Chapter 20

1730 Words
Kay  ***Mature content ahead***  Emile wanted to meet for a drink and I wanted answers. Yes he had fixed the colossal mess he had caused, but I still couldn’t understand the point of his actions. Did he get off playing with people? I walked Peter to the door, but my mind was on Emile.  “Kay,” Peter stopped and turned at the door, “please be careful in Hanover Park. The gangs there are vicious, they don’t care who gets caught in the crossfire.” He ran a hand through his hair with a look of concern.  “Thanks Peter, I promise I will be vigilant. If I feel a hint of danger we will get out of there immediately,” I conceded. He surprised me with a tight hug. I knew he probably wanted to talk about our night at the club, but after the week I had had I just didn’t have the energy for heavy conversations.  “Stay safe,” he said as he broke the hug and walked to his car. I watched him as he left, still as confused as ever. Then I turned and went inside.  I agreed to the drink with Emile and he suggested a bar in Long Street. It seemed to be an upmarket yet casual place when I looked it up. I dressed accordingly, a loose-fitting casual black dress, knee high stiletto boots and a hooded coat then headed out.  I thought about what I wanted from this meeting while I drove. I was angry, yet still extremely attracted to him. The professional relationship I was after had gone down the tubes and I was completely floored when he stuck up for me and insisted that I be rehired. His actions didn’t make any sense, but regardless of whether I could understand it or not, the consequences were heavy. I still wanted to understand what he was thinking and maybe b*tch-slap him.  I walked into the bar, it was really stylish. Geometric shapes in grey and yellow decorated the walls with blocks of what I assumed was fake ground cover mounted on the wall in some areas. Light wood tables and chairs with gold pin legs were scattered around and booths lined the back wall. The bar was also lightwood with strategically placed LED lighting. The space itself was lit by bamboo covered pendant lights giving it a softer, inviting ambience. The overall effect was modern and chic yet still casual.  Emile was sitting in the furthest booth, a bottle of bubbly in an ice bucket and two glasses were already on the table. I walked over and he stood as I approached. “Kay, thank you for coming,” he started. Damn, why did he have to look so incredibly hot? I was still angry and I needed to stay that way, but clearly my body had other plans.  “Emile,” I greeted stonily. Despite the insane attraction to him, I was still wary. I had no idea what game he was playing, but I planned to find out. I sat down and he poured two glasses of bubbly and offered me one.  “Thank you,” I accepted and then sat back and looked at him. I waited.  “I won’t beat around the bush, I owe you an apology,” he said. I sipped at my glass and kept my expression neutral. Still I waited, I wanted to know why. He shifted in his seat and rubbed the back of his neck.  “I’m sorry Kay, I know what I did was wrong. It was really just a combination of being very attracted to you and needing to know what kind of person you are. After Kimberly and the problems she has created…”  “Excuse me? So you were testing me?” I asked incredulously. My astonishment quickly turned to anger as I processed what he had said. “Who the hell do you think you are to play with me that way? Do you have any idea what I have been through the last few days?” I gritted my teeth.  “I am really sorry, I didn’t really think it through to be honest. I didn’t realize it would affect your job as well. It was never my intention for it to go that far,” he sighed loudly. “Please, would you allow me to make it up to you?” he asked tentatively.  “And just how would you do that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. I sat back and folded my arms. This would be interesting.  “Whatever you want,” he said. He was giving me a blank check? I wondered how far I could push him, trying to think of the most outrageous thing to ask for.  “A million Rand,” I said stonily.  “Done,” he said, not wasting a second. My jaw dropped, what?  “I said that as a joke, I didn’t think you would agree,” I spluttered. What the hell was up with this guy?  “The way I see it, you could sue me for damages and considering my net worth, you would probably get that much anyway,” he explained. I didn’t want his money, but there was something I did want. I wanted his hot body so badly. It had been so hard to turn him down the other night when all I really wanted was to rub my bare skin all over him. I smirked mentally.  “I don’t want your money,” I said coldly. I watched his face fall, did he really expect me to accept it after everything? “But there is something else I want. Let’s go somewhere more private,” I said, still trying to keep my expression emotionless. Yes, I was going to use that chiselled body for my pleasure, I would enjoy it guilt-free. It would be a little bit of a hate f*ck, but I reckoned he owed me. It was time for me to take what I wanted.  “I have an apartment upstairs, we can have some privacy there,” he said, still confused as to what I had in mind. I got up and gestured for him to lead the way. We made our way to the back of the bar and then up a set of floating stairs. He stopped to unlock the door at the top of the stairs.  The apartment mirrored the bar in terms of décor; he had obviously used the same interior designer for the apartment as well. Despite being closed up, there was a lingering smell of sandalwood in the air. He walked into the living room and offered me a seat then disappeared. I heard glasses from the other room which must have been the kitchen. He returned with a chilled bottle of sauvignon blanc and two glasses which he then poured and handed me one.  I took both glasses from his hands and put them on the coffee table in front of us. I turned to him and shoved him back onto the couch, straddling him and kissing him hard. It took a few seconds for him to realize what was happening and then he met my fervor with just as much enthusiasm.  I stepped back and started undressing. He started undressing too and I wagged my finger at him.  “No, you stay right there,” I admonished as I took off my dress and unclipped my bra. His eyes narrowed as he watched me, stopping on my generously sized breasts. I slipped my fingers into the sides of my panties and over my wide hips, then I turned around and bent over as I shimmied out of them, giving him a close up view of my waxed p*ssy. I kept the boots on. I straddled him and kissed him again before I lifted my p*ssy to his face. He slid down slightly lining himself up with me. “This is what you wanted right Mr. Riley?” he groaned. I rubbed myself against his lips lightly. “Do you want it Mr. Riley?” I asked again and he moaned, his warm breath sending a jolt straight to my cl*t.  “Yes,” he said as he grabbed my *ss cheeks and brought me closer to his lips. His tongue shot out and he buried his face between my legs, tongue licking up and down as if my p*ssy was the best thing he had ever tasted.  “I do, I’ve wanted this from the moment I saw you in that boardroom,”  he said, the sound muffled as he continued pleasuring me, lapping at me greedily. “I pictured taking you right there, bent over the table,” he confessed.  “Well, here it is Mr. Riley. You wanted it, so you better make it worth my while,” I moaned.  His tongue continued to drive me crazy, alternating between licking and sucking with just the right amount of pressure. He started languorously and slowly increased the pace and pressure. He made love to my p*ssy with his mouth. I could feel my juices dripping, getting lost in the incredible sensations. I bucked against him as the feeling overtook me, my carnal instincts commanding my body. I didn’t care if he could breathe, I just needed more, more of his tongue, more of the incredible feeling. I ground myself against his face wildly.  Panting and moaning, I was a wild mess, peaking, just waiting for the freefall. “I’m c*mming,” I groaned loudly as my walls tightened and liquid gushed from me into his face. I continued to rub myself on him as the spasms died down. I smirked, looking at his soaked face and shirt. I was satisfied in more ways than one. My gaze moved up to his eyes and I was taken aback by his expression. He had that predatorial look again, the one that promised it wasn’t over. He licked his lips and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. “You taste delicious Kay,” he smirked. “Now it’s my turn,” he said. 
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