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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: There are no secrets that time does not reveal - Jean Racine.  ___________ SETTING: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "You can't catch me!" A cackling Hermione Granger said as she ran away from her secret boyfriend through the corridors, leaving him to hunt her down. "You're so going to get it!" An enraged, well, revengeful Draco Malfoy shouted as he chased after his secret girlfriend. Almost 3/4th of the school population had returned to Hogwarts to complete their education after the Battle of Hogwarts. Professor Minerva McGonagall had decided to continue her position as the Headmistress of Hogwarts. Whilst, there weren't many changes in the Staff side, but the school had surely lost Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and a few other students to the Ministry. What started out from a single word 'sorry' for Hermione and Draco, now is running at the three words 'I love You'. Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy were both appointed to be the respective Head Girl and Head Boy for their 8 year. This provided them with great leverage as the pair had to share their common room, bathroom and the kitchens. Their relationship between each other grew from being 'friendly' to 'friends' to 'close friends' to 'best friends' to 'crushes' to 'lovers' to 'betrothed' within 6 months of a year at Hogwarts. No one knew of this except for the whole Slytherin House, the Malfoys and the Grangers. After Ron and Harry had left Hogwarts for their training to become Aurors, Hermione was able to spend her time planning out her whole future. She had learnt many things, starting from the Pureblood Customs to the way the Ministry functions and its connections to the Muggle world. Since her relationship with Ginny wasn't that good, she started spending time with the Slytherins (they got off their difference and accepted her for who she is) who are pretty intelligent, smart, humorous and very close to each other. The way the Slytherins functioned immediately attracted her, and she berated herself for not noticing it earlier. Within days, she became very close to the 8th year Slytherins, more than she had ever been with anyone throughout her entire life. She could laugh/tease and fool around with them and at the same time have deep rooted conversations with them. Hermione found peace, tranquility and contentment with them. And, she absolutely loved it. She loved every single second that she had spent getting to know about them. It was on October 29 when Draco and Hermione confessed their feelings for each other, when they both were chilling out in the grounds, next to the Black Lake. It was actually one of the last days of the year, and they were forced to watch the Giant Squid that had one of its tentacles up above the water, doing nothing but to float back and forth. It was a Lazy Day. Even for the Giant Squid. The second their lips touched each other's, they were lifted in the air by the Slytherins who then dumped the new couple smack into the Black Lake. In the month of October! The laugh that everyone shared after that was memorable. They even had Vincent, who is a new photographer to capture the scene. From then on Hermione and Draco were dating. Their parents were notified of the status and for the surprise of the teens, the Malfoys and Grangers had approved of their relationship wholeheartedly. On March 18, Draco proposed to Hermione, the love of his life, his first ever girlfriend. When Hermione accepted to marry him, he was the world's most happiest man ever. Lucius-Narcissa Malfoy and Daniel-Emma Granger who were now really close to each other, were very excited to become the official in-laws of each other. All of this happened without the knowledge of the Weasleys and Potter. Hermione didn't know why but she had never felt at ease, the way she felt with the Slytherins and her soon-to-be-parents-in-laws, with the Weasleys. She had always felt like an outsider when she visited the Weasleys. But here, she felt like a Princess of the Purebloods. The scene is now set on April 20, 1998 at Hogwarts. Hermione had pranked her fiancée by changing all of his shirts to the standard hot pink colour, that had the words: 'Oh so you're straight? So is a Sphagetti until it gets hot and wet'. Draco was literally pissed off as he opened his wardrobe to choose a pair of pants and shirt for the day. Thankfully, today was Saturday, so there were no classes. He had chased his fiancée up and down the Heads Dorm and now was found chasing her through the corridors of Hogwarts. They both had pushed past many students, professors and ghosts, but at the moment neither cared, as it had been long (a week literally) since they had had this much fun, that they had completely forgotten the audience that they had. Hermione burst open the doors to the Great Hall with a bang, and ran inside, not knowing where to go, but just that she had to escape. Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley had decided to visit their old school and friends on the particular day. Ronald wanted to reunite with his Hermione, whilst Harry just wanted to check in on everyone. And, they decided to wait in at the Great Hall, knowing that Hermione would eventually come down to have her breakfast. They were also informed of the fact that Hermine was made to be the Head Girl along with Draco Malfoy, who was appointed to be the Head Boy. Ron had fumed when Ginny told him that the Head Prefects wee supposed to share their common room, bathrooms and kitchens; whilst Harry was merely concerned for Hermione. Little did the students at Hogwarts, aside from the Slytherin House, knew that they were going to be in the shocks of their lives in this particular day. When Hermione had burst open the door, Harry and Ron stood up from their seats. And, when she started to run, they immediately held their arms out to her, but she hadn't known that they were here so she had ignored them and started running as if though she was being hunted down by a Werewolf. Their breaths left their bodies when Draco Malfoy came in, huffing and puffing, as his grey eyes darted out back and forth searching for something. Or, someone. "Mia!" He exclaimed and when he caught a blink of her familiar brown-golden hair between the sea of Hufflepuff students. And, that made Hermione jerk up as she practically jumped over the bench and ran away from him. Draco, let out a snarl, as he chased her. Yet again. "Stop it, Draco! I won't apologise to you!" Hermione giggled as she ran to the opposite side of the hall, thinking that it would be easier that way, but Draco managed to get her wrist in his hand, and twirled her around. Hermione squealed as Draco caught her in his arms and caged her against the wall. "Uh-huh" By now, practically 3/4th of the occupants of the Great Hall had their jaws wide open. The Slytherins were just smirking and at the same time, enjoying their breakfasts. The remaining were all staring at the couple in shock. "Draco, let go of me, I say!" Hermione giggled as she felt Draco move closer to her, pressing her back up against the wall, whilst her front was pressed up against his front. Draco merely chuckled as leaned his head down so as to press his forehead against hers. "Apologise, love." He husked, his voice had never been this sexier before. Hermione again giggled, shaking her head as no. His eyebrow rose perfectly in the arc shape. His strong arms locked around her waist, just like every time, as naturally as instinctually. Hermione bit her lower lip seductively, taunting her fiancée knowing very well how much it turns him on. And, just as she expected, she felt his eagerness rub against hers, as his lips embraced hers. A moan escaped her lips unconsciously. His arms tightened its grip on her, and he lifted her legs from the ground and wrapped it around his waist. His lips fit perfectly against hers, like she was made only for her, and him for her. Their kiss turned into a steamy snogging session when she slipped her hand under his shirt, running her soft fingers up and down his back, and scratching him with her nails. His tongue delved into her mouth tasting her sweet essence, and the very familiar cavern. "Hey lovebirds, that's a nice way to announce your relationship to the world. Why didn't we think of it, Daph?" Blaise shouted, his voice held mirth, and the couple could actually imagine the picture of him with a smug grin on his face. With a final desperate kiss, the pair pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. Both of their hair were messed up, their lips bruised from the desperate kiss that they shared, their clothes rumpled, and their faces in pinkish colour. Only then Blaise's words sunk in. "What the- oh s**t!" Draco cussed as he realised that they were in the Great Hall. The fact that they had just snogged each other in front of so many people sunk in. But when he accidentally caught Ron and Harry in the crowd looking wide-eyed, he grinned widely. Hermione was the doing the perfect imitation of a gaping fish, before red spread through her and she buried her head in her fiancée's chest, not wanting to see anyone. Draco decided that going away for a few minutes would do go as the silence in the hall was deafening and he hates the silence. He actually despises silent places. But before walking out with Hermione still wrapped in his arms, her legs still locked around his, her arms still around his neck, her face still hidden in his chest, he turned to Weasley and Potter to shout. "Potter, Weasley, thank you for NOT paying attention to Hermione! If not for you, I wouldn't have gotten myself such a beautiful, smart witch as my soon-to-be wife. Don't worry, we'll invite you for the wedding!" __________
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