Chapter 3

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Rocky “Do you think she’ll come?” Sylvester asked as we walked back to our car. “I hope she does. There’s something about that girl, but I can’t put my finger on it, Trevor said so himself,” I answered. “I don’t know, man… but there’s something about that girl that is definitely different than other she-wolves,” “The way Trevor looked at her when we walked through the door, man, I thought she… was…” he cautiously said. He didn’t have to say it. I knew what he was thinking and nodded, “but he didn’t react as one should've when they sense it. Do you think she knows about Golden Moon?” “I don’t think so. Her mother probably told her as little as possible,” “Yeah, and what the hell was wrong with Trevor in there?” “I don’t know, but somehow it got Titan all wired up. Titan must’ve said something to him that got him pissed,” We sat in the car in silence for a few minutes before making our way out. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, we heard someone scream, making Sylvester slam on his brakes and put the car in park. “What the hell was that?!” he said, as we both frantically jumped out of the car. “LEAVE ME ALONE, BRAD! YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!” Tori screamed. “LET GO OF ME! ARE YOU f*****g INSANE?!” What I saw had me clenching my jaw, and my wolf, Rocket, growling in the back of my mind. This guy had Tori by her arms, pulling her towards a dark-colored car, as she tried to pull away from him. “Hey!” I shouted, “I suggest you do what she says,” I sneered and internally scoffed when I got a whiff of this guy; he was human. The guy stops abruptly and turns to us, “Who the f**k are you?! Mind your own business, and get f**k out of here,” he says and continued to pull on Tori’s arms. “Hey! Are you deaf?! Or just stupid?! Do as she says or this is going to get bad,” Sylvester shouted as he cracked his knuckles. “And what the f**k are you going to do about it?!... besides getting knocked the f**k out in about two seconds,” I have to admit, this guy had some balls. Sylvester is a highly trained pack warrior, and he was the head guard of our pack. He didn’t stand a chance. “Bradley, you’ve been drinking, and you’re not thinking straight. I wouldn’t challenge him if I were you,” Tori said cautiously. “Just go, please, so you don’t get hurt,” He began laughing uncontrollably, “So I don’t get hurt, you say? These guys should be scared,” he lifted his shirt and flashed the gun that was tucked into the hem of his jeans. Sylvester and I looked at each other and began laughing. “You think a gun could scare us? Come on, Bradley, we could take that gun away from you without you even realizing it,” I taunted, and it angered him even more. “Brad! You’re not even supposed to be near me! You’ll get arrested, I’ll make sure of it!” Tori exclaimed. “Listen to her, Brad. Or you’ll leave here with a broken face,” Sylvester warned one more time. “f**k! I just wanted to talk, but no, you wanted to do it the hard way and make a scene,” Brad said between gritted teeth. He pulled her closer to him, and got in her face, “Why, Tori?! Why won’t you just come back to me?! I said I was f*****g sorry! How many times do I need to tell you?!” He shook her a few times, and Sylvester and I let out a low growl. He whipped his head towards us and furrowed his brow as he stared in confusion. “Let go of me Brad,” she pleaded once more. “I am warning you,” she whispered softly. I saw that her eyes were beginning to glow, but she immediately shut her eyes tightly. She was trying to hold her wolf back, and she was losing the battle. “Yeah, Brad, let go of her. This is your final warning,” I said. He shook his head and awkwardly laughed. “Is that some kind of joke? You growl like a f*****g animal? What are you, like five?” “That’s it, I’m going to kill this f*****g dickwad,” Sylvester said through our mind link. “Stand down, he’s human, we can’t do anything drastic,” he cut our link, but he was getting restless. “One…” I began counting, and he laughed even harder. “Two…” “Who are these guys, anyways?” he asked Tori. “Which one of them are you f*****g?! Is that why you don’t want to get back together?! Because you’re f*****g some other guy?!” He screamed and slapped her face so hard that she fell back. “AHHH!” she cried out, and that was enough for Rocket and Storm to take over. “W… WHA… WHAT THE f**k?! THIS CAN’T BE REAL!!!” Brad shouted as he stood there, trembling with fear in his eyes. “TORI!!! RUN!!! GET THE f**k OUT OF HERE! THEY’RE MONSTERS!!!!” “You run, Brad,” she replied, dusted herself off, and stood where she fell. I could see that her face was slowly healing. “I told you not to challenge them,” she added. Rocket and Storm bared their teeth at him and snarled. They slowly crept up to him, and he was so shell-shocked that he passed out. “What a p***y!” Rocket chuckled. “Look, he even pissed in his pants!” Tori slowly walked up to Rocket and Storm, “Hi,” she quietly said. Storm lowered his head, almost as if he was… bowing? He nudged her hand, making her giggle. She scratched the back of his ear, and it made him purr like a little pup. Rocky c****d his head but followed suit, and Tori scratched his ear also. “Thank you, both. Can you shift back before someone sees you?” Before we shifted back, I quickly mind-linked Sylvester, “Yo, what was that? Why did Storm look like he was bowing before her?” “I asked him the same question, and he just said it felt like… he had to?” he answered, as in a question statement. “Why did Rocket do it?” “He said he didn’t know, he was confused when he saw Storm doing it, but said it almost felt like he was being commanded to bow,” “What? Being commanded by who?!” he exclaimed. “I don’t know, but we need to let Trevor know what just happened, and what our mutts did,” I said and cut our links off. We shifted back and, in all our glory, Tori gasped; her eyes widened as she covered her face with her hands and turned around. “s**t! Be right back,” Sylvester bolted to our car, as I awkwardly stood there covering my d**k with my hands. I was never shy around the ladies, but for some odd reason, showing my manhood to Tori was something the boss wasn’t going to appreciate. Tori’s back was still turned, and I wondered what the hell was taking Sylvester so long. I glanced over my shoulders and finally saw him making his way over. “Took you long enough,” I scowled at him as he handed me my shorts and I quickly put them on. “Sorry, Tori, you can turn around now,” “Are you sure?!” “Yeah, we’re decent enough,” I chuckled. She slowly turned around and quickly scanned Sylvester and me with her eyes. She let out a heavy sigh, “Sorry about Brad,” she said, and turned around to look at his unconscious body on the ground. “Who is he?” Sylvester asked. “He was my ex-boyfriend,” “Are you okay? How’s your face?” I asked and turned her chin to the side to check her face. There wasn’t as much swelling as there should have been, so I’m assuming her wolf was already healing her. “I’m okay, I just never thought he’d hurt me physically,” she said and hugged herself, “so, what do we do now? You do know that you both shifted in front of him,” “Rocko, we have to call the Alpha and let him know,” Sylvester said. “s**t, Trevor’s going to be pissed,” I pulled out my phone, and was about to call Trevor, but Tori stopped me, “Hold on, I got an idea,” she ran to the back door of the diner and a few seconds later, she returned with Ms. Ginger. “What in the H-E-double hockey sticks- happened here?!” Ms. Ginger shouted when she saw Brad on the ground. Tori explained everything that had happened, and Ms. Ginger’s eyes began glowing a lot brighter than they were in the diner with Gianna. “THIS SON OF A b***h SLAPPED YOU?! Tori! Call the police and have him arrested for assault!” “Ms. Ginger, can you erase Brad’s memory of what happened in the last twenty-five minutes?” Tori asked, ignoring the fact that Ms. Ginger was fueled with anger. “You should’ve just let these two kill him!” she said. “Ms. Ginger, you know they can’t do that! And you know what will happen if Brad wakes up. He’ll expose us! And there will be consequences for these two if it gets back to the High Council. I can’t let that happen… I have to protect them like how they protected me from Brad… they saved me from goddess knows what Brad had up his sleeve! Please, Ms. Ginger, can you do it or not?” Tori pleaded. Ms. Ginger sighed and rolled her eyes, “I suppose I could.” “Thank you,” “But I still think they should’ve just killed him,” she scoffed while looking at Brad. “All right, all right… stand back,” she kneeled in front of Brad’s head and held her palm over his forehead as she started murmuring a few words. A few minutes later, she stood up and dusted herself. “All done. He’s going to be waking up soon, and he’s going to have a massive headache because he’s had too much to drink,” “What should we do? Leave him on the ground?” Tori asked. “Oh, put him in his car, in the driver's seat, and buckle his seatbelt. He’ll remember driving here, and he’ll remember waiting for you to get off from work. Since he had been drinking, since I could smell it on him, he'd wake up thinking that he had passed out. So, if I were you three, you all should get going. Now.” Ms. Ginger instructed. “Well, I’m done here. I’ll see you tomorrow, Tori! Oh, and boys, next time, just kill the bastard!” She waved goodbye to us and walked back to the diner. Tori was shaking her head at Ms. Ginger, and Sylvester and I just smiled. We quickly did as she instructed us to do and put Brad in his car. I have a bad feeling that this guy is going to cause a lot more problems for Tori again. “I have to get going. Thank you both again,” She quickly ran to her car, and we watched as she drove away in a hurry. As soon as we got into our car, I pulled out my phone and called Trevor. “Alpha, there’s something I think you should know…” Trevor If Rocky and Sylvester hadn’t stayed behind to finish up their dinner, goddess knows what would’ve happened if they weren’t there. I had just gotten off the phone with Rocky and I couldn’t believe what he had just said. What Rocky told me had my blood boiling with anger and I was tempted to drive back down there, but he reassured me that everything was handled. First, Tori was almost taken by an ex-boyfriend, then was assaulted by him, who is human, and my Beta and head pack warrior had to shift into their wolves in front of that fucker to protect her. Then he tells me what that witch from the diner did because Tori had pleaded with her to help. She wanted to protect my Beta and my warrior. The moment when Rocky told me, it pulled on my heartstrings, and I was beaming like the i***t I was. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. My mind was still in shambles from today, and I couldn’t shake off this feeling. The moment I walked into the diner her scent hit me like a ton of bricks. Sylvester was saying something, but I was no longer listening. I saw those pretty honey-brown colored eyes staring at me and at that very tiny moment, I thought… maybe it could’ve been. But I soon realized that it wasn’t, and I should have sensed it. Our wolves should have sensed it also, and I became angry; very angry. Was this some kind of sick joke the Moon Goddess was playing? I got even angrier because Titan kept telling me that he felt some kind of connection with her. It wasn’t the mate bond for sure, so what the f**k could it be? I was thinking about how I treated her. Even if I knew it wasn’t intentional, I still felt bad. She was right, I was an asshole, and as much as I wanted to say how sorry I was, I didn’t know how to say it. Her first impression of me was a terrible one, and she probably thinks that’s the kind of person I am. My door suddenly flew open, and it was the last person I wanted to see tonight. Titan growled in the back of my mind. “Who does she think she is, coming in here as she pleases?!” He snarled. He was never fond of Gianna, and he had threatened to leave me and find another human if we took her as our chosen mate. Gianna and I met about three years ago when she came to visit some family here. She asked to become a member of my pack, and after consulting with Rocky and Jaxon, she was granted membership, because, at that time, we didn’t see any reason not to accept her into our pack. Now I’m sure they’re regretting their decision. Not only are they regretting it, but a lot of pack members are also starting to resent her. She’s been ordering people around as if she has some type of authority. And my sister Audrey can’t stand her. She never holds back from letting her know how she feels about her and puts Gianna in her place. Gianna and I went on dates several times, and it was nothing serious, or so I thought. She told me that she had fallen in love with me, even if she knew the feelings weren’t mutual. I like Gianna, but I’m not in love with her. I care deeply for her, and she wanted us to work, so about a year ago, I decided to give it a try. We both hadn’t found our mates yet, so she wanted me to take her as my chosen mate. She’s been getting restless waiting and about six months ago, I told her that I couldn’t do this anymore, and just wanted to be friends. She didn’t take it seriously, and it was probably my fault because we were still sleeping with each other. I’d always give in, and Titan was pissed every time I took Gianna to bed. And for the past four months, she’s been pestering me about the whole chosen mate thing. I didn’t say no, but I also didn’t say yes. I was just making things worse for myself. She figured that I’d finally say yes, and she asked me to make an official announcement. At that time, I hadn’t decided, but I think I finally did. I plan on waiting for my mate. Even though I was twenty-five years old, I still believe in the mate bond, and I have faith that I will find her someday. “Hi, baby,” she said and strutted over to me, and hugged my neck. “You look tense, what’s wrong?” “What do you want, Gianna?” “Nothing, I just thought I’d come and see if you wanted some alone time,” she went around the chair and straddled me. She unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. She reached into my boxers and began stroking my d**k, but my d**k was still asleep. “How does this feel?” she whispered in my ear. “Come on, baby, get hard for me!” At this very moment, Tori’s face popped into my mind. “Gianna, stop!” I shouted and pulled her hand out of my boxers, startling her. “WHAT?!” she screamed and got off me. “What’s wrong with you Trevor?! These past few weeks, you’ve been pushing me away, and you’ve changed!” “Get out,” I said, and unlocked the door from the button under my desk. “Are you still pissed that I tracked you down tonight?! What was I supposed to do?! You’ve been ignoring my calls and texts! I was worried about you!” “What do you mean, you tracked me down?!” I sneered. “It doesn’t matter!” she retorted. “Trevor, I want us to work, I want to help you run this pack, make me your Luna, and your chosen mate, and we will be stronger together,” I cringed at the thought of her being Luna. “I’m sorry, Gianna, I can’t, and I won’t. I care for you, but I’ve already told you that I still believe I will find my fated mate. Same as for you too, you’ll find yours one day,” I walked to the door and opened it for her. “Your mate?! Are you still on that?! You’re twenty-five f*****g years old, Trevor! For an Alpha, you should’ve already found her! When are you going to realize that maybe you’re never going to find her, and it would be better for you to get a chosen mate instead? I am willing to stand by you! You need someone strong to be your Luna, and I’m right here, Trevor!” She had tears rolling down her face, and I couldn’t tell if she was acting or crying for real. “Did you ever love me, Trevor?” she asked. I sighed heavily and her eyes slightly widened. “I’m sorry, Gianna. You know the answer to that. You knew my feelings for you weren’t mutual, and you still took the risk of getting hurt. Maybe someone else will take you as their Luna and their chosen mate if you decide that you don’t want your fated mate, but that won’t be me. I will only see you as a friend from now on, so please, just go.” “I won’t accept that, Trevor. I don’t believe that you never did love me,” she said, and came face to face with me. “You’ll never find your mate, Trevor,”
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