Grandma Stew

2478 Words

Claude The rotting stench of meat slowly rouses me, and I open my eyes. I am lying on some dirty mattress in some rundown house. I try to sit up, but I cannot move. A person in a long black cloak stirs something in the cauldron and drops the rotting meat into it. The person looks at me, and I scoff. “Loki,” I say in a hoarse whisper. “Oh, Sleeping Asshole is up,” Loki smirks and saunters towards me, letting his cloak reveal that he is naked underneath. “Why are you naked?” I scoff and try to move. “And why can’t I move?” Loki slowly kneels, letting his ball sack flop next to my face, “You can’t move because I put a paralysis spell on you. You spent so much time at Woodhurst thinking I was weak, but I’m nothing but,” He pats my shoulder and stands up. He turns, letting the cloak billow

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