Chapter 24

1199 Words

"You f*cking b*tch! Show yourself now!" Blaze screamed as he threw the tantrum of all tantrums. "It's your fault Corrine is hurt! You should have just submitted to me! When I get hold of you, I swear you will pay for this!" He was stomping around the room like a child denied his favorite toy. 'My fault?' I wanted to say, but I stayed silent. 'How is it my fault? You are the one that caused all this s**t. You are the one that hit her and damn near killed her. How are your actions my fault.' Asshole! Blaze continued to rain down threats, hoping to drown my will into submission. He had no two clues who he was dealing with. "I swear, I will drag that useless wolf you call a mate into this cell and skin him alive. I will peel his flesh from his bones and roast him alive. His every scream of

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