
Dhampir Knight

another world

The Sequel & Spin-Off to Lady Dhampir- Coming Soon!

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"You should have told me the truth!" She jolted, startled by her father's shouting. She'd never seen her father be mad at anybody. She'd never heard him shout before, nor raise his voice. His anger was even more terrifying as it was utterly foreign to her. Her fingers were nervously crumpling the fabric of her nightgown as she silently cried, hidden in the dark. It was hard not to make a sound while crying. She was small enough to remain behind the door, concealed, and listen to what she assumed to be her parents' first-ever dispute. "So what if I had told you?" her mother retorted in a cold tone. "Would it have changed everything? Would you have kicked us out, perhaps?" Were they to be kicked out of the house? Why? What had her mom done wrong? She could hear her mom pacing around the room, in a slow manner that contrasted the anger in her voice. "You can't be serious! This is no small matter! I love you and I love Theo, but how could you–! You should have told me who she was!" "She is my daughter!" her mother roared. "That is all you ever need to know! She is my precious child! And if you cannot accept her, fine!" "F-fine? What do you mean?" "What is there to mean? You've been good to me long enough, but I will not remain in the house of a man who despises me!" "That is enough! Ann, how can you be so cruel?! You know I never intend to kick you out! I'd never do such a thing! But your... Who she is, that's... If the truth is ever known..." "There is no truth to be known to anybody, Hamel. Are we clear?” "...What about me?" Her father's weak, almost imploring, voice made her want to cry even more than when he was angry. Was her mom making her dad sad? Why? What had her mother done wrong? Her mom was a bit clumsy and bad at chores, but she'd never heard her dad be so upset about such things... Little Theo stepped closer, nervous to hear more. Her parents couldn't fight anymore. Would she have to leave the house with Mom? Why? "Ann, please," he sighed. "I understand you have... secrets, but I'm your husband. I am Theo's father. Don't you think I, of all people, deserve to know the truth? Haven't I proven myself enough to you?? What else can I do for you to trust me?" "This isn't about trust, Hamel. This is about my daughter, and what I will do to protect my family. This isn't about you." "...What about Theo?" She jolted, nervous they might have seen her. She heard her father get up from his seat, getting closer to her mom. "Are you going to lie to her too? Ann, all your secrets will come back to haunt her someday!" "Theo will only know what she needs to know. She's a child. She's my child and I'll protect her as such. If you have an issue with that, then make it known to me right this instant. If not, let's agree to never talk about this matter again." "Ann," he sighed. "Ann, things aren't that simple. What... How can I protect her if I'm kept in the dark? You can't keep it all to yourself!" "Hamel. Honey, I know you're a good man, the best of all. You're an amazing husband and an even better father. But there are things that, for all of our sakes, I will carry with me to my grave. That is the end of it, and I shall not change my mind. I was quite resolute as to what ought to be done long ago, and you will not convince me otherwise. Your concern is appreciated, but this is a matter you cannot help me with." She heard her dad sigh again, and sit back down, the chair creaking. Her mom had stopped her pacing too. Little Theo wiped her tears, frowning and focusing even more. "...What can I do, Ann? If you don't want to tell me, fine, I give up. I never expect to win in any matter anyway, but... at the very least, tell me what I can do to protect you and Theo. She's my daughter, let me help out. In this, at least, please let me be your support." There was a silence, and Theo tried very hard to be quiet. Should she run back up to her room before they found her? Her mom had really good hearing, she was worried she'd be heard. She had to wait for the right moment... but she was dying to hear more. "It'll be alright," her mother said after a while. "There is no reason our Theo shall ever be in danger. What she needs to know, I shall teach her myself. And... well, you are her father, you shall give her your best abilities. You're a smart man, Hamel, and I shall like Theo to grow up to have your wits." "I am a man of books and science. I am not quite sure any of this will be of any help to our girl in the future..." "It is no matter. Theo shall be an accomplished woman, I'll see to it myself. She will grow up strong enough to withstand anything that shall come her way." "But... nothing should come her way, should it?" her father said with a nervous shake in his voice. "Right, Ann? We are not to expect anything... bad?" "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best," her mother retorted. "That is what my grandmother always said. Moreover, Hamel, if our daughter is anything like me or my side of the family, you can be assured that trouble will not find her; she shall certainly find it herself." Theo was confused. Her mom had such a strange way of speaking at times... She heard her mother's steps again and, afraid she might be coming this way, the little girl took a step back. Too late! Now she knew her mom had definitely heard her. She covered her mouth, and the door opened up to her mom. "Theo!" her dad exclaimed, the only one surprised to see the little girl standing there. "Oh, dear..." "Theo," her mother called in a calm but firm tone. "Good girls do not listen behind closed doors." "S-sorry, Mommy," Theo muttered. Her mother sighed, but was quick to forgive, as always. She let out a faint smile, and picked up the four-year-old, turning to her husband. "What did I tell you, husband? My dear daughter finds trouble!" She rubbed her cheek against Theo’s, making the little girl go from red, crying cheeks to rosy, happy cheeks. Their blonde curls were the same, and their features strikingly similar too. Theo was a younger, chubby, and adorable copy of her mother, with pale skin quick to blush, a heart-shaped face sporting light freckles, a gorgeous smile, a pointy chin, and a large forehead. They only had a few differences in their features, which would most likely grow more obvious with time. Unlike her mom’s tiny flat nose, Theo’s was longer and sharper, and her lips a bit thinner too. The most obvious difference was their eyes. Her mom’s eyes were of a gorgeous blue, bright and round-shaped. Theo’s eyes were hooded, and a vibrant purple color. It was those eyes that worried her father the most. No matter Ann’s and his efforts, such eyes could not be concealed. Those purple eyes would bring trouble in the future, for sure.

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