Chapter 7

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Peter  Class started out as usual, I had planned to test their endurance and then, once they were exhausted, I put them in a sparring situation. I watched as most took the challenge with enthusiasm, some however were clearly not as energetic. Kay would usually be in the first category, but something was definitely bothering her today. She wasn’t as focused as she usually was and therefore not as fast either. I could easily tell when her mind wasn’t completely present, I had started her on this journey after all.  It was gratifying watching her progress, it wasn’t easy for her at all. Her PTSD had flared up on occasion and it took a very long time before she could move past it. I’d watched her struggle, fail many times, but she always got back up and tried again. She had the true spirit of a warrior.  Once upon a time I had blamed her for my brother’s death. I knew it was irrational, but it was easier to blame her than just deal with the heart-breaking loss of my big brother, my idol. Strangely enough I also felt the need to protect her, to be sure he hadn’t lost his life in vain. I followed in his footsteps and became a cop, befriended her and looked out for her. When she seemed so lost in her trauma, I brought her to the dojo hoping the environment would help her move on. It was the right move, over the years she had blossomed into a graceful force to be reckoned with.  As I watched her move, I was reminded of my ex girlfriend, Nicole’s parting words.  “Just admit that you love her, no one will ever compare to her in your heart.” She left with a sad smile when I couldn’t even dispute it. I couldn’t lie to myself anymore, I did love her deeply.  It was obvious to me now that this was the reason for all my failed relationships, including my very short, disastrous marriage. I must have been quite distracted not to notice the nature of my now ex wife, opportunistic person that she was. It only took six months for our honeymoon phase to be over and another three for her to leave. Were it not for our prenup, she would have left with half my assets too.  I shook off the negative thoughts and paid attention to the students, it was hard going for all of them. I sucked in a breath as Kay hurt herself, willing myself not to go over there and check on her. It was a silly mistake, very unlike her and she could have fractured or broken a bone. I watched as she breathed through the pain and carried on sparring, the moment summed her up quite well, she didn’t ever give up. That was the exact trait that had made me admire her, the admiration that had eventually turned into something much deeper. “Kay, may I have a word with you before you go?” I asked. She nodded and headed off the main floor to the lockers, I followed.  Taking in her curves as she walked in front of me, I had to remind myself to behave. Once I had admitted my feelings to myself, I craved her. It was getting harder and harder to keep my distance and even harder not to imagine my hands on her soft curves.  “What’s up?” she asked, breaking me out of my lustful daydreaming.   “Are you ok?” I asked, concerned at both her mental and physical states.  “I am, thanks. Why?” I asked, I could see she was a little confused, but I wasn’t sure why. I would normally check up on her every now and then and I didn’t think there was any difference now.  Of course she wouldn’t open up to me all of a sudden, I cursed the immaturity that had made me behave so stupidly in the past. I knew she cared for me as more than a friend for a long time, but I stubbornly stuck to my idiotic stance. Now it was going to be hard to get out of the friend zone I had intentionally put us in.  I couldn’t help myself and gently tucked some stray hair behind her ear. Looking into her eyes, I was mesmerized and without further thought I kissed her, like I had wanted to for years. Her lips were more than I had dreamed of, soft and full. My hands found their way to her hips as if they belonged there and my body reacted instantly and almost violently, too much repressed lust.  It wasn’t that I didn’t get some fairly regularly, because I did, but they weren’t her. It was like scratching an itch with a gloved hand, it only ever took the edge off.  I felt her tense, and reluctantly stopped kissing her, but I couldn’t bear to let her go just yet. I hugged her tightly, not wanting the moment to end. I inhaled her scent, her reaction didn’t seem favorable and I didn’t want to see the rejection in her eyes, so I whispered a quiet apology, turned around and left.  I knew I was being cowardly, I could take down a number of dangerous guys, but ran at the thought of her rejection. I sighed, that was what had gotten me into this situation to begin with. I resolved to be the guy she deserved, but for now I’d let her sleep on it.  *_* Kay  I dropped my aching body into the hot bath and sighed as my muscles unwound. I had poured a glass of wine and lit some candles earlier, soft music played in the background. I sipped, and felt myself relax even more. My phone rang, it was Izzy so I answered and put her on speaker.  “Hey Izzy,” I greeted. All things considered, this was going to be a long chat.  “Hey Kay, whatcha doing?” her boisterous voice was at odds with the atmosphere I had created. I smiled. She was a ball of energy regardless of the time of day.  “I’m chilling in the bath, it’s been a day!” I replied, knowing I was about to get the third degree.  “Oh, what happened? I want all the deets, don’t you dare leave anything out!” she questioned. I sighed and smiled.  “Where do I even start?” I filled her in on all the details despite her constant interruptions to ask more questions.  “What the hell girl, Kimberly sounds like a piece of work, you should have just b***h slapped her.” Izzy said. I laughed. “You know I wouldn’t do that, besides, it’s not my place, it’s not like Emile is anything to me anyway, and she’s pregnant,” I explained, ignoring the tiny pang I felt saying that.  “And Peter? What was that about? Has he been different lately?” she questioned further.  “Babe, I really have no clue, I was so surprised I was in a daze for the next while, in fact I’m still kinda gobsmacked to be honest. You know I really had a thing for him long ago, I’m just not sure I still want that, but I really don’t want to lose him as a friend either. Ugh I’m so confused!” I went on. “Well he certainly has taken things up a notch and now you’re just gonna have to deal with it.” I could hear the smirk on her face, she was enjoying this sudden spate of activity in my otherwise stagnant love life.   “I’m really worried about Seth though, you know his dad’s history with drugs, is that kind of thing hereditary?” I asked.  “I don’t know, but I agree, you will have to do something quickly to get a handle on it.” she noted.  “I’ll find a counselor tomorrow, so I really need a girls’ night, can we get together tomorrow night?” I asked, mentally begging her to agree. “Yaaasss girl, I don’t need a reason to get dressed up you know that, where do you wanna go? I’ll message the girls,” she gushed. I knew she’d be up for it, she really was the best and always had my back. “Our usual club, I just need to drink, dance and have some fun! I’m getting sleepy now though so we’ll chat in the morning ok?” I said, I desperately needed my bed after that glass of wine.
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