Chapter 17

1037 Words

Truth is, I never wanted to be sheriff. I was born on Earth, left to be a farmer on De Finibus. Some rowdy boys in the colony grew into dangerous men, and the people wanted some protection. I'm bulletproof, so, in short, I was elected almost immediately. -Darren Michaels, Altered sheriff and later mayor of De Finibus, September 1st, 2134 CE ROYCE'S EARS RANG in violent waves. Fire and metal rained around him and the lightning boy was shouting something. His head swam around and around and something on the ground was jabbing at his chest. Maybe he should take a nap and let the whole problem solve itself. That sounded nice. Royce's eyelids grew heavy and his mind began to shut down. He vaguely felt a pair of arms wrap around his chest and begin to drag him. This couldn't be right. Nobody

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