Chapter 5

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Victoria That night kept replaying in my mind, and I couldn’t believe that Rocky and Sylvester had shifted right in front of Brad. And I still couldn’t believe that Brad would physically hurt me like that. I was more than capable of getting away from him if I used my wolf speed, but of course, I couldn’t. Valentina was on the verge of pushing through, and I was holding her back with every ounce I had. She would’ve killed him on the spot. Had it not been for Ms. Ginger, things would’ve gotten bad, very bad. I had called in sick that night from my night job and called Kat as soon as I got home. I told her everything that happened at the diner, and she was shocked, even if she was a little pissed that she missed some good dramas. She was also pissed that Brad would get physical and said I should’ve let Valentina rip his head off. I shook my head at the thought. Kat was something else. Ms. Ginger also gave me a week off from work, and I was thankful for that. It was Friday night, and I was lying in bed listening to some music. I have been missing my mother a little extra lately, and I wish she was still here. I haven’t gone to see her for the past three months, and I need to go soon. My mother was killed when I was seventeen by two rogues that were looking for trouble. At that time, I hadn’t gained my wolf yet, and she died trying to protect me. Tears filled my eyes as I thought back to that dreadful day. We went for a simple walk in the woods that evening, and even though the neighborhood was a bit run down, it wasn’t all that bad. We walked around here all the time, and there was never a hint of trouble or rogues in the area. But this night, it was different. Rogues had come into the neighborhood looking for trouble. My mother must’ve sensed the rogues nearby as she roughly pushed me behind the trees, shifted into her wolf, Cleo, and let out a massive roar. The two rogues made their presence known, and Cleo snarled and snapped her teeth at them, warning them to back off. They both shifted into their wolves, knowing my mother was no match for them, as one of them pounced on my mother’s wolf and the other tried to get to me. I was too scared to scream, so I slowly backed off, trembling with fear, as I watched the rogue that was in front of me bare his teeth, lick his lips, and wait for the right moment to go in for the kill. I could still hear the fight going on between the other rogue and Cleo, but I closed my eyes tightly as I awaited my fate. I hear growls getting closer, and as I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Cleo had rammed the rogue that was ready to attack me from his side. She had his neck in her mouth, as he tried to shake her off. The other rogue then attacks Cleo and drags her by the legs as the other rogue bites behind Cleo’s neck and bit off a chuck of it. Cleo howled in pain, but she was still fighting. All I could was watch as they all fought for several minutes. I watched my mother’s wolf fall limp, as the rogues ran off in victory. My mother shifts back, still breathing, but barely. I ran to her and cradled her, telling her not to leave me. I remember her last words to me were, “I love you, bubs, you are worth protecting. I will always be with you both. Forgive me, bubs.” With that, her eyes became soulless and left her body, and I knew she was gone. Everything happened so fast, I couldn’t believe that she was gone. Kat and Kat’s mother, Lucille, had helped me that night with her burial deep in the woods. It still haunts me that she died trying to protect me. From that night on, I took care of myself. I got two jobs, and I’ve been doing just fine. We were exceptionally blessed to have met Kat and Lucille, who lived only a few doors down from our apartment. Lucille treated me like a daughter and often checked on me after my mother died. I smiled internally and shook off my emotions. I rolled around my bed for a few minutes before realizing that I still hadn’t called Rocky to let him know if I would attend that beach party he invited me to. But he also gave me the address, so if I decide to go, I could just show up. I asked Kat if she would be willing to accompany me and she happily accepted. The party is already tomorrow. Part of me wanted to go, but part of me didn’t, because I would have to see Trevor with his girlfriend. I wasn’t the jealous type, but something about her just makes me want to claw her eyes out. I sighed and looked at my phone. It was only seven thirty, and I didn’t have any plans for tonight. I was a little hungry, and I didn’t want to cook, so I decided to stop by the diner and get something to eat. I quickly changed into shorts and a tank top and settled for my Converse shoes. I put my hair up in a messy bun and made my way out. I got to the diner and considering it was a Friday night, it was busy. “What’s up, girl! What are you doing here?” Kat greeted me as soon as I walked in. “I’m hungry, I need some food! What else would I be doing here!” she stuck her tongue out at me and chuckled. “Show me to my table, ma’am!” I teased back. “Umm,” she looked around the diner, and all the tables were full. “it’ll be a while before you get a table, we’re jammed packed tonight,” “It’s all right, I can wait. I don’t have anywhere else to be. Where’s Lydia?” “Oh, she took the night off today. So, Tori, are we going to the beach party your friend invited you to?” “I don’t know, Kat. I want to, but I don’t want to,” I replied. “Why? Let’s just go and have some fun. Even if you must see that guy with his girlfriend, I’m sure there’ll be tons of other guys there,” she said and winked. “Get your mind off of Brad, he’s long gone, and when’s the last time you got laid?” “KAT!” I shouted. “What?! You know I’m right! Let’s go and have some fun in the sun!” she wiggled her eyebrows and smiled at me. “What do you say?” I rolled my eyes at her and laughed. “Fine, we can go!” “YES! That’s my girl! Now, if only you decided earlier, we could’ve gotten new bikinis,” she groaned. “We could go first thing tomorrow morning when the mall opens up,” I suggested, and she nodded her head with excitement. “Order up!” We heard Mike shout out. “Be right back,” Kat walked to the kitchen to get her orders out. I sat on the barstool that was next to the hostess podium and pulled out my phone. There were a dozen text messages from a number I didn’t recognize and about eight missed calls from the same number. I sighed heavily as I read the first text message. It was from Brad. I didn’t bother reading the whole text or the other text messages, and quickly deleted it. I had blocked him from calling and texting, and all social media, and yet, he somehow thinks contacting me from a different number will make me speak to him. I scoffed and threw my phone in my purse. I didn’t want to worry about him tonight… or at all anymore. After waiting for a bit, a table opened, and Kat seated me close to the kitchen. Ms. Ginger was surprised to see me, and she joined me as I ate my dinner. I told her that I was planning on visiting my mother’s gravesite soon and asked if I needed some company when I go for moral support. Although I was grateful that she wanted to come with me, I respectfully declined. I spent the next hour at the diner chatting with everyone, then made my way home. The next morning, I woke up to my freakishly loud alarm. It was eight in the morning, and I already had three missed calls from Kat. She was up early considering she got off at midnight last night. About an hour later, I was ready to go just in time for her to knock on my door. “Are you all set to go?” she asked as she stepped into my apartment. “You were up early. Why’d you call me three times before seven-thirty?” I retorted. “Because sleepy head, I wanted to get the day started a little early.” “The mall doesn’t open till nine, so what’s the rush?” “No rush. Just thought we’d get some breakfast before going. Where’s this place anyway?” I handed her the piece of paper that Rocky gave me. She typed in the address on her phone and her eyes slightly widened. “What pack did you say they were from?” “He didn’t say. He just said it was at their beach house. Why? What’s wrong?” I asked and looked over at her phone. “Tor, the only pack that’s close to the coast is the Blood Moon pack, so I’m guessing they’re from there,” she answered. I c****d my head to the side and shrugged my shoulders. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. “That’s why they told you they never came to this side of town. Blood Moon is about two hours away, and it’s all glitz and glamour down there. We live more on the not-so-glitzy and glamorous side of town." I furrowed my brows at her, not understanding what she was getting at. “Yeah, okay. How can I put it in a way your little head will understand? Think about it this way… we’re on the poor side of town, and they are on the richer side of town. Tori, I thought you knew all of this. You know, you should really catch up on knowing what pack is where, where their pack is located, and their background. Blood Moon is one of the wealthiest packs. Their pack is the biggest and one of the strongest. But Golden Moon, where your mother is from, is also one of the strongest, and second biggest packs. And… from what I was told, the Alpha’s Bloodline is powerful, and it goes way back, centuries even!” I was stunned at the information she was telling me. My mother never told me any of this. “Come on, we need to get going! It will be so much fun!” “What do you mean powerful? How do you even know all of this?!” I exclaimed. “I heard some stories. And I also do my research,” she replied nonchalantly. “And you should too!” “Kat… umm… what else can you tell me about my mother’s old pack?” “That’s not important right now. I’ll tell you about it later. Come on, let’s get going! We don’t want to be late for your friend’s party, do we?” She practically dragged me out of my house, and we headed to the mall. By the time we were done shopping for new bikinis, it was already eleven thirty. We were having so much fun trying on many different bikinis that we didn’t realize we spent over an hour in the store, and it was too late to get breakfast. We needed something to snack on for the drive, so we went to Starbucks and got some drinks and pastries. “Do we really need to go?” I asked Kat as I started the engine of my car. “Oh, hell no. Yes, we are going, and yes, we really need to go! Don’t you want to see what’s his face? Trevor? You know you want to!” she chuckled, and I sheepishly lowered my gaze on her. “See! So, what’s the problem, Tor?” “Umm… maybe because I feel like it’s wrong that I want to go to this party just to see him when he has a girlfriend. And it’s two hours away!” “No, we’re going there because you were invited by his friends, and not to mention, his Beta. And who cares if he has a girlfriend? He’s not married, and he wasn’t marked, right?” I nodded my head. “Yeah, but…—" “No buts. He’s not marked, so she’s not his mate. You said Valentina told you she felt a connection to him, right?” I nodded my head again, “Then let’s just go, instead of wasting our time in this parking lot, and go make a connection with him! It doesn’t hurt just to be friends,” she put her sunglasses on and clapped her hands. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun!” I got where Kat was going with this, and as much as I wanted to go to this party just to see and be near him, I only met him that one night. And it wasn’t a pleasant first impression. But I still couldn’t shake off this feeling that I had in the pit of my stomach. The whole car ride to the beach party was nothing but singing and laughing. Kat promised to drive back home since I hated driving for a long period of time. When we got closer to our destination, we stopped by a fancy hotel to change into our bikinis before heading there. Once we pulled onto the property, a lot of people were already there. The music was blasting through the speakers, and everyone looked like they were having a great time. Everyone was dancing and drinking, and Kat was ecstatic. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her as we walked to the front door. “You made it!” I turned around to see Sylvester. “You guys look good!” “Yeah, I did. You could’ve at least warned me it was two hours away!” he chuckled, and Kat nudged my side. “Oh, this is my best friend Kat, and Kat, this is Sylvester. He’s one of the guys I told you about.” “Oh, right. So, this is one of the very blessed heroes that scared the s**t out of Brad,” she smirked, and my eyes widened. Sylvester slightly blushed and turned away when someone called out from behind him. “Kat, what in the actual f**k?!” I whisper-shouted. “WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?! THIS IS EMBARRASSING, WE'RE GOING HOME!” “Oh no, we’re not,” she tugged on my arm as I tried to walk away from her. “ “Yo, Tori! You’re here!” Rocky shouted as he walked up beside Sylvester. “I thought you weren’t going to make it, I didn’t hear from you,” “Well, I’m here,” “We’re happy you came! How was the drive?” “Not too bad,” Kat cleared her throat and I groaned. “Oh right, this is my friend Kat. Kat, this is Rocky,” they shook hands and Kat gave me that look once again. “The other blessed one,” she blurted out, and Rocky smirked. “KAT!” I shouted and covered my face with my hands. “Come on, this way,” Rocky said as he and Sylvester showed us the way to the beach. We followed behind them and I made sure to put a good distance between us and them, “I’m going to kill you!” I whispered to Kat. “You know you loved it! How blessed were they, anyway?” “Yeah, but you didn’t have to tell them! And when I say blessed, they are blessed. That’s all you need to know. I didn’t see much anyways.” “You girls know that we could hear you, right?” Rocky said out loud. Fuck, me. Wolves and their super hearing. After a while, I still hadn’t seen Trevor yet. Rocky and Sylvester got us some drinks and kept us company for a while. Kat and I danced, and I started to let loose a bit. I was having a great time, even if Trevor wasn’t here, though I wish he had been. Rocky and Sylvester stood close by, and another guy came up to them. They called me and Kat over, and they introduced him. “Tori, Kat, this Jaxon,” Rocky said. “Hi,” we both said in unison. “So, you’re Tori?” Jaxon asked and smiled. “That’s me,” “Cool, nice to meet you both,” “I’m sorry, I’m going to pull my friend away now, so we can go back to dancing!” Kat dragged me by my arm back to the dance floor. It was getting a bit crowded, so I wanted to take a breather. By this time, Kat had found some guy to dance with, so that left me wandering around by myself. I couldn't find Rocky, Sylvester, or Jaxon, so I went inside the beach house, and my goddess, it was simple, yet gorgeous. The living room itself was probably bigger than my whole apartment. I was walking down the hallway admiring some of the pictures on the wall when I felt someone behind me. I stopped walking and stood still. I quickly swung around and gasped, as I was met with the most gorgeous emerald-green eyes staring into my eyes. “Why is your f*****g scent so intriguing, that it’s making my head spin,” he said between gritted teeth. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. A low growl left his throat, “Tell me why I can’t get you out of my f*****g mind since the night I met you?” I swallowed hard, and I was too stunned to say anything. His scent was driving me insane. “And yet, you are not my mate,” he snarled and walked away.
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