he asked me with a smrik.. "What !!..No.. We are divorced.. So my name is rosie" I replied him with swither.. "Who told you that we are divorced"..he asked me with same smrik.. "But i signed divorce paper before coming here, then how can we not be divorced now..Don't you submit it to the court ??".. I told and asked him with confusion.. "DON'T DARE TO ASK ME THIS QUESTION GUNDU (fatty)".. Suddenly he raised his voice and start to shout in harsh tone.."WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ??.. I AM HERE TO TALK YOU LOVELY..DON'T EVEN DREAM ABOUT IT..I JUST HATE YOU..WHENEVER I SEE YOU, I JUST WISH TO KILL YOU.. YOU SPOILED MY LIFE..JUST BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID DIVORCE, I AM HERE..BEFORE GETTING DIVORCE WE HAVE TO LIVE IN SAME HOUSE FOR 6MONTH..THEN ONLY WE CAN GET DIVORCE..DON'T YOU KNOW THAT ??..JUST COME WITH ME..STAY IN MY HOUSE LIKE A DUST FOR 6 MONTH..DO YOU UNDERSTAND it?? "Ye..Yesss"..I replied him with a stutter.. Again..Again.. his words ringing in my ears..GUNDU..GUNDU
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