New Alliances and A New Enemy

3885 Words

**Alpha Leo's POV** The day I found Mila safe, I thanked the Moon Goddess for knowing she was safe. However, the sight in front of me was rather terrifying. Mila was standing with her head held high, and arms by her side. Her stance wasn't what was scaring everyone. Mila was on fire. Literally. It was like a small flame surrounding her. At first I though that Elijah set her on fire, but she was not screaming and her face was so calm. When I looked at her closer, her eyes were white. I mean the whole eyeball. Her iris and pupal, everything! Mila's claws were also extended and her canines were prominent. I have never seen anything like it before. It was like her wolf was out, but not completely. Did I mention my wife was on fire!!! When Mila's eyes met mine, I froze. I didn't know if it wa

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