10. Instructor

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I slide under the blanket in the morning. I need it. I make his d**k hard then suck on it. He makes love to me so deep and easy. Then he rubs my back. "I'm going back to school today, baby." "I probably should too." "Marcus took you out of everything except the play until Thursday. You need to rest and eat. Your little body was so weak yesterday. Had everyone worried." "I feel better now." "I can tell." He smirks and kisses my head. "But please, eat and rest today. If you come over to school at noon, I'll have lunch with you." "Can I eat there?" "Yes. You go to the magic school, so you can eat on campus. I'll make sure before I leave." "Like anywhere on campus? There's a taco place there." He chuckles. "Let's get in the shower then we'll figure it out." I jump around and talk about campus food and dance advertisements the whole shower. By the time he pulls my hair back, the brain is handing him my idea of the advertisement. He tweaks it and sends it to the paper. "How do people sign up?" "There's a brain at the desk in the dance studio." "Can I go there?" "Of course, baby. You know that already." I giggle and hug him. "You're the best boyfriend ever." "You're the best girlfriend ever." He kisses my head and picks me up. "Let's eat." We eat breakfast and finish getting ready. Then he talks to the brain about where I can eat. "Where do you normally eat?" "My magic classes get over at noon. So, I come here and eat. I go to another building later for a swimming class." "You are approved for breakfast and lunch on campus daily." "The whole thing?" The brain hands me a paper. "Each location has approved meals, except the coffee shop. Money is required for the coffee shop." "Approved meals?" "The pizza place, baby. You can get a slice of pizza for breakfast or lunch with some fruit and juice. But you can't get a whole pizza." "Do you eat breakfast there?" "No. I eat here or whatever my mom makes." "Let's go eat breakfast there." "We just ate breakfast." I pull him down the hallway. Mikey and Tye watch us walk by. "Where are you going?" "2nd breakfast. He told me to eat more." "Collin, if you get the advertisement for her class submitted by 8, it'll be in the paper today." "I sent it in already." After 2nd breakfast, I take a nap. Then me and Lindsay go over to the dance studio. We wait for people. Anyone. Then at about 10 they flood in. We let the brain do registrations, but we answer questions. Then, at 11, the class is full. I go to the back and find a brain. "Ask Collin if he works on Friday." "He said yes." "Ask him if I can do another class on Friday at 7. Same contract stuff. My Saturday class filled up." "He said yes." "Ok, take reservations for that too." Lindsay comes running back. "Did you get another class?" "Yea Friday at 7." "Someone is already asking about the barrier cream. Am I allowed to sell it?" "Ask Collin if we're allowed to sell the barrier cream now." "He said yes, 25g each, and if you interrupt his class 1 more time, he's coming over here to beat your ass." "Oh sorry. Leave him alone now." I go over and eat lunch with him at the pizza place. "Sorry about the questions this morning. I forgot you were in school." "I know. You're excited. I wouldn't have said that, but the teacher was getting pissed. Everyone else thought it was funny as hell." "It was going so good. I wanted to set another class up quick." "It's alright. Just tell the brain to be quiet. Or write me a note or something. It walked right up to me. 'Whisp wants to know if you're working Friday.' The teacher was in the middle of a sentence." "I'm sorry." "I'm not mad, baby." After lunch, I go back and sit with Lindsay. Collin comes in at 2. "Have you 2 been here all day?" "Yes. Well, we ate lunch. I had a nap this morning. The Friday and Saturday classes are full now." "Good job." "Oh I have an idea. What about a class for castle dances? The dances they do up on the boxes. Girls only, but ages don't matter. 100g a person. Thora will teach it." "When?" "The next weekend. Not this 1." "Yea, fill in a contract with what you want." "Ok." "100g is expensive for castle dances isn't it?" I scratch my head. "It's Thora though. I bet they'll pay 1k a person for a class with her." "Oh that's very true." "Princess would probably pull in 20k a person." "Not many people could afford that. She might get 1. 20 of them at 1k each, would probably be better." "Yea. 20k either way though." "She seemed more interested in the painting classes." "That's true." Lindsay smiles. "You know what we should do is belly dancing lessons like they do in Egypt. We can do them rolling for a couple of hours on Saturday nights. They could get an outfit, hair, makeup, and 20 minutes of instruction for 160g each." "The makeup will cost something too. I'm assuming. And what is the outfit?" I stare at Collin and shake. Lindsay yells, "BRING ME THE FULL DARK BLUE AND GOLD BELLY DANCING OUTFIT. WITH MAKEUP AND HAIR BANDS." "I WANT BLACK AND GOLD." "Now would this be for over 400 too?" "No. It's a sexy dance, sexy outfit, but it's meant to be sexy and art. It's not meant to tease like burlesque." Lindsay nods. "And no clothes come off. We could teach it to older teenagers, but I wouldn't teach it to girls below 350 or something. The clothes are too suggestive." A brain comes in and hands us our stuff. We run the changing rooms. While I'm changing, I hear him talking to someone. But people are still coming in for the weekend classes. I get my hair done and almost get the eye makeup on when I hear Ann yelling. Me and Lindsay laugh. Then we put the masks on and come out in the belly dancing stuff. Collin's eyes go dark. Ann throws the paper she's holding. "WELL, NOW I WANT THAT." "This 1 isn't contracted yet. We're trying." Ann nods. "I vote yes." I prop my hip to the side and make the jingling things go crazy. Ann tries to do it in her regular skirt. Tre and Dipak come in. "What are you doing?" "We're trying to sort out a belly dancing class. He asked about the outfits." Dipak points to a mannequin with it on. "You could have pointed." "So what are you thinking for that?" "I was thinking of doing it the way they do in Egypt. Maybe on festival nights or race nights when there's a lot of people walking around. We could do the outfit, hair, makeup, and a 20-minute rolling lesson for 100g. We would work together for that." "I WOULD PAY 200G FOR THAT OUTFIT RIGHT NOW." Tre nods. "You have 3 minutes to get to play practice girls." Lindsay and I look at each other and crack up laughing. She nods. "I'm sure they'll understand." I laugh harder, and she pulls me through a door. I hear Dipak say, "Probably not." Friday comes so fast. I'm at the dance studio at noon. And I sit there with Lindsay. Collin stops a few times for some kisses. But then he runs home to see Sam before he goes to work. He leaves his hat by accident. So I steal it for my lesson. I put on a bikini under a tank top with a short skirt. Then I put on some high heels. Lindsay gets 1 on under a button-up shirt with a short skirt and she's barefoot. We let our hair down. People start checking in. Lindsay is talking to anyone who will talk back. 1 brain is doing check-in and another is handing out the swimsuits. I sit at the desk and answer questions till it seems they're ready. "Are they checked in and back there?" "Yes." "Alright, play something sexy and fun." I walk back acting sexy. I dance and do some sexy moves and poses. They love it. I get done with the dance and I still have the skirt and shoes on. I got a bikini top on too. Pretty proud of myself. "Hi everyone. My name is Starlet and I am the instructor. There is also a second instructor here. Her name is Lindsay." She waves. "Feel free to ask questions if they come up. You need to be comfortable and relaxed. I dance like this all the time. I'll be in my sitting room sticking my butt out at no one. I enjoy this dance style, and I'm very excited about teaching it. So to do this dance. You need to be in something comfortable and sexy. There's no other rules than that. Be comfortable, feel sexy. Now, normally, if you go out to a show, they would never show n*****s or take off their underwear. But if it's you dancing for your mate, you can bend those rules. Just be aware that there is a general rule about that for shows. Can you explain why we did the swimsuits, I'm going to get everyone some water." Lindsay starts talking about swimsuits and not having boobs fly all over by accident. I go over positions and ideas. I talk about being comfortable. "Now we have some moves learned. It's important to say here, if you feel sexy doing a position, even if it's somewhat weird or awkward, do it in your dance anyway. Your mate will know you feel sexy, and it'll turn him on. That's what's important. Next I want to talk about teasing. You can go home and do those positions in 5 minutes. You'll be done. And yea, he'd be turned on, but burlesque is about teasing. No rushing. I want to make my boyfriend crazy. So it's about mixing the positions in with teasing and stripping. You want that boy drooling. So now, I'm going to let Lindsay take that shirt off. Watch how she teases." The music comes on. "I like doing this 1 too. Once you get the shirt unbuttoned this far, I'm borrowing your boyfriend." I laugh. "Of course." She stands in front of the chair I put Collins' hat on. "Bend over right in front of him and get his face in there. Use the arms of the chair for stability. If he gets too handsy though, put your foot right here between his legs and stand up. It'll stop him, and you can tell him he's naughty and no touching during the dance. Then turn around and go back to the shirt. Make sure you tease those shoulders and let it fall very slowly." "Now my boyfriend wears a hat. So I'm going to put it on my head for the time being. At this point, he's almost seeing boobs. We know he's excited. Turn back around and let the shirt fall. Do some wiggles. Maybe arch your back and bend over for him. While I'm down here, and he's staring at my ass, I'm taking this hat off my head. Now when I turn around, I'm holding the hat in front of my boobs." They laugh. "It's 1 more thing to tease him with. It'll get him going a little more. So don't be afraid to use what's around you. But then I'm going to get closer to him. And he is taking this hat. He is no longer willing to share that with me. He's probably very frustrated that I borrowed it now. You will lose the hat if you try it." Lindsay nods. "I like that hat trick. I've never done that before. Ok, on to underwear. This is going to be the last thing." Lindsay shows them how to tease with underwear, then they practice different moves. We put some music on and watch them. A few get down to bikini's and a few tease with clothes. It's all fun. "I need to point something out. I'm assuming it's because of the people surrounding us, but some of us are rather scared." They chuckle. "When you are with your mate, try to remember facial expressions. Make them sexy. Look that man up and down. Stare at his pants too long. Maybe bite your lip lightly. Bat those eyelashes and give him a come get me look. Try to be mindful of what your face is doing. Keep going. I wanted to point that out. Also, if anyone wants to borrow my boyfriend, he's fine with it." 1 of the girls runs over and bends over in front of the chair. Then she grabs her ass and looks back at it as she flips her hair. "YES." Lindsay jumps up and down. "You made that hat stand straight up, in 1 move." We practice and watch until the brain says it's 9. "I want to thank everyone for coming. You are an amazing group. A lot of talent in here and I'm sure a lot of happy mates. The bikini's are yours to keep. But sadly, we have to end the class here. I hope you enjoyed it and learned some new moves. You're welcome to change in the changing rooms before you go." They thank us as they leave. Then I go over to the pizza place. Collin smiles. "How did it go?" "It was so fun. I even learned new moves." I turn around, bend over, and grab my ass while I wink at him. His eyes go dark. Then I jump up and down. "It's works." He shakes his head. "Come here woman." He pulls me against him and gives me a kiss. "What time do you get out of here?" "11." "That's late. I need some sleep." "I figured you'd be trying to go out tonight." "No. Not with another class tomorrow. I wouldn't want to try that hungover. That wouldn't work for me. It would be bad." He laughs and hugs me. "Have you seen my hat?" "Yea, I used it to hide my boobs during class." "Well, now I really love that hat." I laugh. "It's in the studio. I want to use it for tomorrow too. If you don't mind, or if you have another, I can barrow? That would work." "No. Please, use my hat for boobs. I love that idea." I laugh so hard and snuggle into him. Then I give him a little kiss as a bunch of pizza gets put on the counter. "I need to run those out baby." "Ok." I give him another kiss. "I'm going to the castle. You have a good night." "I will. I love you." "I love you too." I give him 1 more kiss before I go.
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