Life Is Great

1149 Words
It's been a couple weeks now and Novah is finally home, feeling much better. Max has been waiting on her hand and foot. Novah can't help but love how much he's spoiling her. She frowns thinking about how she has to go back to work in a few days. Max wasn't too happy about it. He kept telling her to quit her job so he could make sure her and the baby were safe. She could only roll her eyes and smile. Max truly did love her and he was excited about the baby. They would be finding out the s*x of the baby in a couple weeks. A knock at the door broke Novah from her train of thought. She sighed getting up to answer it. As she opened the door, Max ran over and stopped her. "What're you doing?!" Max whispered to her. "You don't know who is on the other side of that door!" Novah covered her mouth in mock fright, as she swung the door open to find Melissa standing there smiling at them. Clearly she had heard everything and was laughing at them. "Max, you really have to chill. You're going to give yourself premature grey, dude." Melissa says laughing while carrying in take out food. Novah wasn't even hungry, until the smell hit her nose and made her stomach growl at her. "That smells amazing, Melissa. What is it?" Novah says while licking her lips. Melissa laughs and hands her an entire foam box of tacos. Novah screams and hugs her friend. They both had been craving spicy food since they found out they were pregnant. So far both pregnancies were going off without a hitch. Although, Novah and Max could swear Melissa was having twins. In the past couple of weeks, Melissa's stomach has doubled in size. Plus she's always complaining about how she can't see her feet already and they both are just a week shy of the second trimester.  "Melissa, when is your next OB appointment?" Novah asks. Melissa turns around with a huge grin on her face. "It was earlier today and I have a surprise for you." Melissa says, as she grabs and envelope from her purse handing it to her. Novah gives her a frown and opens it. Inside is an ultrasound image. Then another and another. Novah takes them out and looks at her friend in confusion. "I don't get it. You gave me three copies of your ultrasound?"  Novah asks, with a c****d eye brow. Melissa laughs and so does Max.  Max's laughter makes Novah turn around and stare at him, confused again. "What? Am I missing something here?" Max walks over and puts a hand on her shoulder, while pout at the images. "Look, No. This one says baby A, this one says baby B and that one says baby C." He looks at her with a smile. "Do you get it now, babe?" Novah let's what he said sink in. Then it hits her. "Oh my gosh, Melissa! You're having triplets?!" Novah screams while jumping up out of her seat. Melissa begins to cry as she runs over and hugs her. Soon both women are crying and holding each other. As they pull away, Novah can see nothing but fear in her best friend's eyes. "Hey, it'll be ok. Max and I are here for you through this." Melissa nods, knowing she's right. As she wipes the last tear, Max walks over with a smile and hugs her. "It's ok, Mel, and congrats." Melissa looks up at him with a smile and kisses his cheek. Max had grown on her. At first he was the asshole her hurt her beast friend. Then, he'd become the asshole who knocked up her best friend. When Nova got shot, a whole new Max had emerged. He was so scared to lose her. That's when she knew that  Max really did love Novah. So, she gave him a chance, and now he's like a big brother to her. Plus he adores Novah. So that makes her love him even more. "Thanks, Max. Honestly, you're the big brother I never had and you're amazing with Novah, so I guess she can keep you." Melissa says, as she winks and elbows him. Max laughs as he hugs her shoulder with one arm. "Okay, mamas, let's eat before it gets cold." Novah's stomach growled again, as she picked up her first taco. "Thanks again, Melissa, for the food." Melissa looked up with a mouth full of food and just nodded. They all laughed at that moment. Novah looked at her life and those in it right now. She couldn't believe how blissfully happy she was. It was almost too good to be true. Novah sighs as she begins to eat another taco, feeling complete for the first time in a long time. After dinner was eaten, they all cleaned up the kitchen and walked towards the living room to watch a movie. Melissa sat in the recliner, already curled up with a blanket and half asleep. Max pulled Novah over to lay her head on his chest as he turned the movie on. They both sighed as they relaxed for the night. As the credits began to play, Max noticed Novah breathing deeply. He leans over to see her eyes closed as she has fallen fast asleep. He looks over at Melissa, to see her asleep as well. Max chuckles to himself as he watches the movie, knowing he'll soon be asleep just like the girls were. The movie is just beginning when Max's eyes get heavier and heavier. So he decides to take Novah to the bedroom. He stand, scoops her up in his arms and carries her to bed. After making sure she was still fast asleep, he goes back to put Melissa on the couch. She looked so uncomfortable in the recliner curled up into a ball. As Max begins to pick her up, Melissa opens her eyes with a smile. "Thanks, Max." She looks around to see the tv off and frowns. "I'm sorry I fell asleep." Max just smiles, shaking his head. "It's ok, Mel. No fell asleep too." Melissa nods, as she curls back up with her blanket on the couch. Max walks back to his bedroom. He can't help but stop in the doorway and just watch Novah sleep. He was so madly in love with her. Thinking about it, he's always loved her. He was just always afraid of hurting her. Now, he couldn't even stomach it if he made her cry. He smiles to himself as he walks into the room and climbs in bed with her. He pulls her to him as he falls asleep with the woman he loves in his arms. Before he finally falls fast asleep, he thinks to himself, tomorrow will be a very good day.
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