Chapter 2

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Yes, something was wrong with Gavin. Holding hands, Ellie and Gavin sat in the examining room in the doctor's office as they listened to him explain the results of the tests he had recently run. While the test results for Ellie showed a clean bill of health with no fertility issues, the results for Gavin were disheartening. "Alpha Gavin," the doctor began. "There appears to be an issue with your blood work. Even though it has been two full years since you were rescued and began treatment to flush the toxins out of your body, it appears those toxins are proving to be resistant to our treatments." "What exactly does that mean?" Gavin asked in concern. "What it means, Alpha, is that until those toxins completely leave your body, you will be unable to father a child." The doctor's words felt like a death knell to Gavin. He had looked forward to having children with Ellie. He had dreamed of the family they would have. The joy of seeing her body swell with their child. Watching their child grow. His face fell, as did his heart. He couldn't give Ellie babies. Ellie's voice broke through Gavin's fog of sadness. "So this isn't a permanent thing, though? Right? Is there something we can do to help the toxin level drop? Even if it takes years, we have lots of time to conceive and have a child. With my hybrid mix, I should be able to conceive well past the age of one hundred. So we have years to fix this issue, correct?" The doctor smiled at the fact Ellie didn't allow this news to defeat her. "Alpha Ellie, you are correct. With your species combination, you can conceive well past the age of two hundred. And considering supernaturals can live for hundreds of years, you both have plenty of time. Alpha Gavin, I will contact the Council's hospital and work with their specialists to come up with a treatment plan. For now though, I suggest you both just relax, and not worry about trying to get pregnant. You two are young. Enjoy your time together as a couple. Trust me, when the children do come along, you will be thankful you had this time together to build a strong mate bond." "I do suggest getting plenty of rest, drinking a lot of water, exercising, and making sure you are out in the fresh air as much as possible. If you are tired, rest. Your body went through six years of torture, including daily doses of wolfsbane and silver. Honestly, I am surprised you survived that. Not many could. The fact you did tells me you will fully recover. It's just going to take time. Patience is the key." Ellie squeezed Gavin's hand in support, and as encouragement. "Come on, Love. Let's go home. I don't know about you, but I could use a little cuddle time." She gave him a seductive wink, which produced laughter from both Gavin and the doctor. "Alphas, I will give you a call when the specialists and I have devised a plan to assist in detoxing your body. Meanwhile, take care of yourselves and each other." "Thanks Doc. We will wait for your call." Ellie responded with a smile. She and Gavin left the office and headed back to the pack house. "Ellie, my love. I am so sorry." Gavin sighed in sorrow. "I know how much you want children." These words he said softly, as he didn't want the news of their difficulty conceiving to spread about the pack. Before he could say anything more, Ellie hushed him with a finger pressed to his lips. "Gavin, we have all the time in the world for children. My concern is your health. I want you to fully recover for you! For your wellbeing. For us. So we can spend a long healthy life together. If we have children, that's a bonus. But I mated and married you because I love you! You. Not the imaginary children we may or may not have. YOU! The whole seven years you were away from me was torture. I missed YOU every single, solitary day. YOU!" Gavin stopped walking, and pulled Ellie into his arms and planted a passionate kiss on her warm, plush lips. Breathing heavily, they broke apart, conscious they were in full view of any pack members in the vicinity. He caught the quietly whispered "aawwww's" from some of the older pack members. And snickered at hearing one of the younger teens comment with a "get a room". That comment served to lighten his mood, and he seductively whispered to Ellie. "How about it beautiful? Shalll we get a room? I've got some ideas of what we can do to occupy our time." With a giggle and a nod of her head, Ellie grabbed Gavin's hand and pulled him in a run towards the pack house. She was more than up for a little exercise. 'Maybe a little dance' she mind-linked to Gavin. 'I really like the horizontal tango.' His laughter came back down the link as he swept her up into his arms, threw her over his shoulder and carried her all the way to their suite. Locking the suite door, he rushed them to their bedroom before placing Ellie on her feet. His hands were in her hair at the back of her head, pulling her closer for a searing kiss. Hands shaking, Ellie fumbled with the buttons of his shirt as she hurried in an effort to take his shirt off. He had to remove his hands from her hair to allow the shirt to be removed. Ellie's hands went to his chest, up to his shoulders and around his neck. Gavin didn't waste a moment as he removed her clothing, throwing them on the floor, in his hurry to unwrap the beautiful gift of his mate. Ellie then lowered her hands to unbuckle his belt and unfasten his jeans. She broke the kiss, but only to trail kisses down his body, as he pushed his jeans and underwear to the floor. Stepping out of his clothes, he picked Ellie up and gently laid her on the bed. Hair splayed out on the pillows, she raised her arms, and wiggled her fingers in a 'come hither' motion. Not one to refuse his mate her deepest desires, Gavin gladly obliged, kneeling on the bed between her thighs. His hands found her hips and began to stroke her soft smooth skin as his tongue teased her sensitive breasts. Taking a hardened peak into his mouth, he sucked and rolled it until he had her writhing in want. Repeating the actions with the other n****e, he moved his hand lower to find her hot, wet center. Moaning with desire, Ellie thrust up her hips, wanting, needing to have him give her the pleasure only he could. Their year as mates had served to alleviate her shyness, and she was now bold in their lovemaking. She wasn't afraid to show him how much she wanted him. How she desired him. How she could give him as much pleasure as he could give her. When his finger began to circle her nub, and two fingers entered her core, pumping in a hard fast rhythm, she came undone. A deep guttural groan escaped her mouth as she reached her peak. Suddenly, she flipped him over onto his back, and she threw herself astride him, impaling herself on his hardened shaft. Hands on his chest, and head thrown back in ecstasy, she rode him hard and fast until they were both shouting as they came together. Exhausted, she collapsed onto his chest, whispering words of love. She rained tiny kisses along his jawline before laying her head on his shoulder and falling asleep. Gavin lay cradling Ellie in his arms listening to her soft breathing. Goddess, but he loved this woman. She was his world. The thought of her was the only thing that had kept him going, kept him sane, during his long years of imprisonment and torture. Now that he had her, he would never let her go. He would do everything within his power to keep her by his side. He would do everything he could to give her the life she deserved. He would give his life for her, no questions asked. Years ago, he had sworn to honor and serve her as his queen. And even though now she didn't wear the Supernatural crown, she was still his queen. The ruler of his heart. The only home he wanted was in her arms. With that thought in mind, he, too, drifted off to sleep.
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