Chapter 25

1051 Words

Rosie pov, I know what I am doing is wrong but I don't have any other way to get his love.. I know love is not a thing to get it forcibly and it should grow in their heart spontaneously.. However, I have the hope that I will make him fall in love with me anyhow.. Even if he doesn’t love me till the end of my life, my love is enough for both of us to live our life happily.. "Do whatever you want.. I am not going to marry a girl someone like you who is ugly in and out" he told me angrily and tried to take my mobile from my hand.. " Don't think that I will not do anything if you delete the video on my mobile.. I have this same video in my laptop.. I know your studying in our college through scholarship and your family is dependent on you.. Varun, just now I remembered you once told me that

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