Chapter 18

1758 Words
Kay  I woke up with a start, sunlight streamed into my bedroom indicating that I’d overslept. My mind was foggy from wine and ice cream. Could one have an ice cream hangover? Izzy and I had gone a little overboard. I groaned, reaching for the painkillers and the glass of water on my nightstand.  Sighing gratefully, I realized that I didn’t need to get out of bed at all. It was bittersweet. Seth wasn’t home and I didn’t have a job. I turned over and burrowed under the covers again, hoping another few hours of sleep would make me feel human again.  I surfaced a little later as my phone buzzed, I grabbed it and looked at the screen. It was the agency. I decided to ignore them and call back once I’d had a shower and some coffee. I couldn’t imagine what they wanted, then I noticed that there had been several missed calls from them. Frowning, I decided that they could wait. I needed caffeine before I could even think of dealing with them. Then I had to focus on updating my resume and making a concerted effort to find a new job.  After a shower and with a steaming cup of coffee in hand, I sat down at my desk with my phone. There were a few more calls and one voice mail. I settled in and took a long sip as I listened to the voice note, it was from Mr. Andrews. He wanted to meet with me urgently and asked me to come to the office in a very ingratiating tone. I was confused, I couldn’t understand what the hell he wanted and my hangover wasn’t helping either. I sat back in my chair and sipped my coffee thoughtfully. When my cup was empty, I dialed the office.  “Hi Giana, this is Kay returning Mr. Andrews’ call,” I greeted.  “Hi Kay, just a moment I’ll transfer your call,” she replied.  “Kay, thank you for returning my call,” Mr. Andrews hesitated.  “How can I help you?” My tone was stiff and formal. “I would like us to meet regarding the way forward, would you be able to come into the office today?” He was being very polite. My eyes narrowed, something was going on, but I wasn’t even sure I cared to know what it was. It hurt to be cast aside after so many years of busting my *ss for his company.  “I think we have said all we needed to say Mr. Andrews. You made it very clear where I stand yesterday and now that I understand how you feel, there is no point in continuing to discuss anything. Goodbye Mr. Andrews,” I hung up.  That felt great.  I should probably have heard him out, but after the confrontation I really wanted nothing more to do with him. My shoulders slumped in relief, I had some savings and could take some time to find a good position elsewhere. I switched off my phone and opened my laptop to start working on my resume.  Two hours and countless Google searches later, I was putting the final touches on the document when the doorbell rang. I figured it was Izzy, she was the only person who would visit in the middle of a work day. She worked part time at her family’s restaurant and the rest of the time she spent writing steamy fantasy novels. I envied her to a certain extent, she enjoyed a very flexible schedule and still got to be creative. I headed for the door, opened it and the smile fell from my face.  “Mr. Andrews, what are you doing here?” I asked icily.  “Kay, I’m sorry to intrude at your home, but I really needed to speak with you urgently.” He looked haggard, as if he hadn’t slept well in months. His suit was uncharacteristically rumpled and his tie was skew, a far cry from his usual impeccable attire. I caught the faint whiff of sweat.  “Come inside,” I huffed and led him to the living room. “Have a seat,” I offered as I took one too. I’d be damned if I was going to play the polite hostess to my uninvited guest and offer him a drink when he no longer had my respect. I looked at him pointedly, waiting for him to begin.  His eyes flitted across the room. Well, he could look all he wanted. It wasn’t the largest room, but it had character. I had enjoyed creating the space, it had the most comfortable sofas and unique pieces of furniture that were also functional. It threw me a little to have him in my personal space.  “Kay, it seems I acted a little prematurely yesterday. New information has come to light and I would like you to come back,” he started. My eyes narrowed.  “What new information are you referring to Mr. Andrews?” My tone was polite, but my expression was hard.  “Yes, well, I had a call from Mr. Riley and he clarified a few things,” he said sheepishly. I kept my expression neutral despite the shock I felt. I waited.  “He said that he was out of line and he owed you an apology,” he continued. Why would Emile do that? I wondered what kind of game he was playing.  “I’m sorry you came all this way Mr. Andrews, I don’t feel comfortable working for you any longer. It’s clear that your expectations of me go well beyond what I am willing to do. Further to that, I don’t trust you to support me when I really need it,” I concluded. Our confrontation had left a bitter taste and I really couldn’t stand the man anymore.  “Please Kay, you know we really need this account,” he said, a few drops of sweat making its way down his forehead. Wait, so what did the account have to do with me?  “I don’t understand, Mr. Riley clarified the situation so there is no problem between the agency and him. You don’t need me, everything is set up, you just need someone to manage it,” I frowned. I was definitely missing something.  “Mr. Riley will not work with us if you are not reinstated,” he confessed. I was still perplexed by Emile’s behavior, but Mr. Andrews’ behavior now made perfect sense. My expression hardened.  “So let me get this straight, you didn’t come here to apologize for your behavior or because you wanted me back, you came here because you need the contract,” I fumed. “I think we are done here Mr. Andrews, I’ll see you out.”  “Kay, wait, please. You’re right, I apologize. I should have listened to you and supported you when you needed it, instead I reacted badly and blamed you. I don’t agree with how you said what you said, but you do have a point. I’m sorry,” he concluded. My eyebrows raised, I did not expect that. “Please, just tell me what you want and if I can I will give it to you. I know I was out of line yesterday, the company’s financial situation has really taken a toll on me. I know it’s no excuse, I’m just telling you why.”  I thought about it for a minute, did I really want to go back? I was excited about the shoot and I had worked my *ss off putting it together. It was unlikely Mr. Andrews would react that way again anytime soon and even if he did, I’d leave and be right where I am now.  “Fine, I will come back to work tomorrow,” I conceded. I would start looking for other opportunities anyway. I didn’t think Mr. Andrews and I could really repair our relationship at all so my return would be a short term thing, just until I could find another position. That way I could still pay my bills while I looked. His face lit up and he breathed a sigh of relief.  “Thank you Kay, I appreciate it. I look forward to having you back in the office tomorrow,” he smiled.  “See you tomorrow,” I said as I let him out. After I closed the door behind him I just stood there, trying to solve the puzzle that was Emile. What was the point of all of that, or did he really just lose control that night?  *_* Emile  I had finally heard from the agency douche, Kay had been reinstated and would be back at the office the next day. I had to open the lines of communication again so I sent her a ‘welcome back’ text. Her response was a rather curt ‘Thank you’. It was understandable, but I was sure we would get past it.  My phone rang again, it was Tony this time.  “Yeah Tony?” I answered.  “Hi Boss, we have a little problem. Have you seen the headlines of The Voice?” he asked. I had been preoccupied with Kay so hadn’t really been paying attention to much else.  “No, why? What’s up?” I asked, although I already had my suspicions. There was only one person who would stoop so low as to get The Voice involved.  “It’s Kimberly, she’s had an interview with them. I have to warn you, she made you look like a real *ss,” he spat, as if the article were about him. We were close and had shared various joys and sorrows over the years. I would probably be just as p*ssed if the roles were reversed. “Come to my office and bring a copy. It’s time to put this b***h in her place.” It was well past time actually, but I’d make sure she suffered for every libelous word. 
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