Three Is Better Than One

1121 Words
Novah walks over to the couch and sits down. She keeps shaking her head in shock. Did Max really just purpose to her?! Novah looks up to see Melissa walk over and sit next to her. "How are you doing, No?" she asks with a serious look on her face. Novah smiles as she places her hand on her friend's hand and squeezes. "I know it's all happening really fast, "Novah says as she looks at the ring on her finger and continues. "but I love him, Melissa. I can't imagine being with anyone else. You know that." A huge smile forms on her face, as she looks her friend in the eye. "So now I have to ask you an important question." Melissa frowns, feeling nervous now. "Will you be my maid of honor?" Melissa gasps, as her hands fly up cover her mouth. Melissa can't believe it, as tears stream down her face, that Novah asked her that. Melissa can't speak so she nods in response instead. Max walks in to see Melissa crying and he runs over to them. Looking at now two crying women, he freezes not know what to do or what's wrong. Novah leans over and wraps her arms around Melissa as they cry together. Novah kicks herself for crying so hard, these damn hormones are ridiculous. She pulls away to come face to face with a very concerned Max. She laughs and puts a hand on his cheek to reassure him that everything was okay. Melissa is telling Max what happened, when her phone rings. She gets up to grab it and once she sees who is calling she frowns. Novah turns and c***s her head to the side in confusion. Melissa turns the phone around to show her the caller i.d. Its the married cheater and her baby's father. Novah shakes her head no as if to say don't answer it but she does anyway. "What?" Melissa says, answering her phone. "Is this Melissa?" a woman says from the other end. Melissa's eyes get big as saucers. "Yes it is. Who is this?"  The woman takes a shaky breath. "I'm your baby's wife. I'm to assume that you're keeping it from what my husband says?" Melissa nods and begins to cry. "Yes, I am. I swear I didn't know he was married. He always said that you left him and he was lonely." The wife let's out a sigh as a sob escapes her mouth. "It's not your fault I married a creep. Trust me you're not the only woman to be having his child right now." Melissa frowns feeling confused. "I don't understand." The wife continues. "I'm pregnant as well as you and two other women. My husband has been a very busy man." Melissa sobs this time, not realizing how stupid she was to think he loved her. The wife sighs and says, "I'm leaving him and taking my kids. If you was smart, girl, you'd stay far away from him and make him pay child support." She let's out a long breath. "Believe me, when I say, he's got the money to afford all these kids he's made." Melissa nods, feeling stupid. The wife can't see her. "Thank you for calling me. Again, I'm so sorry." The wife chuckles and hangs up. Novah stands and walks over towards her friend, with a sad look on her face. "You okay, Mel?" She turns to look at her and becomes a blubbering mess. Novah holds her friend as she let's cry it out. She needed to get past the crying stage so she can be even stronger for her babies. Max walks over and holds them both letting them relax and feel whatever they felt. After what felt like an eternity, both girls stop crying and wipe their eyes. Smiling at Max, the both kiss his cheek. Max can't help but have a naughty thought of having a threesome with his fiancé and her friend. He smiles despite knowing it would never happen. Novah looks at him with confusion until she notices his groin straining in his pants. With a gasp she punches his arm, snapping him out of his daydream. "Ouch, No!" He mocks, while holding his arm. Novah has a smirk on her face. "Really, Max! You went there, didn't you?" She asks, shaking her head and laughing. He fakes an innocent smile while holding his hand up and shrugging. "What? Can you blame me?" Melissa looks between the two of them, feeling so lost. Novah turns to her, leans close and whispers something in her ear. Once she looks up at Max, her face is red but a smile forms on her face. She leans towards Novah and says something that makes Novah blush but nod. Max looks at them confused but thinking he knows what's about to happen to him. He smiles to himself. Novah looks to see him smiling and she grabs his hand. "Follow me, daddy." she says, with a huge grin on her face. Melissa is behind him following them, as she rubs from his shoulders down his arms and up again. Max can't believe this is happening. He's in shock when Novah opens the door to his bedroom, turns to smile at him and leads him inside. Melissa is still following them. Once they're all in his room, Melissa turns to shut the door and locking it. "I don't want any interruptions. Don't you agree, No?" Melissa says with a smile. Novah nods pushing Max to lay down on his bed. "Oh, definitely, Mel. We need to be able to take out time." Novah says, while slowly walking towards Melissa, all the while never taking her eyes off of him. Max sits up on his elbows and can't help but get horny watching how sensually Novah walks. Novah runs a finger up Melissa's arm, sending chills down her spine and making her arch her back with a moan. Melissa's eyes close and she let's her head fall back to rest on Novah's shoulder, as Novah slowly slips the strap of her top down her arm. Novah is still watching Max, locking eyes with him. She wants him to watch her because this is all for him. As the strap gets lower on Melissa's arm, her breast begins to appear. Max takes a deep breath at how beautiful Melissa looks. Her eyes are still closed as she moans every time Novah touches her anywhere. He licks his lips, as Novah slowly runs her hand up to cup Melissa's breast and squeeze ever so gently cause an even louder moan to escape Melissa's mouth. The sound makes Novah look at him with the sexiest, devilish grin.
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