Chapter Five

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Chapter Five   Richards Point of View   I made my excuses and dismissed the party, heading straight down to the basement car park, in order to follow Lizzy.  She had proven herself human to me, and now she was helping a potential werewolf, I am more than a little concerned for her safety.  I entered the silver Audi hire car, and sped off in the direction …. s**t what direction do I go, my preoccupation had been around that innocent, highly attractive, and intriguing  girl!  I had not a clue where Miller lived, I connected my cell phone to the car, and proceeded to call Susan from HR it was nine at night, but I am in no mood to care about the inconvenience of my requests.  “Mr Knight, what can I do for you” Susan asked her voice professional, but I could hear the slight annoyance in her tone. “Cameron Miller, what is his address, he became ill at the drinks party this evening and I want to check he got home?” I asked, I am not lying, I do want to check he got home, and I also wish to check the Lizzy Black is safe, because I am the one who placed her in danger, and now she has passed my tests with flying colours, and is human, well, I am more than a little impressed with her and strangely very attracted to her and not just physically. “He lives in Houghton-le-Spring sir, I will send the post code to your phone” Susan said, “Thank you, good night,” With the zip code, or post code as they call it here, in my GPS I headed off in the direction of Millers home.   Lizzy’s point of view   As I headed down the dual carriage way, I looked in my rear view mirror.  s**t, Creepy Cameron looks like he is going to vomit! I pulled into a layby at the roadside.  Exiting the car, I headed to the rear door, and pulled him out.  Then I saw it, the tell-tale foam oozing from his mouth! NO how could this be, how is he reacting like this, he had to be a wolf, no human would have this reaction to wolfsbane, and if he is wolf why did the i***t take the drink. The only reason could handle it was through years of daily doses building up a slight immunity to the physical consequences, leaving behind just the suppression of my wolf form and nature.  “Cameron, you need to talk, right now” I commanded, although my wolf was suppressed, I still had the Alpha aura about me, and he looked up snarling slightly. “I took the drink to impress Knight, and It made me sick, what more do you want me to say” he spat angrily at me. “Are you a wolf?” my patience wearing thin with him we had no time to play cat and mouse. “a what!” he looked shocked, and confused, but it made no sense, why would his body react so violently if he was not wolf, but then why would he drink the poison if he was. Foam now dripping from his mouth, he let out a scream of discomfort. “Cameron, you need to talk, if you are wolf, you have to get to your pack now” I shouted at him “What are you talking about, pack, wolf, are you insane I am sick that is all” Do I just leave this i***t here, at the side of the road, and let fate decide, he is not giving in, insisting he  is totally oblivious, and I have never picked up any wolf…oh why did I not think of it before, he is newly bitten, maybe just last night, so hasn’t changed yet for his pack to find him? “Cameron, have you received a bite at all in the last 24 hours?” he looked at me as if I was high on drugs, confusion on his face. “HAVE YOU BEEN BITTEN IN THE LAST 24 HRS” I have no time to mess around, if he did not tell me soon, he would die, his only chance of survival was to get him to the alpha of the pack member who had changed him. His face turned crimson, then nodded weakly.  “What happened?” I tried to have a calm tone, but I was not fully able to shake the anger in my voice. “I was with a girl last night, she was very attractive, and well, she bit me here,  then disappeared out of the house” he said, showing me his neck, with a fresh but healed bite mark the perfect crescent moon.  Fuck, he was someone’s human mate, she had changed him with a mate bond, and would be waiting to claim him once his transition was complete.  How unlucky to be mated with this i***t I feel quite sorry for the girl especially as he is about to meet his end, unless she is somewhere around here keeping watch over her mate until, he transitions, and able to get him to safety, he was pretty much dead. A car pulled into the layby behind us, s**t this is all we need a spectator, because this was going to be a painful end for Cameron. “Lizzy stand back” the voice of Richard Knight rang out, great! the Lycan Slayer is here to finish off the kill.  For my own protection, I took a step away, “he is sick” I said, trying to sound and look concerned. “I know, but keep back Lizzy please” he instructed me his voice gentle, as if I were some fragile being. Suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes and a girl ran out, she had short blonde hair, her green eyes frantic with fear, as she reached out for Cameron.  Obviously, his mate, Cameron shouted at her now “What did you do to me” his voice filled with fear.  The girl grabbed his arm then pulled him into the bushes. “Get in the car Lizzy” Richard shouted at me, s**t I may have left my werewolf life behind to protect humans, but I still have the desire to protect Cameron and his mate from the Lycan Slayer.   I then remembered the face of the small girl, the image that haunted me and began to cry, sobs causing my body to shake, and I rushed into Richards arms, in a bid to cause him to comfort me and leave those two alone, for now at least.  I did not know if it was too late, for Cameron, but at least I could give him and his mate half a chance. “It’s okay Lizzy” he reassured, but his body was tense as he looked out into the fields beyond the bushes, he was torn, would he leave me, and go after the wolves, or would he stay and protect this innocent human now wrapping herself in his arms, I could feel the confusion through him, and I knew now that he no longer thought there was any possibility of me being a wolf. Cameron and his mate were gone, and so Richard sighed, and placed his arms around me pulling me to his chest, “it is okay Lizzy, did he try to hurt you” he said smiling down at me, and I shook my head. He pulled me in closer to him, then as I sniffed his scent around his neck, that was not masked with sliver or wolfsbane, again a film of sweat rushed over me escaping my pours, my head went dizzy, my heart beating erratically, and my wolf awoke slightly only this time she whispered “MATE”.   Richards point of view Shit, the wolves had disappeared, and here I am stood with this beauty in my arms, with an overbearing need to protect her.  Just a few hours ago I had wanted nothing more than to kill her, but now as she stood crying into my chest, something was changing, a feeling, like she was the opposite half of me.  I sound like a deranged i***t, but maybe she was in someway my destiny.  I had been predestined to slay werewolves, by my family’s commitment to the cause, which spun back through the generations.  I knew that we must continue the line, to produce sons and daughters to train in the art of killing Lycans, we normally chose our wives from those presented to us.  From the different family’s of Lycan Slayers around the world thus ensuring we could keep the secret that the mythology of werewolves was in fact based on fact not fiction, from spreading further.  Now here I am giving comfort to this perfect English rose, feeling like there was some unspoken connection, and that I have a desire to protect her which is overriding every one of my senses.   I can feel her breath on my neck, and it is sending shivers through my body, as she moves herself further into my embrace, the touch of her is consuming me, and the wolves I have just encountered are now forgotten, my focus is on her and her alone. I resist the temptation to kiss her, she is after all my employee, I need to have some decorum, and hope that she will not notice my physical attraction to her that is evident in my groin.  “Lizzy, let me get you home, you have had a shock” my voice is husky even to my own ears. She moved then, looking at me, her eyes wide, I could see confusion and fear, but she was safe, I would make her safe. “I am okay Richard, sorry, I will head off now, see you tomorrow” and she moved so elegantly but so quickly before I could stop her, she was back in her car and speeding down the highway, and away from me. I am fighting with myself; how do I explain any of this to her, what happens tomorrow, what do I do now?
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