2549 Words

CHAPTER 10ROCHELLE December 6, 2090 “When Audrie gets here on Friday, you have to tell her about the pendant right away.” Keppler pulled the ladder away from the house and guided it to the ground until it rested on its side. I looked up at the strings of lights along the gutters over the front porch and looped over the railings. We had spent the afternoon putting them up before the snow came in overnight. “Aumont, are you listening to me?” Keppler stepped out of the already shin-deep snow and stomped his boots on the sidewalk in front of the porch. “Yes. I hear you. Just like every time before.” Due to his incessant warnings to give up the pendant, I had spent the week avoiding him whenever possible. “You have to stop with the gloom and doom.” I stuffed my gloved hands into my pockets

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