A promise

1320 Words
The weather was warmer , and the afternoon sun shone brightly pouring into the sitting room window. I sat on the sofa beside my dad as I watched him count ten(10) from the wad of notes in his hand . I scoffed silently, is he kidding me? "Uju! he called , clearing his throat as he faced me "Sir!" I answered, knitting my eyebrow together in a little frown "Take this". he said , handing me the money . "You should manage it for two weeks". he added I looked at the money and then back at him "#10, 000! but daddy , this is too little" . I queried and he huffed, eyeing me coldly "Little!with all the food stuffs and provisions I bought for you, you still have the mouth to say little". he fired at me and then faced my mum who was seated on the couch directly opposite us "Mama Uche! You need to teach this daughter of yours how to manage or else ... hmmm.. hmmmh... I won't say more than that". he half yelled as he got off the sofa , walking out of the house I stamp my feet on the tiled floor, grumbling "two weeks! does he want to starve to death! does he want to turn me to a beggar? "Stop that Uju!"My mum warned as she glared at me "What is wrong with you? Do you want to kill me before my time?"she continued and I rolled my eyes There we go again! "Obianuju!you really need to be very careful" "But mum it is not fair ,10,000 is not enough and you know it" "Of course I do but you need to calm down". she said , opening her handbag and instantly the anger in me quenched and I smiled mischievously "Mama the mama, any other mama is a counterfeit". I hailed as she hissed "Naughty girl! Sha take be be". She said , moving closer to squeeze in some "paper note" in my hands I look down at the "paper note", it was a thousand buck in five(5) places 5000! Making it a total of 15,000! with food stuffs and provisions! for two weeks !O boy! I can't wait to be in school "Manage that , I am sure your dad will send you something before two weeks." My mum assured "Before nko, that man just like to suffer innocent soul" "That man! he is your father remember?" she reminded as she walked towards the kitchen "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!". I retorted, nodding in agreement "Oya na ! I need to go prepare dinner , go put your things together "Alright mum".i muttered as I stood up ; then climbed up the short stairs to my room ...... Entering , I found my younger siblings Chichi and Chidi laying on the big bed Chichi who was the elder of the two who copying a note from a big text book while Chidi was watching her quietly. Seeing me , Chidi smiled lightly as he sat up on the bed "Uju". he called as I joined them , looking into Chichi's note "What are you doing?" I directed my question to Chichi "Writing, isn't it obvious". She snapped at me and I gave her a light knock on her head "oouch! why did you do that?" she queried , glaring at me as I scoffed "I am not your mate , so get that into your little skull" "Whatever!" She muttered and then continued with what she was doing Rude brat! "You done with your homework?" I asked my Six Years old brother Chidi and he nodded , sighing "I am tired of primary school, I want to sit for the common entrance examination" I smiled lightly, I wasn't surprised as he was a very bright kid .... well! we were all bright kids !!! Oh! Lest I forget , let me introduce myself..... I am Obianuju , a 17 years old newly admitted to study law in the Prestigious university Olabisi Onabanjo University, light skinned , black eyes, moderate weight , average height , curvy in the right places and to crown it all , beautiful. My parents are very strict and religious ;thus my siblings and I grew up with a very strong spiritual passion..... I am fourth born out of six children , My eldest brother Uche is in Canada studying for his masters, second brother Arinze is a final year student in the same school ( Olabisi Onabanjo University), third brother Obiora is a third year student in a popular private university, covenant university to be precise , I am the fourth , the first girl ....., and I guess you have met my younger siblings Chichi and Chidi.....well! well! what else can I say?..... hmmmh.....I think that is enough for now. Humming my favourite song ( broken vessel by hill song ) , I was arranging my clothes into a big travelling back when my phone suddenly rang I reached for it and on checking the caller , it was my elder brother Arinze I received it "Rinzy!" I greeted first calling him by his nick name "hi Uju! how are you? tell daddy say I don pay your fees and your house rent". he said making use of pidgin English I scoffed silently "And why can't you tell him yourself?" I snapped at him "That is because I am tired of listening to the old man sermon". he retorted making me roll my eyes Old man! Is he for real? "Anyways don't forget to bring something for me , tell mummy I need rice and garri( cassava flakes)" "Okay ooo, I have heard". I said and ended the call.. What a foodie! Just then , the door to the room creaked opened and my mum walked in holding a big book "I can see you done packing up". She observed, looking towards the four big bags in front of me "Yes mum!" I answered , zipping up a smaller bag as she sat on the bed "hope you didn't forget anything" "Nope". I answered, popping the p and she sighed , placing the "big book" in front of me I smiled lightly , it wasn't a big book , it was a big bible.. "Mum!" I called softly "Let this bible be your guard , don't ever forget its teachings , you are a covenant child so don't forget to....... "act like one ", I completed and she nodded, clapping her hands lightly "Good girl!"she remarked and then continued with her advice "Studying should be your priority,avoid bad friends and company and never ever forget the family you came from "Of course mum!" I muttered and with a light smile , she pulled me closer and hug me..... "Obianuju, my baby". She whispered softly and I let my whole body go limp Reason;I was gobsmacked, I wasn't used to the whole emotional stuff as my mum hardly call me baby then why now? Is it because I am going to study in a far-away place? Or is it because I will be leaving the house tomorrow? whichever it is , I was confused .... "Mum! I am hungry". Chidi shouted from the sitting room and instantly, my mum pulled out of the hug "I am coming". She answered and then faced me "Let's go eat" And with that , she stood up and walked out of the room.. heaving a deep sign, i watched her go and then looked away , reaching for my diary ... I opened it , flipping through the pages until I got to the page where I wrote about my goals ..well! It wasn't really a goal , it was a promise I made to myself . A promise to be focused! a promise to remain chaste till marriage! and a promise to keep my fire burning for God. TBC
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