Chapter 12

1247 Words
LENA My eyes flutter open as I glance at the room. I thought what happened was a dream, but it wasn’t. I pushed myself off the ground and looked around. I must have cried myself to sleep after what happened. I lean back on the door, trying to think of what I saw. It was like a horror show—or something like one, at least. My mind kept going to the blood-red eyes, and the black veins underneath flowed. I had seen it before, but where? There had to be a perfectly logical explanation for what I saw, but nothing came to mind. After staring for a while, I move up and stand. I felt a chill ripple over me, making me look down at myself. I was naked. I placed my arms around me, moved toward what was a door, and headed inside. Glancing around, I noticed it was the master bathroom. It was huge. I walked in and had a quick shower. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to put on the water, but I managed. I used what was in the shower, which Emmett used. The mere thought sent shivers down my spine. What the hell was he? After a few seconds of rinsing off, I quickly washed and let the water hit my neck as I leaned on the titled wall. The same images came flooding back to what I witnessed, but my mind couldn’t imagine where I saw them. After fifteen minutes, I move and climb out of the shower. I switched off the taps on the water and grabbed a towel from behind the door. I wrapped it under my arms and walked over to the mirror. My eyes scanned over my reflection. There were hickeys on parts of my body from when I spent the night with Emmett. An image of him came, but I shot it down. I couldn’t think about him like that, not until I knew what he was. My eyes moved up, but something on my neck made me scrunch my face up. Was that two holes in my neck? I placed my hand over the mark and moved over them—two puncture holes. My mind raced as it pounded over what could have caused such—but a film that I had watched recently. Dracula—vampire. No, it can’t be… they’re not real. My mind raced over the possibility, but I came up with the same thing. Vampires are not real, surely. If they were, wouldn’t we have known or seen something? There was a knock on the bedroom door, which pulled me from my thoughts. I slowly moved out of the bathroom but stood by the door. Another knock came. “Lena,” a gruff voice murmured against the door. I tensed. His voice, I knew it. Emmett. I couldn’t see him. My heart raced. Another knock came. “Please,” he whispered, as I barely caught hold of it. “I want to explain. I need to explain. I know you are scared and confused. I can sense it.” I stilled. He could sense what I was feeling. How could that be? I looked up, trying to find answers, but there was clearly none. Slowly, I move toward the door but stop when he speaks again. “Please let me explain,” he said. “I have waited for years for you. I can’t let—” What did he mean by that? He waited years for me? How would he— I placed my hand on the door but closed my eyes. I listened to what was going on. I could hear other voices outside and listened in. “Well, we burned Marshall’s body,” someone said. I couldn’t make out if it were a man or woman. “I want to apologize again for what happened. This wouldn't have happened if I stood guard like you asked me to.” There was a loud growl, which made me take a step back from the door. I knew that growl. I knew it came from Emmett, but the way it sounded, it felt familiar, like I had heard it before. But how? I never met the man. My heart hurt as I kept overthinking everything. I needed to rest. I moved away and headed back toward her room. I needed something to wear. My eyes scanned the room and found my Halloween costume from last night. There was no way in hell I was wearing that again. I looked around and found a dresser. I stepped closer and pulled the top one open to find some T-shirts. I grabbed one and pulled it on. It had to do for now. I looked through another drawer and found boxers. I pulled one out and placed them on. I didn’t want to be naked. The scent on the clothes was musky and made my body feel relaxed. I closed the drawer and looked over at the bed. It was still a mess from the last night’s antics. I let out a sigh and walked over to make the bed. I kept the sheet that was on the floor on the ground and moved all the blankets into place. Once the bed was made, I got on it pulled the sheet up from the ground, and pulled it over me as I lay back down and turned to face the window. It was dark outside, but daytime. It looked like rain was coming in. As I lay there for what felt like hours, something pit and pat on the window—rain. I listened to the rain, but my eyes got heavy, sending me back to sleep. But as my eyes closed, an image appeared—Emmett in all his naked glory. Why would I think about him like that? He was a monster. A monster with an incredible body. Damn that body. I shook my head as I kept my eyes closed, trying to get rid of the image, but it didn’t budge. Whatever he was, part of me thought he was here for me, but it was a weird feeling, mixed feelings such as fear, happiness, and the unknown. That part—the unknown was the worrying part. What was he to me? I heard mate, but what did that mean exactly? My mind raced over what I thought back to the bathroom, but it couldn’t be real. They were vampires, but vampires don’t exist. What I saw last night was something that only someone with an active imagination would use, and I don’t have one of those, not since I was a kid. My mum and dad would ask me to make up stories, and I would, especially when we had nothing to do. The mere thought of my parents saddened me more. They were taken from me when I was ten, and still, to this day; I felt pain. I know grief never leaves, and my only thoughts of them were the memories from when I was a child. A lone tear escaped as I leaned into the pillow. I wanted to go home, back to my apartment. I needed to feel safe, but what was outside that door was more frightening to me than anything. I didn’t know what to expect. Sleep came after what felt like ages, sending me into darkness with only an image of Emmett to keep me company.
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