Chapter 10-1

2009 Words

  I BLINKED MY eyes open and stared at my ceiling in confusion. Why did it look so high? Where was the c***k in the plaster that Dad had been meaning to fix? And why was it so darn bright in here? I shot up in bed with a gasp and stared at the unfamiliar room. Last night came back in a torrent of memories, sending me scrambling from the sheets tangled around me. In my haste, I tumbled off the bed and landed on the floor in an undignified heap. “Ow.” I massaged my elbow as I got to my feet. Spotting my clothes where I’d left them neatly stacked on a chair, I dressed quickly, afraid someone might walk in on me. In the bathroom, I combed my fingers through my messy hair and found a hair tie in my pocket to wrangle it into a ponytail. My mouth tasted disgusting from not brushing last night

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