Is This Really Happening?

1201 Words
After dropping Melissa off at her apartment, Max and Novah drive back to Max's place. As they pull up, Novah notices a black motorcycle parked across the street. Novah gasps knowing who's bike it was. She reaches over and squeezes Max's hand. With a frown, Max turns to look at her. "Are you okay, No?" Max asks with a concerned look on his face. All Novah can do is point at the bike. Max's jaw locks as he glares at the bike. "Do you wanna talk to him right now, No?" Max asks through his teeth. Novah nods and squeezes his hand again. "I need to talk to him, Max. He needs to know what's going on and that I'm yours." Once she said it, Max's jaw relaxed and he turned to her with a shocked expression on his face. "You're mine?" Max asked with his eyebrows raised. Novah giggled, feeling a little embarrassed. As they pull into a parking spot, Max looks up to see Sam walking towards his car. Max can't seem to read the look on his face and that makes him feel nervous. Novah stays planted in her seat as Max gets out of the car and walks around to let her out of the car. Sam has his eyes glued to Novah and the shiner on her eye. Novah slowly looks up and half heartedly smiles at him.  "Hi, Sam." Novah says, waving a little bit. She hated how awkward it felt talking to him now. She mentally kicked herself for sleeping with him. She only did it to make Max jealous and now you could cut the tension with a knife. "Hey, Novah." Sam says while running a hand through his hair. Then he motions to Max. "Can we talk alone?" Max turns to Novah, who nods. "I'll be up in a bit, Max. I promise I'll be fine." Novah says as she gets on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. Max nods, kisses the top of her head as he glares at Sam. "I'm only a text or call away if you need me, babe." As Max says the last part, you could see Sam's heart shatter. Novah takes a deep breath and turns back to Sam after watching Max walk away. How is it she never noticed how cute Max's butt was until now. She chuckled to herself and was about to open her mouth to speak, when Sam rush towards her. "Put me out of my misery, Novah." Sam says as he grabs her arms and squeeze. Novah gasps, not expecting him to react this way. "Sam, you need to calm down and let me go." Novah squirms trying to break his hold, which tightens the more she moves. "Ouch, Sam! Let me go!" Sam's eyes are glassed over like he spaced out. "Are you with Max? I just need to know that I haven't lost you after I just got you!" Novah looked up at him shocked. She squirms again and finally breaks free. Once she's free she backs away slowly. "Sam, you need to take a breath and chill out for a minute." As she backs away, Sam follows her shaking his head and pulling his hair with both hands. Max is beginning to get concerned, so he stands up and begins to head back down stairs. As he opens the door to his building he can hear Novah. "Ouch Sam! Let me go!" Max runs to the corner where he parked , just in time to see Sam walking towards Novah. She has her hands up as to caution Sam to stay away. Max rushes forward and blocks Sam's path to her. Novah rushes up and puts both hands on Max's shoulders. Sam stops and let's out a long breath. "Why are you here?! I said I wanted privacy!" Max shakes his head. "You've had enough privacy but if you touch her again I'll kill you!" Sam stops, shocked at his words. Sam begins to laugh, while shaking his head. He points a finger at Max and says, "You act like you own her. She's not something you can own!" Max's hands begin to ball up into fists. If he comes at him or Novah he's going to lay him out. "Sam, I'm warning you. If you hurt her or my baby, I'll knock your teeth down your throat."  Sam freezes and frowns at Novah. With sad eyes, Sam asks, "You're pregnant?" Novah can't get her mouth to move to speak, so she nods instead. Sam let's out as sigh as he turns in a circle with both hands on his head. "When did you find out? How far along are you?" Max answers for her. "This morning and about 5 weeks. So, yes, it's MY baby." Max makes it very clear to him that he's not going anywhere and that she is his. Sam just nods, as he reaches behind him. With a gasp Novah is hoping her mind is wrong and Sam is not about to do something stupid. Before her or Max can say anything, Sam pulls a gun from the back of his waist band and points it at Max.  A smile begins to form on Sam's face. "Well, that's good to know, Max." Sam takes a step closer to them and Max moves Novah behind him. Max was going to shield her with his body. The thought almost made her sick to her stomach. Novah had to do something before someone got hurt. "Sam, please don't do this." Sam looks around Max at her and looks so sad. "I don't want to DO anything, Novah. I just wanted you to be mine, but now I know that won't ever happen." Sam looks back at Max and continues. "So I have to get rid of the competition." Max just glares back at Sam but inside, he's scared to death that Sam will actually shoot him. He can't believe that in less than 24 hours his life has turned into this. Sam steps closer and puts his hand out. "Novah, if you come with me, we'll leave and no one has to get hurt. I can love you better than he can." Sam use the gun to motion to Max, which makes them both jump. Sam laughs as he looks at Max with an amused look. "So, you are scared. Good, you should be because if I don't get what I want, you're dead." Max swallows the lump that's been forming in his throat. "You might as well shoot me then, because I won't let you leave with her." Max says, as he pushes Novah back behind him. Sam begins to hit himself in the head, while still holding the gun. Max pushes Novah to the ground as he lunges at Sam and grabs the gun. As Novah looks up, she can see both guys struggling over the gun. She covers her ears as she begins to scream at them. "Stop it! Stop!" As she begins to move to get up she hears a loud bang as both Sam and Max fall to the ground. She freezes in shock thinking to herself that they're both dead.
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