Chapter 13

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Emile “Come on Doc, we had a deal,” Kimberly simpered as they stood next to his desk, “I’ve already given you the sample, all you have to do is change the results.” She ran her finger over his chest and grabbed his tie, pulling him closer and did that pouty thing with her lips. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and started recording. Then she kissed him, pushing her ample breasts up against him.   The doc, a balding, pot-bellied man in his late forties, was suddenly red faced and breathing hard. His hands gripped her ass firmly, and hesitantly at first, he grinded against her. She threw her arms around his neck and encouraged his ardor, her moans very obviously fake.  A picture of what was presumably his middle-aged wife and teenage kids stood proudly on his desk, Kimberly sure did know how to play a man. Files littered every surface area barring the examination table and the smell of antiseptic was heavy in the air. It suited the uninteresting man.  Kimberly had come prepared, she was wearing a low cut, body hugging red dress which didn’t leave much to the imagination and black stiletto heels, her lips matched her dress. I remembered the look quite well and it was enlightening to watch it in action when it wasn’t being used on me.  They broke the kiss and she ran her hand over his crotch, grabbing him gently. Then she undid his belt and zip, his pants pooling on the floor. I grimaced in disgust. “So, will you do it? I need to make sure the results work for me, it’s really important,” she teased as she dropped to her knees. My muscles clenched, it took everything I had not to interrupt and lose my sh*t at that point. “I… I could lose my job you know,” he stammered, loosening his tie and the top button of his shirt. Then he groaned as she rubbed her face in his crotch. I gagged and swallowed down the urge to puke.  “Doc… “ she moaned.  “Fine… fine, yes, I’ll do it,” he mumbled as she pulled down his underwear… and that was all I needed.  I toyed with the idea of confronting her then, but I decided to bide my time. I wanted to see what she really wanted from me or rather how much. It would also annoy her more to have given the unattractive doc a blow job, if not more, for absolutely no reason. I left them to it. Kimberly was going to have a rude awakening.  *_*  Kay  “First tell me how you are feeling,” I asked as I lay next to Seth in his bed, stroking his hair. It was something he had always loved as a child, it soothed him.  “I… I think I’m ok,” he said, still sounding a little groggy. He snuggled a little closer, reminding me of simpler times. I mentally cursed Jason again, I could have lost Seth too.  “Ok, so do you know who Jason is?” I started with a sense of dread.  “He told me he’s my father,” he confirmed. My face heated up again, I figured he would have, he wanted to be trusted. “That’s true, your mother met him when she was seventeen. Back then he wasn’t an addict yet, he came from a wealthy family, the kind who handed everything to him. He was handsome, rich and had a bright future by all accounts. I’m not sure about the details, but his family lost their fortune and then he changed. His spoiled, entitled attitude was all the more obvious. He became combative and verbally abusive and eventually your mother ended the relationship. She didn’t know that she was pregnant with you at the time,” I explained.  “She moved in with me because your grandmother and my mother had passed away in a car accident a few years before then. Then we found out about you and despite the less than ideal circumstances, she was ecstatic. She loved you from the moment she found out she was pregnant and so did I,” I continued.  “It must have been hard for her,” Seth mumbled.  “In some ways it was, but she really adored you. You gave her life new meaning and she had such grand plans for your lives together. She wanted to wait until you were born before telling your father, but by then he had already started using. After she died, he found out about you and wanted to fight for custody. His history wasn’t in his favor and your mom had listed me as your guardian in her will so he didn’t succeed.” “So what money was he talking about?” Seth asked impatiently. I took a deep breath. “Well, your grandmother, Rose, was never married to your grandfather, in fact he was already married. He came from a wealthy family and married into an even wealthier one. He didn’t want to acknowledge your mother and cause a scandal so he gave her a huge sum of money and told her to leave,” I did my best not to make it sound like he was a gigantic a**hole, but it was hard not to, because that’s exactly what he was.  “So that’s the money he was talking about?” Seth prompted again.  “Well, yes and no. Rose was a very smart woman, she only kept a little of it and invested the rest very wisely, your mother left it there too since she had enough to get by. It’s been thirty-five years since then, your portfolio is worth around five hundred million Rand now.”  I watched Seth as that figure sunk in, his eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed.  “So why have we been living in a tiny house?” he asked pensively. “What about all the things I really wanted, but you said we couldn’t afford?” “Somehow I knew you were going to ask that,” I laughed. “That’s your future darling, I promised your mother I would take care of you and I did that within my means. The money belongs to you and you will have access to it when you’re of legal age.” I explained.  “Should anything happen to me before then, the details of the lawyer, Mr. Dean, can be found in my desk drawer or on my phone. He manages your estate, so if you need anything you should go to him.” Now that he knew, it would be prudent to make sure he had some contact details.  “Now, we both know we need to talk about the drug use right? You’re recovering so this isn’t the time, but I want you to know that I love you very much. You will most likely have to go to a rehab facility for a few weeks. I’ll visit as much as possible and will probably need to be there for some therapy sessions. At some point I need to know how you and Jason met up, but I assume that’s how this all started?” I probed.  “I understand,” he said dejectedly. He lowered his gaze and a little blush formed on his cheeks. “I’m really sorry Aunt Kay, I had  no idea this was how it would turn out,” he stammered, his eyes a little glossy.  “Hey,” I said as I hugged him close, ”It’s going to be hard, but we’ll get through it together ok? How long have you been using? I will probably need to inform the clinic.”  “Two months,” he confessed. Two months, had I really not noticed for two whole months? “At first it was just a little, once or twice, then it got harder to get that same feeling so I did it more often and more at a time, Jason was always around and seemed more than willing to share,” he said with a sense of guilt.  “Well, Jason is your father, but I think you can tell now that he doesn’t have your best interest at heart,” I soothed. How did you tell a kid his dad was a d*ck and he should run the other way whenever he saw him? It was tricky, I didn’t want to push him away and into Jason’s greedy clutches.  “I guess I already knew that, I was just so happy to have at least one parent that I wasn’t thinking straight. I always wondered about him, what it would be like to meet him, to know him,” he whispered. My heart broke for him, living with anyone other than your actual parents must be hard on any kid. I was lucky to have mine. Damn, I’d forgotten, I needed to call my dad and Izzy. I’d do that after our talk.  “I can’t even imagine how disappointed you must be, but you still have me and Papa,” I stroked his hair again, all I ever wanted was for him to be happy.  Life was all about learning to deal with the highs and the lows, I hoped I was helping him figure those things out. 
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