Chapter 11

1512 Words
Peter  I opened my eyes and sighed, they felt grainy and tired. I hadn’t gotten much sleep after the insanely hot session with Kay. My mind kept replaying it which just made me hard, yet I knew I’d have to really win her in order to ever have her again. I’d just gotten lucky, or was it unlucky, considering the way she had left. I decided that I’d try to see her and talk through things as soon as possible.  I got up, needing a cold shower for more than one reason and got ready for work, trying my damndest to focus on anything other than her. The day went by at a snail’s pace, it was torturous. At the end of my shift I headed to Kay’s office, hoping to catch her on her way out.  I was nervous, but had decided that it was time to man up. No more beating around the bush, I had finally made the decision and now nothing would stop me from doing what I should have done years ago. I was going to ask her out for a drink and be honest about everything, then it would be up to her. Hopefully I hadn’t lost my chance with her. No, I refused to even think of it. I walked into the lobby in time to see a guy kissing the back of her hand. I felt a pang of jealousy, she didn’t look swayed by the gesture, but didn’t stop him either. It was very clear that he wanted her, I could see it in his eyes and body language. I moved out of their view, not wanting it to be any more awkward than it already was.  I sized him up, he was handsome and very well dressed which meant he had money. He was built like someone who worked out regularly, he was definitely strong. He oozed power and had a definite air of authority. I could tell he would be a dangerous man to his enemies. Damn, he was definitely stiff competition. I needed to find out more about him, regardless of whether he was competition or not, my first priority was Kay and Seth’s safety. I had to be sure that he was above-board, his reputation and his intentions.  She hooked her arm into his and they left the building.  I stood there for a while, wondering what to do now. I hadn’t counted on any other guys being in the picture, although I couldn’t really be surprised. She was a woman of substance after all. She always had a string of admirers although she never noticed them. They, on the other hand, were intimidated by her, it stopped many of them from approaching her directly. She was mostly oblivious to them and  that always pleased me even though I knew it was selfish of me to think that way. I enjoyed my trusted position in her life, whether that would still be the case remained to be seen. I ran my hand through my hair, extremely frustrated at the new development.  I decided a walk would do me good and headed to one of the easier hiking trails close by. Some fresh air would do me good. I hiked an easy trail up along the mountainside and looked over at the ocean, it only took an hour or so and always helped to clear my head. I enjoyed a slow walk back in the peaceful setting until my phone rang.  “Seth?” I answered, his name popping up on my screen.  “2154 Gympie Street, come quickly, he needs help,” said an unfamiliar voice.  Shit, that was a few doors down from a well-known and vicious drug dealer. I started dialing Kay while running down the last part of the trail. The number was not available, probably out of range. I cursed and left a voicemail.  I prayed it wasn’t serious, I had grown to love Seth as much as Kay over the years, and if anything happened to him I wasn’t sure Kay would survive it. He was like her own son, and also the only part of her dear friend that she had left. I called my partner and asked him to meet me there, I wasn’t sure what I’d be facing and needed back up.  I made it to my car and furiously drove off to the address, breaking all speed limits. I parked next to my partner’s car and together we made our way to the house. The door was ajar, I gently opened it further, it was quiet but for a soft shuffling sound coming from somewhere close by. We silently made our way inside, guns ready. The sound got slightly louder as we progressed, then I spotted him behind the couch. Seth lay on his side, frothing at the mouth, his body convulsing. I ran over to him, his pulse was erratic and he had trouble breathing, a definite sign of an overdose.  My partner quickly checked the rest of the house and found it empty. My anger spiked, whoever had called had just left him there. We hauled him out to my car and I rushed him to the nearest hospital sirens blaring. Once they had taken him in, I sent Kay a text telling her where to find us.  I ran my fingers through my hair, I wondered whether Kay had any idea that Seth had been doing drugs. Would I have to be the one to break it to her? She was going to be distraught. I sat down and sighed. It was going to be a rough night.  *_* Kay  “So, you’re the owner… “ I stammered, waiting for him to laugh and say he was just joking. His eyes said he was serious. I sighed, it was even worse than I had imagined. He was strikingly handsome and rich and clearly used to getting what he wanted. I couldn’t say I’d ever had good experiences with his type. Yet, the effort he had gone to couldn’t be ignored.  “You don’t have to answer me now, just think about it okay?” he said, his eyes gleaming with hope. I nodded, grateful that I wasn’t put on the spot.  We spent another half an hour enjoying the bubbly, snacks and the view. We chatted a bit, getting to know each other a little. I started relaxing in his company despite my initial wariness and the s****l tension. The setting was just amazing, it couldn’t be helped. Eventually we headed back to the helicopter. I wished we could stay a little longer, but I needed to get back to reality.  At some point we must have got back into cellular range, I felt my phone vibrating continuously. I took it out of my bag and checked it. There were multiple missed calls from Seth’s number and then one from Peter’s as well. My stomach twisted, something was very wrong. I wouldn’t be able to hear the voicemail in the helicopter. I found a text from Peter saying that he was taking Seth to the hospital. Oh God, what had happened to Seth? I paled.  “Is everything okay?” Emile asked over the headset. I shook my head and handed him my phone, not even able to speak. Emile took it and read the message.  “John, take us to Groote Schuur Hospital immediately,” he instructed the Pilot.  “Yes sir,” John dutifully replied and then contacted air traffic control for the formalities.  The helicopter changed its course and I breathed deeply, at least I would get there quickly. Emile took my hand in his and squeezed, then comforted me with the usual things people said at these times.  “It’s going to be okay,” he said. I wasn’t so sure, this wasn’t a fairy tale, it wasn’t always okay. I knew that first hand. I tried my best not to think of the worst case scenarios, it was hard because I still had no idea why he was there. Well, I didn’t want to think that it was drug related. “Thank you Emile,” I said as the helicopter approached the hospital, “I really appreciate it.”  “I am coming with you,” he stated sternly, “I can’t just leave you in this state.” His tone brooked no argument, and my mind was in such turmoil I couldn’t argue if I wanted to. I nodded, trying to keep my breathing even.  ‘Amalia if you’re up there, please watch over your son,” I silently prayed.
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