Chapter 14

1147 Words

Sammy Walcott Weeeeeeeeeeeshhhhh Fuck my life. I grabbed the pillow over at the end and rolled it over my head. Trying to block out the kettle sound. I can't believe this. Seriously. If it means using up my savings to buy a new silent kettle, then so be it. The pillow having failed me. I start up on the bed, my head pounding like a there was a blacksmith shop up in there. I grabbed my head, swearing under my breath. I was also thirsty, like I haven't tasted water in years. Morning hangovers are the absolute worst. After 10 minutes of failed relaxation, I marched down the stairs. "Sammy good--" my mum started but cut herself off when she saw me. I grabbed my usual coffee mug, the aspirin and water bottle and a lemon from the fridge, matching upstairs without saying a word. First off,

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