7. Unicorn Island

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After play practice on Monday, Collin visits me. He brings me a plate of food. He puts me on his lap and snuggles me. "I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry you got pulled into this. I'm sorry I'm an asshole." "You're not." I rub his hair. "Emergencies can happen. I don't mind helping." He shakes his head and his eyes fill up with tears. "I should have done better." "You did good, Collin. You really did. You were just trying to get through work with a hangover. Then all hell broke loose. You did what you could and Sawyer is fine. Nobody expects you to do everything alone. You have a lot of help here. Don't feel bad for using it." "I was using you." He kisses my head. "Who said that to you?" "I can tell. They're thinking it. I didn't even notice until you came out of there sleeping. You were tired too. You wanted a nap too. That's what we were going to do. Instead, I show up and you change everything. You figured out what to do and hell you even fed them dinner. Then figured out the movie thing. Then you woke me up when I asked. You did everything and I took a nap. The only thing you wanted to do." I smile. "I was only going to take a nap because you needed one. I could tell how bad you felt. Please don't feel bad. How is your brother doing?" "Same. Unconscious and healing." "He'll be fine. That's all that matters." I snuggle him. "He'll be home soon and everything will go back to normal." He kisses my head. "I love you." "I love you too sir." I lay my head on his shoulder and snuggle him. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. We wake up in the morning and I take him for an hour before we get up. He makes me feel so good. We take a shower, and he fixes my hair for school. Then he goes to figure out what to do with Sawyer all day. I go to my morning classes then eat lunch in my apartment. I get a bag and try to pack. I don't know how to pack and Dipak told me to be ready by two. I'll be gone about a week. I grab enough dresses and underwear. Then a few other things and go sit on the castle steps. He didn't tell me where to be ready at. Mikey sits beside me. "Where you going?" "Unicorn Island." "You the only person going?" "I don't think we go into heat all that often. I'm probably the only one." "Did you pack enough?" "I don't know. I got dresses, underwear, soap, and a comb. I hope I don't need food. I didn't even think about it." "Are you scared? You're shaking." "Yes." "Why?" "It's an island, Mikey. I can't swim." "Go get the two books off my desk." "Yes, sir." He puts his arm around me. "They're good books. You can read them a couple of times if you have to. At least you'll have something to do." "Thank you. I didn't even think about it." "I'll find somewhere better for you to go next time." We watch a carriage pulled by 4 unicorns land in front of us. Then a girl gets out. "Hello Starlet. We're here to pick you up." Mikey helps me up. "Does she need to pack food?" "No, sir. We have a dining room." "You'll have to check on her around the water. She can't swim." "We check our waters daily, and she will not have access to the open ocean." "It's only a week. I'll read the books. Thank you, Mikey." "I'll see you in a week." He gets me in the carriage and I watch out the window. I'm sad Collin didn't come and say bye. But I know he's busy and has lots of stuff going on. At least I got to spend the morning with him. I wake up and watch an island getting closer. I can see unicorns flying around and playing in the middle of it. I can't even take my eyes off of them. They are amazing. A nice lady gives me a tour. She shows me where to get food. They also have a huge craft area. Then she shows me my room. It looks like a little hut. Little being the key word. It doesn't even seem like a bed would fit in it. But I go in and it is so shocking. There's a huge couch and chair. A full kitchen. The bed and bath are massive. I have plenty of room to stretch out and relax. There's even a bookshelf full of books and games. It's nice here. I try to put my dresses in the dresser, but it's already full of clothes. I pull out the tiniest shirt and skirt. I've seen other girls swim in these. I guess the people here just wear them all the time. It makes sense being on an island really. But I won't be swimming. I leave my stuff on top of the dresser. I guess that's fine. Then I have dinner. I'm early but hungry for some reason. I spend the rest of Tuesday and all of Wednesday in the craft area. I make me and Mikey a bowl out of blue green glass stones. They're unique. Then I put unicorn feathers in them and some seashells. I'm not artistic, but I like them. I think I did well. After that, I make jewelry and hair stuff. There really are a lot of crafts. When I get too hot in the sun, I read. It's a boring place, but it's ok. Thursday, I wake up soaking wet. I dreamed about s*x all night. It's horrible. It seems like I peed the bed. I'm all gross. I make my way to the bath and cry my eyes out. I have no idea what to do. I keep refilling the bath when it gets cold. Sometime after lunch I find a bunch of bath products. There's probably 100 of them in a cupboard. Everything from masks to salt. I use all of them. That keeps me entertained for the afternoon. Someone knocks on the door, so I throw a towel around me and open it. A lady smiles. "You're not eating?" I shake my head. "I like the bath." She peeks in. "Throw something on and come eat dinner. We'll restock the bath items." I do want new bath stuff, but then I remember the bed and shake my head. I don't want anyone to see that. "We have to clean the room, and you have to eat." "Fine." She seats me at a little table in the back. There's a big group here taking up almost the whole main area. A woman stands up and gives a speech about her daughter becoming a woman. They all cheer and the girl turns all kinds of red. It makes me think of my mom. I wonder if she would have done anything or came with me. I eat what they put in front of me and go back. The room is all clean now. The bath stuff is all refilled. I got new towels. The bed is made up again. It has different color blankets and sheets. Everything is beautiful again. I grab the blanket off the bed and cuddle up with it in the bath. At least I won't ruin the whole bed again. Friday and Saturday are a replay of Thursday. The bath trick works well though. I only have to wash the blanket and hang it outside to dry. Then I clean the bath out and everything is perfect. I do want Collin. It's hard not to think about him sometimes. But I focus hard on reading or the bath products. I make it through. Then I wake up Sunday dry. I'm so happy. It'll be so nice to sleep in a bed again. I make it to lunch for the first time since Wednesday. Then I take a walk. I find a beach with the biggest seashells on it. Then I find some monkeys. I watch them until dinner. After dinner, they pack all my stuff up and take me home. The servants put my crafts on the shelves and I tell them about the island. Then Collin comes to visit. I give him the biggest hug. "I missed you so much." "I missed you too, baby. I'm sorry I wasn't there to say goodbye." "You had so much going on, Collin. I understand. I was happy I got to spend the morning with you." I jump up. "Oh, I got you a seashell. They were so big." "Thank you baby." I shrug my shoulders. "It's not like they had a gift shop. I thought they were neat." "It means a lot that you thought about me. I love this. I'll put it in my office." I smile and snuggle him. "I couldn't stop thinking about you." He kisses my head and I feel myself falling asleep. Then my brother walks in behind a servant. "How did it go?" "I lived. I have your books. They were very good. Thank you for letting me take them." "You look exhausted, Whisp." "Yea, I'm excited about sleeping in my own bed tonight." "We'll go so you can sleep." Mikey motions Collin to the door. Go get some rest. I'll have breakfast with you tomorrow." "Ok. Good night." I walk into my bedroom and strip. Then face plant my bed. This is the best bed ever. Collin kisses my back. Then pulls me on him. "I love you baby." He's so warm. I shiver and fall right to sleep. I wake him up in the morning by wiggling all over him. "I thought you left last night?" "Yea. Your brother even put guards at the door. I don't think he realizes I'm a magician. I went to my room and came right back. I just wanted to hold you and keep you warm. I knew you were exhausted. I missed you so much baby." "I missed you too." "You still seem weak. Did you eat while you were there?" "I kept forgetting. They would come and get me for dinner." "I'll have lunch with you today. I'll be here at 12:15. We'll find somewhere good." "Ok." I snuggle him and smile. "Did you go back to sleep?" I stretch and whine. "Let's get a shower. You need to get up and eat." He carries me to the bath. He stays with me and helps until the servants tell me Mikey is here. Then he leaves to get himself ready. Mikey eats with me and I give him his stuff. Then I go to my classes.
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