20. Mating Ball

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"That was amazing, babygirl." I giggle and snuggle him. "I love waking up with you." "Me too." We take our time with the shower and breakfast. I love mornings with him. Then we go over the schedule of events. I show him mine and he laughs. "Why do you want to listen to them talk? That'll be boring." "No it won't. Tye is doing his with fire snacks." "You and your fire snacks. Let's take out the talks. There's going to be so much to do, you'll be bored listening to them talk so much." "Ok." I hand him a hair tie. "Do you understand what the social events are?" "Not really. But I like wine." He brushes my hair. "It's an hour when a bunch of people meet somewhere and talk. Strangers. It's not really an event." "I still want the wine." "We'll mark the wine social. Not all of them though. You wanted to do all the animal events?" "Yes." "Which are your favorites? Some of these we can do in other places." "Petting zoo. Aquarium. Zoo. Camel viewing and riding. Horse rides..." "You're reading the list baby. Let's skip the zoo. It's not a real zoo. A real zoo would be better. I'll take you to the zoo later. We can see camels in Egypt anytime. I can take you on a horse ride sometime. Let's aim for the petting zoo, turtle touches, and aquarium." "You'll take me on a real horse?" He kisses my head. "Sure baby. Your hair's done. What places did you want to eat?" "Fire snacks." He laughs and helps me up. We walk to the mating ball holding hands. Then I jump up and down. There are people everywhere. I see a fire spitter person blowing fire right in the middle of the yard. People are standing around watching him. I hear people scream on the roller coaster, even though it's at the back of the campus. Then I look the other way and there is a man on stilts. He's got to be 10 feet tall. There's a lady up the path in front of me, fortune-telling with a crystal ball. Then there's a snake charmer making a snake come out of a basket. There's so much going on. The sounds of happy people are everywhere. I am so excited. I have no idea which way to go. Collin carries me into a building while I point everything out to him. "You have to calm down, baby. Remember, we can't do everything. That's why we have the lists." "What's on your list?" "Hunting, fishing, some food places. The weekend is long. I have plenty of time. I want to spend some time with you." "Yea, I don't think I'd do good hunting and I would get laughed at fishing." He chuckles and kisses my head. "Check out that fish." 3 hours later, we have seen the fish and birds. I petted every turtle and everything in the petting zoo. We eat chinese food for lunch. Then watch a funny play. The wine social is amazing. Johen made the area look like Paris. There's a man playing music and a couple of others painting people. We go to a little restaurant for the social. I get some strawberries and cheese with my wine. It's so perfect. I wish I could have went with my dad once. They serve Nadine's wine. That makes no sense to me. But I guess most people don't even notice. "What's wrong, baby?" "Maybe I'm a little sleepy." "We've done a lot today." "Yea, I'm going to go take a nap." "You want me to come with you?" "No. I can manage a nap. You don't seem tired." He walks me back to my apartment, and gives me a few kisses before he goes back. I know he won't do what he wants as long as he's doing everything I want. I'll be Evie tomorrow, so he can do what he wants. I lay down but I'm not tired. I think I needed to get away from all the people for a minute. I have some dinner delivered. Then I go over to the art shop and sculpt gnomes. I get 18 done before Collin shows up. "Are you having fun building a gnome army?" I laugh. "I can sell something now." "I don't know. Mikey would probably say they're a bar of gold each." "I should get him to buy them." He laughs and walks me home. I'm Evie for Saturday. He gets me ready. I try to wear a short tight dress, and he puts me in a human dress with tennis shoes. Then he pulls my hair back. We almost get to the campus and Thora pulls us apart. "Evie is single. You can't do that. Remember, you have to play the part everywhere this weekend. Collin, you have to help her." "Sorry. I didn't think about it." "It's fine. Let's go kiss boys Evie. You're single." Collin glances at me and I shake my head fast. "Yes. You are single and playing the part. Deal with it. Let's go find boys." She pulls me onto the campus. There's even more going on today and people are everywhere. I run for the fire spitter guy. There are chairs sat up for him, but they're full. I run to the front and sit on the ground. I want to see too. Luke runs and sits beside me. When it's over, he drags me to the next show. We watch a sword man. He twirls swords. Then he puts one all the way in his throat. I don't know how long we sit and watch him. He's amazing. Then we stand up when everyone moves again. Nik comes up to us and opens his mouth. Luke grabs my arm and drags me over to another fire show. We sit back down on the ground in the front. These people are dancing with sticks that are on fire. Occasionally, they blow on the sticks and the fire shoots. Marcus kneels down in front of us. "Dipak is ordering food, and then we're going to eat lunch. Be ready for that." We look around him and nod. A guy blows a big fireball near us and I cover my eyes. Luke cracks up laughing. "What did my dad want?" "Marcus was here?" "I thought he was." He shrugs his shoulders. "Guess not." We go back to watching the show. Then Dipak and Mason show up. "We're going to eat lunch now." I shake my head fast. Luke points. "But the show." Mason throws me over his shoulder. Dipak raises his eyebrows at Luke. "I'll walk." "Thought so." We eat barbeque. Then me and Luke go back to dragging each other all over the yard. Collin and Mario are with us for a while. We watch the shows and ignore everyone. It gets too hot in the sun, so I run over to the petting zoo. I find the baby animals. A tiny baby cow waddles over to the gate. I nearly die. I shake, and I drop to my knees. I reach in and pet him. He's so soft and cute. I pull on the door a little and he squeezes through. He sits on my lap. I pet him and give him snuggles. He stretches and falls asleep. I love him. Then a kitty comes out the gate. I don't even have to touch the gate, it fits through the bars. I pick it up and snuggle it. I lay down on my back and adjust the cow. He stays asleep with his ass on the ground between my legs and his head on my belly. The kitty lies on my chest and falls asleep. I am in snuggle heaven. I must be to snuggled because Tye wakes me up clearing his throat. Him, Zeke, from the mating games, and the zoo owner are standing there staring at me. I try to sit up and take a stretchy foot to my eye. "Woman, you can not sleep with every animal in the barn." The cow is still there. I've got 2 kittens, 1 bunny, and a baby pig sleeping with me. I try to move my head and I have a baby duck in my hair. "The babies can come out through the gate on their own. They must like her." I stretch my toes. "I live here now." "No, you do not. You are not living in a barn." Tye and Zeke start picking them up and pushing them back in the gate. Tye picks up the cow and I cry. "Not the baby moo moo." "How do you say no, when she's so damn adorable?" Zeke pushes the duck back in. "It's my super power." He puts the cow in. "You can not live here." I nod. Marcus comes around the corner. "Why is she crying, Tye?" "He took the baby moo moo." I start sobbing. Tye nods. "She wants to live in the barn now." "No. We're not doing that." Zeke stands me up. "You're alright. Did you eat dinner?" The owner shakes his head. "She's been sleeping for about an hour and a half. Figured I should flag someone down before she slept all night. Although, the animals would probably have liked it." Zeke pulls something out of my hair. "Feather. Let's get you something to eat and you can wake up. Will you have dinner with me?" I put my arms up, and he picks me up. I wrap around him and snuggle. Tye cracks up laughing. Marcus rubs his eyes. "We have talked about personal space. Do you remember?" I wiggle to get down and Zeke squeezes me tighter. Then Elek runs in. "There's a fight over by the pool." Marcus and Tye run out with him. I plop my head down on his shoulder and close my eyes. "Where you want to eat?" He bounces me a little and I stretch. "Fire snacks." "You can't eat dessert for dinner." I nod and giggle. "Let's try this restaurant, and then we'll do the fire for dessert. Will that work?" "Ok." He carries me in, and we get seated. "You are waking up hard, sweetheart." "I had snuggles." "Yea, I saw those baby animals. You seemed comfortable." "I was." I nod and drink some water. We make small talk and order our food. Then another boy comes over. He doesn't seem nice. He puts his hands on the end of our table and smirks. "You know the only reason these ordinary men are in the mate games is to get a castle. Or do a princess." Zeke jumps up. "I know." They stare at me. "I don't have a castle though. And I'm not a princess. I lost the title when the castle fell. I'm not sure why they said I was. I'm not a princess. I'm sure everyone will figure that out soon enough. Then they'll go away. Did you need anything else?" "I just wanted to make sure you knew that." He turns around and walks away. Asshole. I motion a brain over while Zeke tries to relax. "Was that asshole in the mate games?" "Yes ma'am." "Remove him." "Yes ma'am." We eat and I shrug my shoulders. "The way he told me was wrong. He was trying to hurt me and piss you off... Is that what you want?" "No. My soulmate had a family before we met. It was difficult adjusting to that. I figured I would be alone forever. Then I heard about this. I heard the word princess and didn't think I'd have a real chance. But my parents are convinced I'm perfect, and even the Gods would love me." I giggle. "They talked me into joining. I want to get to know you. Never know where you'll find love. I want to show you who I am. Maybe something will grow. Maybe not. But I want to know you. I want to find out." I smile. "Your parents could be right." He laughs. "Never know, I guess." Then there is a big crash at another table. "YOU ARE INCOMPETENT. THIS IS NOT EVEN WHAT I ORDERED. IDIOT." "So sorry, sir. I will put the order in again." "I AM PRINCE ZEGRATH CLARENCE JAMES VORIGIAN THE THIRD. I SHOULD HAVE YOUR HEAD, YOU IMBICILE." The waitress runs off and he storms out. I motion the brain over. "Was that asshole in the mate games?" "Yes ma'am." "Remove him." "Yes ma'am." I smile at Zeke. "At the current rate of reduction, you're going to be the only person left in the games by tomorrow." "I guess that means I win." He smirks. "Don't get too happy, sir. Even if you were the only 1 left, I'm still going to put you through all the challenges." "Why is that?" I wink. "I want to push you down a mountain." He chuckles. "Can I have some skis or something?" "No. You're going to roll to the bottom as an enormous snowball. I have to see that once in my life." "Well, even with skis, I'd probably still do that." I laugh so hard I spit out my water. He watches me and smiles. "So, are you an expert skier?" "No. I've never tried it." I scratch my head. "What the f**k am I going to do on a mountain?" "Oh, you're serious?" I put an eyebrow up and have no idea what to say. I don't think I was supposed to tell him that. "Giving me inside information now." He winks. "I won't say anything. Let's go get some fire snacks." We eat our dessert. Then watch the fireworks from the yard. He's kind. I think I might like him. I wiggle in closer to his side, and he puts his arm around me. Luke sits on the other side of me. "Have you seen Mario or Collin?" "Not since earlier." "Me either. I don't know where they went. I want to go swimming." Zeke looks at him. "The pool is closed. The fireworks end the event for today." "How am I supposed to find them?" Mikey sits by him. "Who you searching for?" "Mario and Collin." "Collin said something about fishing. Mario is chasing some girl around." Angela falls right in front of me. "We've got a new boy in the lead." Nadine sits by Zeke. "Who?" Angela rubs her eyes. "I swear." "MARIO." "Hey man. Where did Collin go?" "Fishing." "Figures. Marcus and Dipak stare at us. Marcus nods. "The kids collected themselves." "The event is done for the night. Go back to the castle now. Stay together so you don't get lost." Dipak motions for brains to go with us. Zeke kisses my cheek and I give him a hug. Then I go back with everyone else.
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