Chapter 16

1436 Words
“Emile?” I stuttered as I opened the door. “What are you doing here?” “What do you mean Kay? Are you okay? One minute we were talking and the next I heard a crash and then nothing. What happened to your hand?” he said, gently taking it in his hand and looking at the open wound. “This needs stitches,” he continued.  “Thanks Doc, but I would rather not. Hospitals are not my thing,” I stated firmly, walking inside and allowing him to follow me. I went back to the kitchen table and got some antiseptic cream out.  “Here, let me.” He took my hand gently again and started cleaning the blood off. I hissed softly and my hand jerked as he got to the wound.  “So what happened?” he asked again after a few minutes of awkward silence. I debated how much to tell him, but I couldn’t figure out a way to tell only half of the story. It had been a very draining day and I was weary. F*ck, I didn’t have the energy to do anything other than tell the bare truth.  “Seth’s father attacked me as I left the office,” I explained reluctantly. “He’s an addict. I found him in Seth’s hospital room a few days ago and Peter threw him out. He is the reason Seth has been using drugs. We have footage of the altercation, he will be arrested and I will press charges.” I concluded. At some point he had stopped working on my hand and just stared at me intently, I squirmed a bit.  “Okay,” he said, his neck muscles had tightened and his jaw clenched. I flinched as his hand gripped mine a little too tightly. “Sorry,” he said as he realized he was hurting me. He exhaled slowly then finished wrapping my hand in a bandage.  “Is there anything you need?” he asked. I shook my head and looked at my drink.  “Would you like a drink?” I cursed my sense of hospitality, but it was the least I could offer after he came all the way to check on me.  “Yes, that would be great. Thank you.” He looked up and smiled, and the previous s****l tension returned with vengeance. I blinked and swallowed hard, then got up to get another glass. Why did it have to be on the top shelf of the cupboard? I struggled to reach it. A pair of  hands gently traced my hips and waist as he came up behind me, then he easily took the glass from the shelf, pushing up against me. He didn’t move back, instead he turned me around.  My breath hitched as I got lost in his hazel eyes. His eyes dropped to my lips and automatically mine moved to his. Suddenly I remembered who he was, secret CEO and daddy-to-be, not to mention a client. I looked down, breaking eye contact. I sighed as he lifted my chin with a finger, he was making it very hard to remain professional.  When my eyes met his again, he leaned in and kissed me passionately. The force banged me into the cupboard behind me. I froze. He pulled me closer, my breasts pushing against his rock hard chest. His hand wrapped around my throat with gentle pressure and I was caught up in his dominance.  He kissed my neck, nuzzling me while his hands grazed over my breasts and n*****s. Then each of his hands grabbed an ass cheek and squeezed them hard. He lifted my skirt then put me on the counter, stroking my legs from my ankles to the tops of my thighs. I shivered at the sensation. He parted my legs and stepped closer, kissing me passionately again.  “Wait,” I blurted, pushing him away from me and fixing my clothes. He exhaled loudly and ran his hands through his hair. I smoothed my hair and took a deep breath.  “We can’t do this, we need to be professional,” I insisted. I didn’t know what was happening with his girlfriend and baby, but I was definitely not going to be a homewrecker. I also really wanted to be professional, the agency had a lot riding on this account.  His expression turned dark and he inhaled deeply. “Are you sure about that Kay, I am the client after all. I am sure you wouldn’t want to upset me and risk damaging our professional relationship,” he smirked. My eyes widened, did he just insinuate what I thought he did?  “Just what is that supposed to mean Mr. Riley?” I asked through gritted teeth, arms folded across my body. I knew it, he was just another rich spoiled brat, not able to understand that he couldn’t always get what he wanted. I felt my face heat up, my nostrils flared.  “I’m just saying, this could be a very mutually beneficial thing for us. You do want things to go well with our business arrangements right?” he smirked again. I thought I would burst a blood vessel at that point, I had even given him an opportunity to back out of what he had said.  “Get out,” I fumed. He needed to leave before I really lost my s**t. I promised myself I would never be bullied or railroaded again and I would keep that promise even if it killed me.    He stepped back and held his hands out, palms facing me.  “Get the fvck out,” I screamed, hands shaking, barely managing not to punch him in the face.  “Fine, we’ll talk soon Kay,” he turned around and left.  As soon as I heard the door close, I exhaled and my shoulders slumped. I was so screwed and so was the agency. Still, I wasn’t a damn prostitute, I loved s*x, but my days of being coerced were long gone. What a pig.  Well f**k, it looked like I would be unemployed soon. I sat at the table with my head in my hands for a while and then I drained my drink.  *_* Emile  Okay then, I wasn’t expecting that reaction. I walked to my car and drove away with Kay on my mind. After realizing the extent to which Kimberly would go, I decided to test Kay at the spur of the moment. Clearly I didn’t think it through and suddenly felt like the biggest *ss. I had forgotten about her past, I didn’t have details, but being held by the mafia would not have been a walk in the park for a beautiful, young girl. She had also been attacked and had been wounded, I ran my hand through my hair. Bad timing, I was being an insensitive prick.  My c*ck was still hard, she felt amazing, soft skin, body firm under my touch. In a way I was annoyed that she refused me, she was the first to do so in a long long time. I wanted her so much, was it because she seemed unattainable? I had women on tap so why was I spending so much time chasing this one. I thought of the other guy again, wondering what was between them. Her background check said she was single so they weren’t official, but there was definitely something there. It was unmistakable. My hands tightened on the steering wheel, knuckles white.  I’d forgotten how much rejection sucked. I was going to have blue balls and the likelihood of having Kay was slim to zero so I needed some temporary relief. I drove to my bar on Long Street. There were always easy pickings there and I needed to let off some steam.  I parked in my private spot and headed into the bar, the staff greeted me respectfully. I scanned the bar and saw a few potentials around, none of them excited me enough. I sat at the bar and ordered drink after drink.  “Hey,” said a tall, blonde woman as she walked up to me. “Aren’t you the ‘Secret CEO’?”, she asked with a seductive smile. Fvck, it’s already started.  “No,” I deadpanned. So much for getting laid. 
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