Chapter 2

1589 Words
LENA The wine was following well, and I felt light-headed. I stumble around my room, grabbing my purse so we can leave for the Halloween party. I head downstairs, where I find my friends Whitney and Sasha. The front door huddled them together. We were going out to celebrate my birthday. As I stepped closer, Whitney looked over at me and smiled. “You ready?” she asked. I gave her a nod and sighed. The thought of going out was overwhelming. I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday as it reminded me I was alone. I had no family, as they were killed when I was ten. It used to be my brother and parents, but one night, a crazed man, who the police never found, took them from me. “Lena,” Sasha called out, bringing me out of my mind. I looked at her and smiled. “Sorry, just—” Sasha shook her head and gave me a sympathetic look. “It’s okay if you don’t feel like going,” she said, glancing at Whitney. I let out a sigh and shook my head. They wanted to celebrate with me, and I couldn’t let them down. “I’m going, but if I don’t feel comfortable there, I’m leaving,” I said. Neither of them said anything but nodded. Whitney opened the door to my apartment, and we all walked outside. The cold breeze hit and sent a shiver right through me. Why did we have to wear revealing clothes? I glanced down at myself. I was wearing a witch costume with a corset, which pushed my breasts up. The skirt was ripped at the edges and had a slit up one side, which revealed my thigh-high boots. My blonde hair was curled and pinned to the side. Whitney did my make-up and made it all dark. I looked more like a zombie witch than normal, but I would do or wear whatever they thought was right. I trust these two more than anything. Sasha unlocked her car, and we all climbed inside. “I will drive us there,” she said as she started the engine. Her eyes met mine. “We all can walk home together unless we find someone to hook up with.” I rolled my eyes. There was no way I was hooking up with anyone. An image of my ex, Keegan, popped into my head, making me shudder. He was the only boyfriend I have ever had. He liked to verbally and physically abuse me, only hitting me where people would never see the marks. One night, he went out drinking and attacked me. I passed out because of the attack, but when I came, Sasha and Whitney explained they found me, and Keegan was sent to prison, where he had been for the last three years. I was relieved but still scared that I would find someone like him again. Sometimes, I have wanted to be with someone because I was lonely, but that was never a good reason in my eyes to be with someone. Sasha drove to the party and parked not too far from where the party was being held. We climbed out of the car. Whitney and Sasha walked ahead of me while I kept close. There were loads of people already there. As we walked inside, a guy giving out some blood-looking drinks created us. I took one as the man took it upon himself to check me out and whistle. “Baby,” he murmured as he looked back at me. “Where the hell have you been all my life?” I frowned as Whitney walked up to him and kissed him on his cheek, which made him look at her with a grin. “Woo, I do like a girl who knows what she wants,” he murmurs as she guides him away from us. Sasha came close to me and placed her arm around mine. “She will keep him busy,” she said and looked around. “Let’s get some drinks.” I nodded as she guided me through the crowded party to the bar. We ended up in the kitchen, where the drinks were located. They had everything you could imagine. Sasha poured some drinks, and we walked back into the party area. Some people were dancing. It didn’t look like dancing or what you would call dancing to me, but they all looked like they were grinding up against each other. I watched as one couple ground against each other. The man stepped back to reveal his huge bulge. The girl glanced down with a grin and led him away and upstairs. I never found the appeal. I do, but I never had the chance or opportunity to do it with someone. Sasha and I talked, but after another few drinks, we danced. There were so many people in the room that I thought I would pass out. After the last song, I told Sasha I needed some air, moved toward the back entrance to the place, and slipped outside. The cold breeze hit me, and my arms immediately wrapped around me. There was no way of keeping me warm, but I needed the air. I was never one for the party scene, but I just turned twenty-five, and the girls wanted to take me out to celebrate. I didn’t want to disappoint them. I was having a good time, but part of me felt lost like I was missing something. When I felt like this, I would paint. Painting was my go-to to calm myself and get lost in what I was doing. I loved painting scenery, especially the ocean. I found it calming. I have also done portraits and other things, but it usually had to be what was on my mind, and lately, I was painting a dark figure with no face. It was strange as the painting of the person had no face, but the frame of whoever it was—was of a man. I shivered as another breeze rippled over me. I knew I had to go inside and back to find the girls. Letting out a sigh, I turned around and went back inside. The music was still banging out more tunes. There were loads of people in costumes, and many were wearing something similar to what I was wearing—slutty witches. I walked through the crowd in the kitchen but kept searching for Whitney and Sasha until my eyes found them both. They were with the guy from earlier and another. Whitney was kissing the guy, but Sasha was talking to the other. Well, there goes my friends. Now, I was on my own. I moved back into the kitchen, but there was no one around. I took a chance and poured myself another drink. I knocked the first one back and poured another. The kitchen seemed quiet, but I heard movement while drinking my second drink. I knew I was slowly getting more drunk, but not enough. I wanted to forget everything, be like everyone else, and have fun. “You should take your time,” a sexy voice said from behind. Rolling my eyes, I turned to say something to the asshole to leave me alone, but I stopped. My eyes widen. Fuck, he looked gorgeous, and he was dressed up as a vampire—my favourite. His eyes bore back as a sexy smile appeared. “So, why is a gorgeous beauty like yourself drinking by herself?” he murmured as he walked toward me. I moved back, only to slam into the counter behind me. I gripped the edge as he stood in front of me. His eyes hooded and dark. Something about him made me feel safe and familiar, which was strange as I never met this dude before. Surely, if I did, I would remember him. His eyes were too dark to notice what colour they were, but his face was handsome. He must have shaved, as his face had no hair, but he looked like a Greek god. He was good-looking, and judging by how he acted, he knew it too. The corners of his lips curled up as I took him in. “You like what you see, darling,” he murmured as he stepped closer, closing the gap between us. My heart thundered hard in my chest like it would jump out any time. This man made me feel things I had never felt before, not even with Keegan. The man stood tall, but he looked down at me. I looked away, feeling slightly embarrassed. I was never used to this. “What’s your name?” he asked as his finger went to my chin and moved me back to look at him. I stared at him as my mouth went dry. It was hard to work out whether it was because of him or the alcohol I had consumed tonight. Clearing my throat as I try to swallow whatever wetness I could get from my mouth. “Lena,” I whispered. The man grinned as his hand touched my cheek and gently smoothed it, sending tingles right through me causing goosebumps on my arms. “Lena,” he whispered as if he was trying out for the first time. God, what I wouldn’t give to hear him moan my name? Fuck. What is wrong with me? How could he make me feel like this? We only just met.
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