Chapter 7-2

2038 Words

Finch whistled, and I looked at him. Faeries, he signed. I nodded and sat back in the chair, watching the mysterious faeries leave the building without once revealing their identities. Whoever they were, they knew what they were doing, which ruled out a random break-in. A chill went through me. Why would faeries try to break into our apartment? I wasn’t naïve enough to think my parents didn’t have any enemies among the Fae, considering their line of work, but most of their jobs dealt with lower faeries. Those two who had come here tonight were definitely Court faeries. What had they been looking for? It was too much of a coincidence that I was attacked by elves on the same night two faeries tried to break into my place. Tennin had said the goren dealer was an elf. Could my attackers hav

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