Pregnant Days

665 Words
QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: Not to brag, but I haven't had a mood swing in like seven minutes - Unknown. __________ "Whoa! I can't even hug you completely, heart.." "Did you just call me fat?" "No, I didn't.." "Of course you did. Just now!" "No, heart. What I meant was because of your bump, I can't hug you fully.." "So, you don't like our son?" "Wha-I didn't mean it like that.." "Of course you did! You are such a bad person!" "No, Merlin! I didn't mean it like that.. You, heck everyone knows that I love him.." "Did you just curse?" "Am I not allowed to even curse now?" "So, you think I'm over bearing? You hate me, right? You don't like me.." "Hey, hey, don't cry.. You know I love you.. And, you're not over bearing.. and I don't hate you.. its just the hormones messing with you..." "Did you just accuse me of being high?" "Sweet Merlin! No, I didn't mean it like that, sweetheart! Can we just sleep?" "So, I'm boring you out now, huh?" "No, you don't bore me.. I'm just.. having a nasty headache.." "Oh, I'm such a bad wife! I'm supposed to help you but here I am not caring for you!" "No, no, it's alright.. you rest.. you have already worked too much today.." "Why won't you let me help you? You help me all the time.. now, why can't I help you?" "It's because you've already worked too much, sweetheart. And, it's nothing but a headache, it will go away if I sleep.." "Are you sure that you don't want to go to St. Mungo's?" "Of course yes. I'm alright. No st. Mungo's..." "Draco?" "Hmm?" "Are you asleep?" "Halfway through.." "I love you.." "Hmmm.." "You don't love me?" "Hmm.." "So you really don't love me? Where you just playing with me?!" "Hmm.." "Fine!" "Wingardium Leviosa!" "What the- Hey, what are you doin-owww! Ow! Ow! That hurt!" "Sleep on the floor for the rest of the month, you bad person!" "WHAT?! SLEEP ON THE FLOOR?! AND, I'M NOT A BAD PERSON!" "Yes, you are. See you are screaming at your pregnant wife! Of course, you ARE a bad person!" "Hey! I'm not screaming!" "Are you implying that I'm lying?" "Well, no!" "Then?" "It's aaarhh!!" "Good..." "Okay, let's come to a conclusion..." "And what is that?" "You ARE pregnant, so you ARE right. I'm NOT pregnant, so I'm NOT right.." "Did Lucius tell you that?" "Ye-why are you asking that for?" "Only a wise man knows that.." "Hey! I'm wise too. I was the second best student all over Hogwarts!" "Intelligent is different from wise. You are intelligent, but your father is wise.." "Are you siding with my father now?" "Are you saying I'm cheating on you with your father?" "NO!! OF COURSE NOT!" "That's what you said. I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT HE'S MY FATHER IN EVERY ASPECT! SUSPECTING YOUR WIFE SHOWS THAT YOU ARE A DOWNRIGHT BAD PERSON!" "Sweetheart, I-" "Don't you dare 'Sweetheart' me!" "You do know that if he is your father? Then I'm your brother.. which means this is incest..." "Did you just badmouth our relationship, you bad person!" "I'm NOT a bad person, believe me Mia!" "Why should I believe you, blondie?" "Did you just call me as 'blondie'?" "Of course yes!" "Why would you call me that?" "If you didn't know it, then you're even more of an i***t than I've assumed you to be. You are blond, Draco Lucius Malfoy. Accept it, that's news flash." "I know I'm blond, but why would you call me an i***t?" "Should I really explain myself?" "AAARRRRGGHHHH!" "DON'T SCREAM, YOU BAD PERSON!" "STOP CALLING ME THAT, SWEET HEART!" "THEN, WHAT SHOULD I CALL YOU?! BLONDIE?!" "CALL ME DRACO, DRAC, HONEY, BABE, BABY.." "SO, OKAY, DRACO, DRAC, HONEY, BABE, BABY, SHUT UP!" "ARRRGHH!" "STOP SCREAMING, THE JOHNSONS' ARE AT THE DOOR!" "IT'S YOU WHO IS SCREAMING!" "ITS YOU-WAIT, WHY ARE WE BOTH SCREAMING?" "I DUNNO!" ________
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