Chapter 4

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Kay Seth pulled my chair out like a proper gentleman, which suited the charming old-world atmosphere quite well. The Harlequin was one of our favorite restaurants, it was fifty years old and had a loyal following. The owner, Angelo, knew almost everyone by name, the food was classic Italian and according to him, just like his mother made.  We ordered our favorite meals; carpaccio and salad to start, grilled kingklip for me and osso buco for Seth. I couldn’t help myself, I just adored the sweet yet slightly meaty taste of the delicate fish. Its subtlety made it blend perfectly with most flavors. Seth loved the bold, heavy flavors of his meaty dish.  As soon as the waiter brought our drinks, I raised my glass. “Congratulations on your gold medal Seth, I am so proud of you,” I beamed.  This kid was truly a wonder, handsome, remarkably intelligent and a wonderful person. I was sure his mother was looking down on him with pride. He was extraordinary and I was so happy to be a part of his life. Seth raised his glass too, smiled and thanked me, but I couldn’t help but notice the usual spark in his eyes was missing. I scrutinized him and was shocked to find some tell-tale signs, my stomach dropped and my eyes widened slightly in realization. His jaw was clenching, his pupils slightly dilated and he had a slight tremor in his hands. These were all indications of drug use.  I sat back and took a sip of my wine, savoring the flavor while trying to decide how to handle the situation. If he was high, confronting him now would be useless except to antagonize him. Well, at least he would be safe tonight since we were going home afterward. That would give me some time to figure things out.  “So how are things with you really Seth?” I asked, hoping he would open up if anything specific was bothering him.  “I guess things are okay Aunt Kay, I mean, there’s nothing specific wrong really,” he answered half-heartedly. He didn’t meet my eyes while talking. I reached over and squeezed his hand.  “Okay love, if you are struggling with anything you know I am here for you right? Even if it’s the tiniest thing, I won’t judge you.” I smiled gently, sending him all my love in that smile.  He looked up at me, took in my smile and I could physically see him relax a little, his eyes warming up slightly. He smiled.  “Thanks Aunt Kay, you are really the absolute best. I will come to you if I need anything for sure,” he said, sadness taking over midway through his sentence.  “We have more to celebrate by the way,” I added brightly, needing to distract him from any further heavy thoughts. “I am officially heading up the Flatline project!” I squealed, perhaps a little dramatically.  His smile widened as we toasted again, I decided to make the most of the evening with him. Even though I wasn’t even sure he would remember anything, I tried to connect with him as much as possible. We joked and laughed as we usually would, enjoying the delicious food and ambiance, and eventually took our leave.  Once Seth was settled in his room, I took out my laptop and started reading everything I could find on drug abuse.    *_* “Two shots of tequila please,” she ordered at the bar and within seconds they were both gone.  There were no more worries, no yesterday, no tomorrow, only that very moment.   “A bottle of champagne and 2 glasses please”, she barely registered the deep voice next to her.  A glass appeared in front of her and finally she looked up, a strikingly handsome face with hazel eyes met hers, she was stunned.  “Emile?” she said.  “Care to join me for a drink?” he said.  Presumptuous, she thought, since he’d already poured it. She looked him straight in the eye, daring him, challenging him.  “Yes,” she said simply. She followed him, “where are we going?” she asked.  “This is my club, we’re going to my private room,” he answered. Perfect, she thought. Rich dark leather and soft lighting greeted her, he closed the door and muted the world, soundproof. The enormous couch was inviting, she took a slow sip of her champagne while turning to face him, taking in his impressive form. He watched her, intrigued, waiting to see what lay beneath the surface of that beautiful mess.  She put down her glass, sauntered over to him, never breaking eye contact. She traced a finger down his cheek and under his chin, guiding his face to hers. Her heart raced, it was time to unleash her storm. She slowly placed her lips on his, deepening it then biting his lower lip, he groaned. His hand traced up her spine and grabbed the back of her neck, the kiss devolved into something harsh, deep and dark, both needing more. Her hands gripped his shirt and ripped it open, buttons flying before trailing her fingertips across his chest. Within seconds they were both naked, needy and breathless, making their way to the couch. She pushed him down and straddled him, hard kisses on his lips, then neck and biting his shoulder while rubbing up and down on his hard length. She’s a hellcat, he smirked to himself.  She lifted herself to position him at her entrance and slammed down on his d**k. She rode him like he was an unbroken stallion, a wild thing, until they were coated by sweat, on and on. He flipped her onto her back and rammed into her, he knew what she wanted, it was written in her eyes, harder, faster, balls slapping her ass loudly.  He had lit a fire within her, stoked by every stroke, it grew, and burning hotter, it fast became uncontrollable. He felt the build-up within her hot walls, and flipped her onto all fours, he entered her, she moaned, so deep. His hands gripped her round, generous ass, her beautiful curves fanned the flames of his desire, so fvcking hot. He slammed into her tightness over and over, she was heaven, she was life, her wild spirit enchanted him.  She could no longer think coherent thoughts, all that mattered was his d*ck, the carnal pleasure, the feeling of him filling her, his rough hands gripping her body, taking her to new heights. As much as she wanted it to last, she couldn’t fight it anymore, she clenched down on him, released a deep guttural moan as waves of pleasure hit her and her juices ran down her thighs.  The sight and sound of it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen or felt, and it sent him spiraling over the edge too. His breath caught, balls tightened and the world was reduced to his overwhelming, intense release. Breathing hard, he made his way to his bathroom to clean up. She took a sip of champagne, cleaned herself up, dressed quickly and quietly slipped out the door to the sound of sirens... Sirens?  I sat bolt upright in bed and found that it was my alarm that had woken me. I realized that I was wet, post-orgasm wet, it had really been too long, that dream was intense. My cheeks flushed bright red when I remembered just who I had been dreaming of.
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