Chapter 9

1768 Words
EMMETT Her soft snores fill the bedroom as I move a strand of her hair from her face. She is so gorgeous when she sleeps. But f**k, what did I do? I fed off her. I didn’t mark her but fed off her. My eyes went to her neck and saw the two puncture holes I had created with dried blood around the area. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom to grab another warm cloth to remove the blood. I returned, moving her from her stomach and onto her side. I wipe away the blood and sigh as I lean back on the bed. I leaned back against the headboard and looked down at my mate. I know I slipped, but it couldn’t be helped. I knew everyone was back as I heard everyone coming back. I needed to find out what happened at that party and make sure it never happened again. Lena would be asleep awhile, so I knew I could leave her here. But I needed to leave someone at the door to guard while I found out what happened. I move up slowly and head over to the bathroom. I quickly switched on the shower and climbed in. I washed everywhere and knocked off the water once I was done. I grab a towel from behind the door and wrap it around my waist. I headed back into the room and looked at my mate. I wanted to stay with her, but I needed to ensure everything at the party was handled. I moved over to the dresser and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants. Leaving the boxers off, I placed the pants on and pulled them up. I knew I was coming back here and intended to wake her up after a few hours of sleep. I walked over to the door but stopped to look at Lena before I left. Opening the door, but only to walk right into Gage. “f**k,” he grumbled as he looked at me, but his frown morphed into a smirk. “So, how did it go?” he asked. “Even though we heard every moan that came from her mouth.” A grin pulls the corners of my lips up. “As I imagined,” I said, staring at him, but I heard a commotion downstairs, which made my eyebrows furrow. “What’s going on?” Gage tensed as he looked behind him. “Ah…” he said, his eyes coming back to me as he sighed. “Marshall started an uproar before everyone left. He wanted them all worked up before they left, and it worked. He told them they didn’t need you to guide them anymore, that he would be perfect as he could get them all the blood they wanted.” I growl. “How could he get them that?” I asked as Gage moved from one foot to another. “By what I heard, he will let them take all the humans he—” I hiss as my fangs prod out. Like a f**k he can! “Stay by the door,” I growled. “No one is going to come in.” Gage stared at me and gave me a nod as I turned and headed down the stairs to find a large gathering of vampires. They all made a circle, as Marshall was in the middle, spewing out hate. “Emmett doesn’t care about us!” he shouted. “He even brought home a human girl to f**k. You heard him.” My eyes scanned around the crowd until they landed on Whitney and Sasha leaning on the wall. Their eyes met mine as smirks pulled the corners of their lips up. Only a handful of people know about Lena. I didn’t tell anyone, as it was complicated to explain everything. Marshall carried on with his rant. “Why can he have a human girl?” he shouted. “Why not any of us?” A few vampires look at each other and nod in agreement. I need to put a stop to this. I slowly descended the stairs but stopped only four steps up. “ENOUGH!” I shouted, making everyone turn to look at me, and Marshall stood there with a grin. “Why don’t we ask him?” he shouted. “Why can you have a human here and not the rest of us?” I could hear some sniggering and whispers as the others wanted to know. My face hardened as I took in everyone. “That is none of your concern,” I growled, causing others to talk over each other. “Stop,” I shouted. “This is not what this coven is about, and you know it. I have kept us safe for the last few hundred years. Many have come and gone, but most of you that stayed know there is always a method to my madness.” I spot a few nods in agreement, my loyal ones, but others are mumbling more. “The human girl in question is special to me,” I shouted, making everyone stare at me. I knew they wanted me to say the word, but I couldn’t. I didn’t trust many of these people. “And that’s all you all need to know. I will tell you in a few days when I have explained to her what we are—” “You are going to tell her about us,” someone shouted with a growl. “She better have a good cunt, if you—” I growled and glared back at the person who shouted. “If anyone disrespects her like that again,” I gritted out. “I won’t hesitate to kill you.” I moved down the last remaining steps and walked into the middle, only to find Marshall had disappeared. Fuck. My eyes scanned around and took in every person. “In a week’s time, there is to be a blood moon,” I shouted, making everyone cheer. I place my hand up to call for quiet, which everyone does. “Like I said, a blood moon is fast approaching us, and I didn’t want you worked up. We all know what it is like when the moon turns red. We want to dry hump everything in sight, even our own kind. It brings all our emotions out and even makes us hyper-aware of everything. It is the one night that we can be free and be ourselves. I promise you I will—” There was a loud, piercing scream from upstairs, and my eyes moved to where I had just come from. Lena. Another scream filled the air as I moved fast. Using my speed, I ran to my room. There was no sign of Gage anywhere, but someone had kicked my door in. I moved to it fast, only to stop dead. I growl loudly as my fangs come through. “GET THE f**k AWAY FROM MY MATE,” I roared. Marshall had Lena by the neck. Her eyes met mine and widened. “Mate?” he grumbled. “That explains a lot.” I growled. “Let. Her. Go!” Marshall smirked as his fangs proded through as he moved Lena to the front of him. She was completely naked as his hands went to her waist. Anger fueled me. “Make me,” he murmured as he went to bite her. I use my speed, gripping the bastard by his hair and throwing him into the window, making a loud bang as he hit the window and the floor. Lena falls to the floor as I move toward Marshall. I bent down and gripped him. “You’re dead,” I growled. I heard movement behind me. Turning around, I noticed a few of the men, stunned. My eyes darted to Lena, who was now covered with a sheet but visibly shaking in fear. I wanted nothing more than to comfort her, but I needed to deal with Marshall. Gage came barging in with a female vampire behind him. Lipstick smeared. I growled as I glared at my friend, who was staring wide-eyed at Lena and then back at me. “Needed a cunt, did you?” I hissed. “You were supposed to be protecting her?” Gage said nothing. He knew he f****d up. His face changed. “I will take him down—” he said, but I growled. “No, you did enough.” My eyes went to one man in the room. “Place Marshall in chains in the foyer,” I gritted out and looked back at the man. “I want to show everyone what happens when you touch what’s mine.” The man nodded and gripped hold of Marshall. He pushed him out of the room. My eyes scanned the room. “Everyone out!” I shouted. I waited for everyone to be gone until my eyes returned to Lena, who was still shaking. I move toward her, only for her to move back. “Don’t,” she whispers as a lone tear escapes. If I had a heart, it would have broken in two. “Lena,” I whisper, but she shakes her head. “Don’t. Leave.” I stare at her as she closes her eyes. More tears escape. I sighed and turned on my heel, leaving my mate on the floor—crying. As I step outside the door, I close it. Whitney and Sasha stared at me, worried and concerned for their friend. “We will watch over her,” Sasha said. I gave her a nod, but I felt empty. “You deal with that bastard,” Whitney said as I came to the top of the stairs. “Make him suffer. You waited a long time for Lena to come to you, and now he ruined it all in a second, all because he thought she was—” “Leave it be,” I grunted. “Stay outside, but if she runs—lock the door.” I didn’t need to look back at them to know they stared at me gobsmacked as if I had lost my mind. I have. Lena is my mate, and I have waited for her—fifteen years. And now it was all shattered because of one vampire. I growl and take the stairs. I needed to show everyone they couldn’t touch her—even if I had to tell them everything. No one touches what’s mine.
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